[-] Cethin@lemmy.zip 3 points 37 minutes ago

The most recent one I watched was Dune part 2. Before that it was Dune part 1. I have almost zero desire to see what's being put in theaters over the last decade or so. It's almost all the same crap.

[-] Cethin@lemmy.zip 1 points 1 hour ago

I was pretty confident this was someone's (hopefully joke) tail butt plug. How is this a really thing?

[-] Cethin@lemmy.zip 1 points 1 hour ago

For your final point, that's not what that means. It's not "observation" that collapses the wave function, at least as you're understanding the word. It's any interaction that requires the information to be known. That includes any particle interactions. It's not consciousness that matters. When we "make a measurement" it's only recording information of an interaction. It doesn't actually matter that we record it, only that there was an interaction. There is zero metaphysical consciousness mumbo-jumbo involved.

[-] Cethin@lemmy.zip 2 points 19 hours ago

Ah, totally misread your comment. I habitually read Z instead of X.

[-] Cethin@lemmy.zip 2 points 22 hours ago

Personally, I think it's most likely that he's composed of many people. It's a bunch of stories which all got attributed as one person, which isn't uncommon. Personally, though I'm far from an expert, I think there wasn't a singular Jesus figure who actually existed, but rather a story of a figure named Jesus that rose from stories about other events.

Like you said, it's almost certain that something was happening around that time. In fact, there are many more Messiahs who were mostly forgotten. I just think it's most likely that people told stories and those stories all merged together into another larger story, which then became the story of Jesus.

[-] Cethin@lemmy.zip 4 points 22 hours ago

After reading that page, I strongly suspect that's not him. It's all based on statistical modeling, and it's been heavily massaged. Even with that, they give it 1/600 odds (on the low end) of it being random chance, which those aren't bad odds.

Apparently the inscriptions are partially illegible, so assuming it's even correct their statistical model is based on the name Mariamne being Mary Magdelene (which is clearly not the name we remember her by) and being Jesus's wife, Maria being the mother, and Jesus having a son, which we didn't know about, named Judah, as well as a few other assumption that really do not feel like they should be making.

Even making a ton of assumptions, the odds are still not particularly convincing. It feels like something that can increase someone's faith if they don't question it, but if you examine it at all reveals how much people are reaching to prove what they already want to believe.

[-] Cethin@lemmy.zip 16 points 22 hours ago

Well, that's the question if you want to believe in Christianity.

It's nearly universally accepted that he is a historical figure, though there is little to no evidence of that. The OP is asking why is that the case with so little evidence. They (presumably) aren't asking for a religious reason, just as an interest in history. If you are Christian and asking this question you are well past the point of no return for your faith

[-] Cethin@lemmy.zip 5 points 1 day ago

More importantly, they'd have to stop the most sacred of Christian traditions: throwing a pigskin around while assaulting each other.

[-] Cethin@lemmy.zip 6 points 1 day ago

My understanding is "neighbor" is mostly a mistranslation. It's really referring to people within your tribe. Don't fuck with people who are in your group basically, in order to keep the peace. Outsiders are fair game.

[-] Cethin@lemmy.zip 3 points 1 day ago

Faking the flavor of something that's faking the flavor of something else. Genius.

[-] Cethin@lemmy.zip 17 points 1 day ago

So a strictly typed language.. I think those already exist.

[-] Cethin@lemmy.zip 8 points 1 day ago

QBitTorrent has a search built in. You have to add scripts for each torrent host, but once you add a bunch it makes it very easy to just search through that and find what you want. Finding a free stream you have to go through a bunch of shady sites trying to find one that works and is half decent quality.

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