[-] SuperSaiyanSwag@lemmy.zip 1 points 3 hours ago

I disagree with this sentiment because many major games ship without some basic features in consoles too.

[-] SuperSaiyanSwag@lemmy.zip 10 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

You’re not paying attention to any news if you think this type of thing is only happening in one school district. There has been big surge in the last year

[-] SuperSaiyanSwag@lemmy.zip 1 points 3 days ago

The title is kinda clickbait-y, 64gb steamdeck is cheaper than oled switch and that’s about it. Standard switch is still cheaper and oled switch is cheaper than other models.

[-] SuperSaiyanSwag@lemmy.zip 9 points 3 days ago

I was kinda uncomfortable with his interactions with Chris. Chris was my favorite in the show and even his meanness towards Jerry was off-putting.

[-] SuperSaiyanSwag@lemmy.zip 25 points 3 days ago

And they get dumber and dumber by every season


I don’t mean that the joke just isn’t funny, I want to know a joke that almost makes you want to fast-forward through the scene.

[-] SuperSaiyanSwag@lemmy.zip 3 points 5 days ago

I like remakes, in a lot of instances it’s the games I have already played, but it has been a while. Mass effect 1, Resident Evil 2-4, Demon’s Soul. Also, so many of these companies put so much money and time into new games that it’s a nice little bonus to get a remake in between those huge releases.

[-] SuperSaiyanSwag@lemmy.zip 76 points 1 month ago

This feature doesn’t affect me personally, but it is still very scummy to add it after launch. Long after refund window is out of the question.

submitted 2 months ago by SuperSaiyanSwag@lemmy.zip to c/gaming@lemmy.ml

Hi everyone,

I am holding a fun little tournament locally and letting the community vote for game in each category. So far we did 3d fighter, platformer fighters and traditional 2d fighter. For the next category I’m thinking about doing wrestling style games and so far I can only think of Fire Pro Wrestling, Gang Beasts and WWE 2k. I can use some more suggestions here. The game should be playable on PS5, Xbox series or switch. I also have an Nvidia shield pro, I have never played anything on it, but I’m willing to try some emulation options if needed.

Thank you in advance!

dog (lemmy.zip)
submitted 3 months ago by SuperSaiyanSwag@lemmy.zip to c/memes@lemmy.ml

I had this shower thought earlier and I actually wanted to post it in that community. The name I came up with was SmartWalkman, but later I realized that Walkman is Sony specific, so I doubt other companies would’ve gone for that name, but I didn’t want to let this shower thought slip so here I am now asking you guys.

[-] SuperSaiyanSwag@lemmy.zip 92 points 7 months ago

Good dad joke, but the final line could use some work


Hi Everyone,

First time poster here. I was wondering if the sound quality of my PC can go to the next level with some minor purchases.

My current setup: Motherboard: MSI MAG B550 Tomahawk Headphones: Philips Fidelio X1S

I was looking to get an external DAC/AMP combo, but wasn’t sure if it’s worth it.

Thank you to everyone in advance

submitted 11 months ago by SuperSaiyanSwag@lemmy.zip to c/aww@lemmy.world
[-] SuperSaiyanSwag@lemmy.zip 170 points 11 months ago

He is literally a man-child at this point

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