[-] Hathaway@lemmy.zip 2 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Big jerm was awesome to talk to in person! He gave the story behind his nickname “lionheart” and I picked up one of his 3D printed Mini’s

Then the super talented “Matt Sime” was also there with all his resin based mini’s. Had to grab one of those. Happened to find one that he had made from wood from the course we were on. So that’s awesome!

submitted 6 days ago by Hathaway@lemmy.zip to c/disc_golf@lemmy.zip
[-] Hathaway@lemmy.zip 2 points 6 days ago

That’s awesome! If you like the buzzz, and you’re building MVP(mainly) I am going to throw out a streamline neutron echo! I know, not technically MVP. Though, I should warn, it also flies more like a buzzz SS, but I love them. Found them fairly recently. Plastic is amazing.

submitted 6 days ago by Hathaway@lemmy.zip to c/disc_golf@lemmy.zip
[-] Hathaway@lemmy.zip 23 points 1 week ago

So, I work in a gun store(part time), if you think bump stocks are unethical, look up(or don’t) a binary trigger. Those, as far as I know, have never been banned, and are far more effective when it comes to trying to attempt to increase fire rate.

To be honest, a lot of gun legislation is really ineffective. The amount of loopholes etc, are kinda insane. If we’re going to talk about gun legislation, it needs to be a helluva lot more than a part ban on “assault style” firearms, until then, it’s just pandering for votes imo.

(Please don’t assume I am a crazy arsenal wielding person. I actually don’t own any firearms at this moment despite my part time occupation.)

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by Hathaway@lemmy.zip to c/disc_golf@lemmy.zip

My favorite disc in my bag currently is the MVP Wave. 11 speed driver. Had a neutron one that got a bit flippy for me as my arm speed got faster, ordered a glow one. Money. I’ll probably get a backup!

submitted 2 weeks ago by Hathaway@lemmy.zip to c/disc_golf@lemmy.zip
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by Hathaway@lemmy.zip to c/disc_golf@lemmy.zip

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ca/post/21228186

Hi! I dye disc golf discs, finished product for a recent customer!

submitted 2 weeks ago by Hathaway@lemmy.zip to c/disc_golf@lemmy.zip
submitted 2 weeks ago by Hathaway@lemmy.zip to c/disc_golf@lemmy.zip

If you’re new to disc golf, one of the first things you’re going to ask is “how do I throw this thing?” Well, personally, I found that there was a ton of information out there, and a lot of it was fairly technical and all over the place. In my opinion, if you want to learn, stick to one coach that you like and don’t dilute too much. Here is my favorite “coach” in a video that teaches you all you really need to know in about 20 minutes.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by Hathaway@lemmy.zip to c/gaming@beehaw.org

This overhaul is the beginning steps of revamping the tutorials, and, hopefully, being much more beginner friendly. If you like space sims, this is one of the best times to give X4 a shot!

I would argue, a lot of the systems don’t take a TON to learn, but, they take a TON of time to get to some of them. It’s definitely not a “sit and play for 20 minutes” game.

Along with the tutorial upgrades comes some much needed graphical overhauls as well. Great game, great community, and lastly a small, fantastic dev team that’s been supporting the game for years.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by Hathaway@lemmy.zip to c/cats@sh.itjust.works

Been her favorite spot since she was a kitten. For a while I thought she’d outgrow it, nope.

[-] Hathaway@lemmy.zip 30 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Your account is 15 days old.

[-] Hathaway@lemmy.zip 21 points 4 months ago

A 6 month PIP for A NAME?!? Yes, we’re going to improve your naming conventions over the next 6 months. You better improve! Obviously it’s so a manager could tell another manager that “it won’t happen again.” But, fuck that.

[-] Hathaway@lemmy.zip 22 points 4 months ago

“Might not be a good year for games.” Idk, we’ve already had the surprise with palworld, which, while it didn’t really grab me, was a breath of fresh air for people. Helldivers slaps. I think the key is not to buy into hype, and play actually good games. People like to say 23 was a bad year too, but, I’d argue that stinkers like gollum just got more coverage and were on top of people’s minds. Not to excuse it at all, but, I played a lot of really good games last year.

[-] Hathaway@lemmy.zip 26 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

It’s a good video. He also brings up the internet historian and another vlogger I’m not familiar with. Internet historian surprised me.

It’s rather blatant. Then rather than face the music, these people go to great lengths to deceive people about it. I think it would help their reputation at this point if they came out, accepted, then never plagiarize again. But, who knows. Some of them have entire careers on it.

Also, illuminaughtii just chased trends till something caught on. I thought her content was good until it came out that she stole most/all her content either from other people, or, from her own writers lol she’s known for being a piece of shit and not paying her staff as well, so I’m not entirely surprised she doesn’t have good staff pointing out the obvious plagiarism.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by Hathaway@lemmy.zip to c/cat@lemmy.world

So, last night, my neutered, 5 year old boy cat just started howling and acting weird. I have 0 idea why. Other than, maybe he saw/smelled another cat last night that set him off? Idk. Has anyone else had this kind of a problem? Should I take him to a vet? He doesn’t seem to have a problem with me touching him anywhere but he’s definitely on edge and being weird/howling. He’s never done anything like this before. Thoughts?

Edit: I have taken him to a vet. We’ll see. Thanks everyone.

Edit 2: urinary blockage. Removing that and getting X-rays. Thanks everyone. Going to be an expensive visit I think.

[-] Hathaway@lemmy.zip 38 points 10 months ago

Ope I see we have different tastes lmao

[-] Hathaway@lemmy.zip 26 points 10 months ago

That’s a cool logo. I wonder who designs them

[-] Hathaway@lemmy.zip 19 points 10 months ago

Ah yes, we should definitely believe Russian reports of how rich Russians are. Damn, I’ve seen a lot of articles like this recently. It must be really ugly for Russia if they’re trying to convince us it’s bad for us when we’re not at war lmfaooooo

[-] Hathaway@lemmy.zip 46 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I could be wrong, but, that feels like a weak position to run on. I’m not sure I want the government worrying about the unexpected fee at the hotel I cannot afford to go to.

Isn’t there a way to spend the money you’re going to spend on that to spend it on like food availability, or affordable housing, or education..?

Idk. Seems like a waste of resources but, I suppose they probably have a massive team figuring out what the country is worried about. Just seems like a weird thing to underline, it feels like a back burner issue.

[-] Hathaway@lemmy.zip 25 points 11 months ago

Pug Jesus, I just want to say, thank you for all of the content. Especially over at NCD. The majority of posts I see, come from you. Thanks for sharing to all the relevant places.

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