I'll pass on the wine but I'm down for everything else.
Pad Thai with macaroni sounds legit (unless you are gluten intolerant).
Curry Pizza has lowkey been a thing for years already. In Sweden they'll also put bananas on it and it's basically a national dish.
I've also had burritos filled with tikka masala and chickpea curry instead of meat, rice and beans.
I like dandelions. I'd let them grow even without the additional benefits just because they're pretty. And also fun for kids when the seeds mature and you can pluck them and blow them into the wind.
Now that would make it a proper crime.
I agree that it's probably less of an offense against nutrition and more against tradition.
You must not have met HOAs.
Does that make sense?
Yes, that does make sense. And no, it is not my intention to continually pathologize autism as a defect. If LLMs are useful despite their obvious deficiencies, why wouldn't autistic people be? It's kind of sad yet ironic that NT society, after mostly abandoning and/or abusing autistic people has now decided to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to create what could be considered a simulation of autistic intelligence, when they could have spent that money on autism research and finding better ways to integrate these people into society.
There IS in fact a very good case to be made that it's NT people who are defective, or at least deficient in ways that NA people are not, and that both could benefit from a better integration. At the risk of opening yet another potentially contentious topic, I've heard it being speculated that NA people are often of the priest or shaman archetype, i.e. the reason they have a hard time fitting into normal society is that they were meant to become religious mystics instead of ordinary workers, but in its relentless pursuit of profit, society has cast them aside instead of integrating them, and is now paying the price by becoming increasingly greedy, hostile, and directionless. This would certainly fit with your idea that it is a kind of adaptation that comes with both a blessing and a curse.
I hope that I'm not triggering another trauma-based response here, because Christianity seems to upset a lot of people on this site, but consider by way of example, the story of Moses and the Israelites in the desert: clearly Moses is neuro-atypical when compared to the rest of the Israelites, because he can speak to God directly, while the rest of them cannot. All they are concerned with is having enough food and water, and they don't care where it comes from – so much so, they even long to return to their days of slavery because at least they had something to eat back then. They clearly can't see the bigger picture, they have no awareness of the dangers that slavery puts them in, and they can hardly imagine the benefits of a life lived in freedom instead of servitude.
I'm not trying to convert you here, but I have indeed found great solace and healing in studying religion and mysticism as a sort of counterweight to the heavy burden of having had to earn my way in life by trying to be commercially productive for eight hours a day. I also find that when I do so without concerning myself with the dogmata of any existing church, the mysteries seem to open up in ways that I could not see before. Of course, this sort of endeavor is highly dangerous to TPTB, so it tends to cause massive anxiety, but I'm at a point in my life where that seems preferable to anger, depression and resignation.
(Looks like I hit the character limit for responses, continuing here from the previous comment)
Perhaps it's a bit like asking someone to coffee after smashing a brick through their window, but I hope I have demonstrated enough sincerity so far as to not be credibly accused of being a troll.
Have you been using text to speech? None of this on my side at least involves tongues or speaking. Yes I know it's a turn of phrase, but it's a bad one. With a text forum you can reread, edit, think about what you are saying much more easily than real life speech. I legitimately don't think they are comparable in behavioral or social terms, and there are social phenomenon that happen online or in writing that don't in other areas of life.
That's an interesting thought, but no, I have not, and I did indeed just use the term metaphorically. Yes, I am aware that this isn't realtime communication and I can in fact take the time to try and edit each comment to complete perfection, but I find that more often than not, when doing so, I end up spending too much time getting lost in the weeds and ultimately never sending it because there's always more to say or a better way to say it.
At some point, you either have to decide that what you have is good enough (and be prepared to deal with the consequences in case it wasn't), or you'll end up with analysis paralysis. I have a lot of experience with the latter, so I'm simply choosing the former more often because that gives me the opportunity to practice a skill that needs improving.
You also haven't just said one offensive thing, when pressed you kept saying offensive things. It's also not just that they are offensive either, it's that they seem to be based on misinformation and you haven't given any evidence for them either.
Again, I apologize for that, but reactive behavior can be difficult to control, as I'm sure you are aware of. Unfortunately I cannot promise to never say anything offensive without shutting down completely, the best I can do is try to work twice as hard on demonstrating earnesty and goodwill.
Also abuse you? Calling someone a bigot isn't abuse. Pushing you down the stairs would be abuse. Calling you racial slurs would be abuse. Psychological manipulation would be abuse. I am not trying to do any of those here. If anything you are unintentionally abusing me.
