[-] Dyskolos@lemmy.zip 1 points 1 day ago

Hehe, i have an awesome solution for that. I simply block everyone except wifey and friends. The rest of the world doesn't need to reach me. I call back when i want to, or simply don't 😁

Just because i CAN be reached mobile doesn't mean i have to. Wasn't before Smartphones and won't be with..

But yes, the call-screening is cool. If you disregard privacy and the percentage of non tech-savy people who are totally overwhelmed by that.

[-] Dyskolos@lemmy.zip 2 points 2 days ago

Totally. First thing i check is "can i debloat and root this piece of shit which is technically awesome but ruined software-side". Which i most likely can't as the hurdles became more and more annoying each year up to the point where i gave up and went google.

If they'd do the same with PCs, noone would buy that shit. Unless it's a crapple...

[-] Dyskolos@lemmy.zip 2 points 2 days ago

Those looked nice, yes.... But hard to get here and technically not that interesting to me, last time i checked. But we need more alternatives than just fairphone.

I hate the smartphone-market and what samsung and crapple made out of it.

[-] Dyskolos@lemmy.zip 168 points 2 days ago

Hate it like you want, but the effing pixels are still the best phones. Not by os, not by spec, but simply by being the most open android of them all. The easiest to de-google. Sounds stupid, but is not.

I hate google with all my heart (since they dropped their slogan "don't be evil" and went... Well.... Evil). But i will buy their fucking phones until a viable alternative comes along.

[-] Dyskolos@lemmy.zip 1 points 3 days ago

Dearth of excitement? I sometimes wish for a bit less excitement :-) But the day only has 24h and there are so many hobbies to pursue....

[-] Dyskolos@lemmy.zip -1 points 3 days ago

It's literally in the term. But yeah sure, it's easier to just smack the same label on everything. Whatever makes you happy.

[-] Dyskolos@lemmy.zip 3 points 3 days ago

Spent the week doing tours with wifey, gaming like a maniac, catching up on some documentaries, and being glad for not having to worry about kids or pets or anything else 😊

[-] Dyskolos@lemmy.zip 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Málaga... The one and only. Totally went outta "fashion" but it's still a bliss

[-] Dyskolos@lemmy.zip 3 points 3 days ago

I never understood people instantly behaving differently the second they smell money in a person. It gets uglier the more they smell. Noone with money will ever deal with them. Never ever.

It's epitome is this cult-like following or even worshipping of silly ass-clowns like musk.

I tried to look as poor as possible when i last dated. Golddiggers quickly leave then. I don't get the followers and i even less get the rich fucks boasting around so they can never trust anyone ever anymore. Great tactics 😁

[-] Dyskolos@lemmy.zip 1 points 4 days ago

If that's what you enjoy doing, then sure, it's fine :) Coding is fun, i do it as a hobby too. Probably not on your level though. But you're most likely not the absolute average working-joe.

And yes, retire as soon as you comfortably can. Did in my early 20s, would never go back. Tried once or twice for some months working, just because it sounded like a nice gig. Got bored quickly, left before I even learned some names. That was 3 decades ago or so :) Even if you love the job, traveling is probably better. And doing what you love for yourself and not for the benefit of others is even better too.

[-] Dyskolos@lemmy.zip 4 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Who cares for the cash, the lost time hurts most. Jobs suck ass, even if they're mildly interesting. Could've pursued 5 hobbies instead of sitting in a stupid office doing stupid things for other people

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by Dyskolos@lemmy.zip to c/sysadmin@lemmy.world


It was my router which set STP on by default. Switching it off (in smaller networks) or using RSTP made the delays go away.



For a long time I've got this horribly annoying problem: Upon bootup, ANY domain-machine that is using LAN (no probs with wireless) has an idle-time with "there's no network!" of about 1-2mins until they discovered the network. BUT only windows-machines. Linux boxes get net instantly. Also on LAN.

Setup: 2 Domaincontrollers, Server2019. Both are DNS, one is DHCP and NPS for WIFI. All machines have fixed IPs, the DHCP is just for wireless clients.

I have tried everything I could think of, like NIC-Drivers, OpenDHCP, temporarily changed the switch from a managed one to a dumb one, changed the NIC in the server, let only one DC be alive at a time, rejoined the domain, the usual sfc/dism-approach and whatnot.

I asked once on reddit, but everyone just told me "that's DHCP!", yet it's (seemingly at least) not. All have fixed IPs, but using dhcp doesn't change a thing.

So I'm clueless again, hoping for some nerd that's nerdier than me to have an idea :)

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by Dyskolos@lemmy.zip to c/music@beehaw.org

As the title says....which song still haunts you emotionally? And why? A (freely accessible) link might greatly bring your point across.

Mine would be: (Typhoon - "Empiricist") https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9E328pIZWFM

The lyrics go deep and it just touches me. No otherwise special attachment.

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joined 9 months ago