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You don't know what those verses are teaching. Tell your understanding of those verses.
Human beings are not qualified to pronounce judgment because they are blind to their own sin.
Wrong. You judge others as you will be judged, and judge not by what others will not judge you. William Shakespeare's "Measure For Measure". Judgement is necessary for justice. Jesus wasn't preaching for the banishment of all judgement. Jesus is the final judge. In the Qur'an, he knows the Last Hour, and he will return on the End Of Days to separate the wicked from the righteous. It is equity; egalitarianism in Western culture which was taught generation to generation, Bible and Church to mother to offspring. You don't understand the Bible. The things that Westerners learned from Christianity became the basis of law. Christianity is unescapable, you are brainwashed by it, and don't even know it.
Yeah, well, that's just like, your interpretation, man.
I agree.
Human beings are not qualified to pronounce judgment because they are blind to their own sin.
I didn’t realize John 7:1-2 included John 7:24.
No, what John is saying that Jesus said is that human beings are not qualified to pronounce judgment because they are blind to their own sin.
No, I think my interpretation of the passage is correct.
I literally cited my own citation.
I didn’t cite New Living Translation’s Ezekiel 23:20 either but I can.
She lusted after lovers with genitals as large as a donkey’s and emissions like those of a horse.
My wife.
Checkmate, self-described atheist.
I think we’re done here.
Amazing, not only you know Jesus better than me, but you know my wife too.
I think Ocham's razor applies here.
Raised Christian. You don’t know that book either. It’s a translation from a translation passed down by dudes who wanted to control society.