I didn't take this picture.
Why does it ~~incorrectly~~ say limit in the headlines then correctly say minimum in the first sentence.
Don't know where the 5 went :/ It should have been there.
Just FYI this hasn't happened for at least several billion years so it's not likely to happen in the next 100.
Edit: Why the downvotes lol
Doubling the federal minimum wage would be $14.50 not $15
Technically that's the same thing. Both are signatures with a private key.
I think your keyboard is broken
I thought it was a continent wide thing. Neat.
{"data":{"error":"Imgur is temporarily over capacity. Please try again later."},"success":false,"status":403}
Because it's more profitable.
Drive-throughs are super profitable for fast-food joints. A lot of then actually don't serve customers not in a car because it affects this model so much.
There is on most apps