If making a comparison between autism and AI is abuse in your book, I don't see how calling someone a bigot isn't. I may have unintentionally said something bigoted, but that doesn't mean that bigotry is all there is to me. It's dehumanizing in the same way, especially since I immediately offered a correction and an apology.
If you want to take this to DMs that's fine by me. While I don't necessarily respect this forum (I mean it's titled "Fuck AI" for goodness sake), I do understand not wanting to waste other people's time and that this conversation is probably no longer relevant to this forum.
Let's keep it public for now, for the sake of accountability. Also, while I agree that the chance is small that anyone else here is actually interested in following this discourse, it's certainly not zero. It used to be one of my favorite things about the Internet when I was younger to stumble on interesting rabbit holes like this one, and I have some fond memories of reading long essays, blog posts, or discourses about topics that I only had a superficial interest in, but that ended up completely changing my perspective on things, and I hope to achieve something similar here.
Ah, now I get it. We aren't actually working from the same framework. By reasoning from first principles I take it you mean rationality/logic?
Yes, precisely.
The problem with that is that mathematics, logic, reasoning, and so on can't actually prove anything. If we used logic we can determine that no evidence can be definite as things like dreams, hallucinations, illusions and so on exist. The only conclusion you can really reach is that perhaps everything is made up, and you can't be certain anything is real in other words solipsism. That's where "first principles" come in I guess.
Ah yes, the old Cartesian demon who holds your consciousness imprisoned in a dream world making you question whether or not you exist at all. That's actually a very good, if not the perfect example of what I mean. I'm not sure how familiar you are with Descartes' Meditations, but outside the well-known realization of "I think, therefore I am", the method by which he defeats said demon is actually precisely the sort of thing I'm proposing.
To be more practical, what I was trying get at is basically the difference between having and being. Anything you have is likely to be temporary. Anything you are is likely to be constant. So you might ask yourself, are you autistic or do you have a condition called autism? If you can see the difference in perspective each statement offers, then you'll understand what I was on about.
You see, language is in fact even more basic a tool than reason and logic, because language is how we organize our perception of the world. Reason and logic simply arise out of language because language must have a certain structure in order to be meaningful at all and not just a random collection of words. LLMs clearly have the ability to learn that structure in a way that allows them to produce perfectly understandable sentences in any human language we choose to train them on, but they cannot really produce any good answers for questions that they haven't been specifically trained on.
Yes, they might still effectively hallucinate an answer anyways, and it might even sound correct, but unless you call them out on it when they start making stuff up, they won't even notice it happening. Clearly, they cannot actually reason through their own arguments, they simply produce something that imitates the human reasoning process well enough to pass muster approx. 90% of the time or so.
By first principles I assume you mean assumptions, as you won't get anywhere with logic without some kind of assumption. Since I don't know what your first principles are I am not going to be able to follow your reasoning, as if I would probably be starting with a different set of assumptions about the world.
As I tried pointing out above, a language model doesn't actually reason very well, it just imitates what humans do because it operates on prior knowledge acquired by its training. Meanwhile, humans have the ability, as Descartes' Meditations show, to throw away ALL of their prior assumptions about the world and start over from scratch, so to say, using only as much of their prior knowledge (i.e. the tools of language, logic, and reason) as strictly necessary, and in doing so, might reach new conclusions about the world that were previously inaccessible. Meanwhile an LLM will just make a wild-ass guess that seems to make sense, but often doesn't.
Generally though I don't believe logic/reasoning is a good tool for understanding people and things related to people like politics. It's good for bounded contexts with a well known state or rules like computers, or physical phenomenon. Depending on your worldview humans are either too badly known and too complex for another human to perform logic on them, or are simply not logical to begin with. Since it's not an effective strategy it's not something I am interested in using on people. I suspect a lot of disagreements where people are screaming at each other that the other isn't being logical come from having different assumptions rather than one being illogical.
Humans CAN be wildly illogical, that's true, but you can choose not to interact with such people (at least on the Internet, IRL it can of course sometimes be more difficult to do). Just like Descartes tests his demon, you can administer tests to them to see if they're willing to agree on some sort of shared ground rules for having a discussion that may be of mutual benefit, like we did in the previous comments and are continuing to do right now.
Again, a language model doesn't do that, it operates based on the rules it learned from its training corpus, and those are fairly fixed until you do another round of training that incorporates new information. Autism appears to be somewhat similar in that regard, in the sense that prior knowledge about how the world works (i.e. past exerience) is overweighted in comparison to what's actually happening (i.e. current experience).
