[-] Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip 1 points 19 hours ago* (last edited 19 hours ago)

its less about the subsidies and more that budget buyers in the U.S in particular are very picky buyers.

while the federal/state EV tax credits, you can get vehicles like the Chevy Bolt for 20-22k. regardless the car still isnt that popular (meaning theres something specific about the car that buyers dont want).

for those buying used cars, theres not mamy reasons why someone would buy a say new 18k-20k EV that had many cuts in design vs an older premium EV. Used 2016 Model S for example can be found near 16k. its a new cheap car vs used premium car debate

this places a burden any any auto maker trying to make a budget car, because in order for it to sell well, they need to have razor thin margins, and sell a lot. failure to do so would spell the end of your compamy due to how many you produced.

[-] Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip 1 points 19 hours ago

for some of the vehicles its due to car saftey regulations, so modifications are needed to legally be sold in some regions. the regulations on vehicles in china are less strict than some other countries.

[-] Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip 6 points 20 hours ago

you can theoretically attach it to anything that has an outward API useable by developers. for an ultra basic example, it likely wouldnt be hard to tie it to a controller rumble API

[-] Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip 2 points 1 day ago

usually with stories of regenerating parts, the hard requirement is whatever is attached to the head regenerates. For example, Namakien body regeneration in the Dragon Ball universe follows that logic.

[-] Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip 2 points 2 days ago

i mean if you want chaos, program in whitespace

[-] Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip 14 points 2 days ago

while not movie media, the same can be said with games. BG3 is blatently woke, hell the emperor blatently hits on the player regardless of gender and other elements. Elden Rings mythos is basically full of woke elements (Marika creating Radagon, who is basically herself, but in Male form to get into a romance with Renalla. just on this element alone, it is either considered trans (Marika having a clone who changed genders) or lesbian (if you choose to believe Marika is always female and trans not being a thing) as the relationship with renalla happened.)

while there will be people who will complain about it, if the contents good, people will overlook it.

[-] Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip 7 points 3 days ago

wait till you visit(or revisit) South Koreas attempt to normalize 69 hour work weeks

[-] Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip 26 points 6 days ago

in places outside of the US, a lot of countries have a multipurpose chat/social media app they tend to use. If you are aware of what Whatsapp is, Line is similar, but has a more east asian audience to it.

[-] Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip 5 points 6 days ago

faster ram generally has dimishing returns on sustem use, however it does matter for gpu compute reasons on igpu (e. g gaming, and ML/AI would make use of the increased memory bandwith).

its not easily to simply just push a wider bus because memory bus size more or less affects design complexity, thus cost. its cheaper to push memory clocks than design a die with a wider bus.

[-] Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip 4 points 6 days ago

it really depends on how much you trust amazon on what it records as alexa is an always on(in terms of microphone) device.

[-] Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip 127 points 4 months ago

the funniest shit about the paperowrk is that nintendo indirectly says nintendo is doing illegal work because they claim a video game emulator is a piece of software that allows users to unlawfully play pirated video games that were published for a specific console on a general purpose device.

they either have to say NSO/Nes/Snes classic are not emulation, or admit their definition of emulators is not the universally accepted definition of it, else Nintendo just Claimed Nintendo is serving up and charging for an unlawful service that is NSO.

[-] Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip 214 points 6 months ago

theres a generation of kids who don't understand basic directories because of the mobile market and never actually used a pc in a regular usecase.

put in perspective, there are those who are more proficient on a touchscreen keyboard more than an actual keyboard.

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