TF2 Weapon Ideas
A place to discuss Team Fortress 2 weapon stats, game mechanics, and come up with ideas for new weapons.
Posts must be related to classes and weapons only: No gamemode ideas or other content that is not related with weapons.
Stay on the realm of tf2: No ideas that would be too overpowered or nigh impossible to implement in tf2.
No NSFW posts: No nsfw posts allowed unless its innuendos for the sake of humor.
No harrasment: Personal attacks are not allowed. Harsh critique is allowed to some extent, but try to keep it as civil as possible. In the same vein, try to not get offended for receiving critique for your ideas.
No low effort memes: Meme posts are allowed but need to be an actual weapon with effort placed on it.
No random weapon generator posts or stealing other people's weapons: low effort ideas are allowed but they must be YOUR idea only.