Okay now you are saying thing with at least some degree of scientific evidence. The evidence for everything else you have said up until now has been pretty much "I made it the fuck up". I mean to be fair psychology isn't a real science and diagnostic categories are largely based on intuition rather than neurobiological evidence, so you aren't that far off.
I'm not sure if it's worth getting lost in the weeds of debating whether psychology is a real science or not, so I'm going to suggest we don't pursue that train of thought at the moment.
The LLMs I have worked with have been much more demure, they fairly easily admit they made a mistake (and can probably be coerced into doing so even if they actually haven't), and are willing to reason about political positions very different from their own liberal bias. Pretty much the opposite of stubbornness and debate bros. By being stubborn I am if anything behaving less like an LLM, as LLMs haven't been stubborn in my experience. Maybe you have had a different experience, if so I would like to here it.
To be fair, anything either of us has to say on this matter would likely fall under the category of circumstantial evidence. I for one certainly haven't done anything that could be considered scientific in this regard, and I am merely operating based on my memory of conversation I have either personally had, or have seen posted somewhere on the Internet.
Also the restricted and repetitive behavior thing is about special interests/hyperfixation. It's not actually applicable here as far as I know.
See my reasoning above for why I believe it DOES actually apply. I could be wrong, of course, but that's why I tried to explain how I arrived at this conclusion.
I don't think you have a modern understanding of neurodiversity or of neurotypes. A lot things that were once thought to be limitations of autistic people weren't limitations of autistic people at all.
I will freely admit that I haven't spent a huge amount of time familiarizing myself with the latest research on this, and I'm likely approaching it from a very different angle than you are, which might explain some of our difficulties communicating about this subject.
For example it was thought we lacked empathy by some psychologists (and still is) even though now we know of the double empathy problem. It's a incompatibility/communication issue, not an ability one. I would suggest you do some reading, then you might understand what I am getting at. It's also understood there are some limitations neurotypical people have that autistic people do not.
That's very interesting, and seems to validate my intuitive belief that autism is a condition that makes certain types of cognition more difficult, but not entirely impossible. Which means that with the right meds and/or mental effort, it may be possible to overcome it or at least greatly reduce the severity of its sypmptoms.
There was actually an interesting study done which showed that NT people don't behave morally when they aren't being watched, unlike autistic people who behave the same regardless of if they are being watched or not. The thing you said about most people behaving like NPCs is potentially one of those limitations of neurotypicals I am talking about here.
I have some interesting thoughts about that one, but it would require a rather lengthy explanation on where I'm coming from, so perhaps I'm going to save them for another time.
It's a shame you haven't been evaluated if that's something you wished for. Do you mind telling me what symptoms you think you might have? I understand if that's not something you want to discuss publicly or with me in particularly.
I'm pretty sure I have had all the symptoms I mentioned from the Wikipedia page at one time or another, and I continue to struggle with them from time to time. I also find it hard to make friends because most people seem to find my way of communicating exceedingly difficult, while I have had great difficulties with their tendency to make smalltalk.
That said, not sure what a diagnosis would do for me now, unless I was trying to get on disability benefits, perhaps. While it might have helped make my life a bit easier in the past, I'm somewhat concerned getting diagnosed now would just turn into an easy excuse for not making an effort.
There is also a tactic where people ask if someone needs help in a disingenuous way as a form of ad-hominem attack. Essentially calling some crazy while trying to make it sound like they are legitimately concerned. I don't think you are doing this, at least not intentionally, but I hope you understand that this could be read this way.
I'm certainly familiar with this tactic, but I don't think it HAS to necessarily be used nefariously, as it could just serve as a conversation starter. Perhaps it's a bit like asking someone to coffee after smashing a brick through their window, but I hope I have demonstrated enough sincerity so far as to not be credibl
There used to be a lot of problems with that back in December/January after the 0.19 release was being rolled out, but they managed to fix them eventually and I haven't really had any issues for the past three months or so. Has your instance recently upgraded their software perhaps?
In the sense that Doom more or less invented the genre (unless you count the original Wolfenstein, I guess).
Still kind of an awful headline. While GZDoom technically IS based on "Doom tech" because it's derived from the OG Doom source code that was released to the public, it's still vastly more powerful than the original engine, with GPU support, beefed up lighting effects, and many of the limitations of the original engine either vastly increased or removed entirely.
I'm sure there must be some based HOAs out there that encourage this sort of thing instead of forbidding it. You just have to not live in Normieville.