
joined 1 year ago
[–] 9 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (3 children)

I'm fully aware of that thanks, I was responding to:

The moment you get actual content creators to move off twitter and provide their content on mastodon, I’m deleting it too.

And saying from the perspective of a content creator, that's an issue that's hard to overlook. So mastodon won't get to that point of having all the content creators if there isn't something to help them share their content. I don't know what the solution would be, maybe a separate feed with an algorithm that people can switch to if they want.

Edit: and the antisocial comments below is why mastodon will never take off with the larger population and therefore never really compete with Twitter, Threads, or BlueSky for content.

[–] 12 points 11 months ago (5 children)

As somebody who produces content (with a full time job so not as often as I like) it's so much harder to get engagement on mastodon without the algorithm tbh. I'm trying to get my name out there but engagement is slim to none compared to say, Instagram. I'm not on Twitter but both BlueSky and Mastodon have been a struggle. I don't see myself devoting too much energy into them as far as posting content goes tbh.

[–] 12 points 1 year ago (2 children)

There is a fediverse version of YouTube already called PeerTube. But people are finding it's incredibly expensive to host video streaming servers and is a large part why it hasn't really taken off.

[–] 13 points 1 year ago

At first I thought this might be an overreaction to be perfectly honest. But I just read through some of the Dev responses in the AMA... what the fuck is the issue with removing exploding heads from join-lemmy??

The other questions on the development itself weren't awesome but wow that comment chain about join-lemmy is something else.

I could overlook the CCP support if they keep it on their instances but funneling people into an instance like that... I'm not sure how to feel about Lemmy either TBH.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Completely agree, I don't know why their messaging is so shit compared to the GOP. They need more Dark Brandon memes but ones that outline their policies like this lol

[–] 6 points 1 year ago (4 children)

This is great to see, the Biden admin has been doing a way better job than I thought they would going into the presidency. Still a long ways off from what I'd ideally want to see but moves like this are always welcome.

[–] 15 points 1 year ago

Yeah, I'm normally bad at remembering names but his stuck out because it was one I don't hear often. I also love Never Ending Story, so that was another bonus for me lol


This evening I was walking my dogs outside and a little kid was out with his mom. He was about eight years old I'd guess. The kid came up and asked me if he could pet my dog and I said sure, then as he's petting the Corgi he looks up at me and asks:

"Are you a boy? Or are you a girl? Because you look li..." Just then his mother cuts him off "Atreyu!!" and pulls his arm. "You don't ask people tha..." and I didn't hear the rest as she pulled him down the sidewalk.

I didn't really have time to give any answer as his completely mortified mom pulled him away. But I just laughed and called out to the mom that it was okay, the look on her face seemed thankful and apologetic. Mainly mortified though. But as an enby who feels euphoria from androgyny, that made my night.

Thanks for the unintended compliment little dude lol

I just wanted to share this funny euphoric moment.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago

I didn't think I'd watch the whole video but wow, the level of incompetence was just unrivaled. Komchatka was captained by Mr. Bean confirmed.

[–] 30 points 1 year ago (2 children)

and he was a fair bit of a regular.

That's the wildest part to me. You'd think if you're into that kind of stuff you'd learn to repair your own equipment that hosts some of the most illegal content one could possess.

[–] 40 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Somewhere I have a picture of it saved, but as a Sys Admin for an office one person had so much dead skin piled on their mouse I gagged. It formed the shape of their fingers on the buttons and the dead skin was, not exaggerating, like 4-5 millimeters thick of caked-on yellow disgustingness. Mind you, we provide new mice for people to use in the office for any reason, they just need to let us know and ask. There was no reason for this other than the person just being a Nurgle initiate or some shit. People are gross.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I was curious if this would get updated with the new charges added. Props for sticking with it, this is currently my favorite saved post lol

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

because I’m a minor or something.

That's a pretty big something tbh, it makes sense that a mod/admin might not want a minor making sexual jokes on their instance. I'm sorry that happened and as much as it sucks for self expression it's something to keep in mind until you're eighteen because it might happen again.


Lunc 🪮


More than 150 years after the Navajo Nation signed treaties with the United States establishing its reservation and recognizing its sovereignty, the country’s largest tribe still struggles to secure the water guaranteed by those agreements.

In a 5-4 decision, the court denied the Navajo Nation’s request that the federal government be forced to act in a timely manner to help the tribe quantify, settle and access its water rights... ... Writing for the majority, Justice Brett Kavanaugh said the tribe’s treaties do not impose “a duty on the United States to take affirmative steps to secure water for the Tribe.”

Link to the PDF going over the 5-4 SCOTUS decision.


When the researchers drafted their report, they included a key suggestion: The DOT should craft federal regulations requiring side guards.

But that recommendation generated intense resistance, both internally, from department officials who challenged their findings, and externally, from trucking industry lobbyists.

... the department supervisor overseeing the project had a very direct message for the researchers. “PLEASE delete any mention of a recommendation to develop … any regulation,” he wrote in an email. “An industry standard is acceptable, but no mention of ‘regulation.’”

The industry objections resulted in a remarkable concession from the department: It allowed trucking company lobbyists to review the researchers’ preliminary report and provide comments on it.

By the time of its release in 2020, the report had been dramatically rewritten, stripped of its key conclusions — including the need to federally mandate side guards — and cut down by nearly 70 pages.


A fun read about a prominent medieval woman that you've probably never heard of:

Cynethryth rose to prominence as Offa’s queen with the birth of their son and heir, but her life and influence outlived both these men. As part of a royal family whose legitimacy was stressed in religious terms, Cynethryth was able to enjoy an exalted status that also had practical applications - she was an important landholder, possibly with her own income, who retired as an abbess with a position of great authority. Despite her remarkable career, at the centre of a period of Mercian political dominance, there has not yet been a substantial historical study on Cynethryth’s life, which leads me to conclude that she is one of the most important ‘forgotten’ queens of the early medieval period.

I thought it might be good to label the subject matter of the humanities/culture post in the title? Let me know what you think.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

So I've been wanting to find a good place to have a blog, and was wondering what others used or preferred.

Just to get this out of the way: Yes, I know most of you are technically savvy and I know I can host my own server and run a wordpress site or something like that. But quite frankly I do IT all day five days a week during my day job and have zero desire to set anything up like that in my free time. Lazy? You betcha.

Anywho, I have a Weebly site right now and it's, eh. I tried that one since it integrates with Square so I could easily add a shop page down the line for free. But I think I found another shop solution I'm going with so that benefit is moot and I don't have a good reason to stick with Weebly.

I'm experimenting with Tumblr but I think it's the UI maybe, but I just kind of hate Tumblr, like as a website? Not the users, they seem fine but wow I hate that site (I mainly use desktop).

What free and/or cheap tools or sites would you recommend for running a blog? Or maybe something that's not cheap but you think is super great, since somebody else might see this post and be willing to spend more money than me on another tool.


For anybody that might not have heard, Harvard University launched Intro to Programming with Python last year, which is a free 9-week course for complete beginners and includes a free certificate of completion at the end.

It's taught by the same professor who teaches Harvard's Intro to CS, the university's most-popular on-campus course.

The course is very hands-on with weekly problem sets and a final project that you complete through an in-browser code editor.

You can also take the course via edX but there, the certificate costs $199. If you take it through Harvard OpenCourseWare, the course is exactly the same but the certificate is entirely free.


An awesome post with tons of super informative threads that I thought this community could get a lot of value from. I would hate for this info to be lost so I made sure to archive it and share it here in the Fediverse, enjoy! 😄

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