
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Can the controller be updated without a PS5?

[–] 2 points 6 months ago

AI is the funniest shit - even better that NFTs.

[–] 18 points 6 months ago

Yes, but mumble. Fuck that discord noise and back to the old ways.

[–] -5 points 6 months ago (9 children)

There is no "end to hostilities" as long as Hamas exists. That should be obvious by now - Hamas' demands to any form of peace are a total farce and only the dumbest idiots would fall for that. Want a ceasefire? Release the hostages. Want permanent peace? Disarm the terrorists and come to negotiations.

[–] 15 points 6 months ago

A small studio with three games in eternal early access. The usual.

[–] 5 points 6 months ago

Steam only works on steam while this allows full crossplay similar to Nakama or the Epic Online Services.

[–] -2 points 7 months ago

oder lemmy, lol

[–] 7 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

OpenSuse (back then the "normal" one, then Leap and now the rolling release Tumbleweed). It just works really well and keeps on trucking. Updated my old machine for ten years through all the openSuse releases without reinstalling. The repositories are very well kept in order and the build service easily provides anything I might find lacking.

Also, I quite like using Yast for system administration. There are many areas that I rarely touch and having a GUI available is super helpful.

[–] 1 points 7 months ago

Update: today I was able to update to kernel 6.7.5 and the issue disappeared for me.


We finally got a successor to Snowrunner. Apparently these are some of the new features and improvements:

  • Drones for scouting the environment
  • Finer selection of single "items" you want to take along on the roof carrier
  • Placeable anchor to connect the winch to
  • Actual properties of winch-rope like maximum length, load capacity and material
  • "Augmented Display" for detection devices that show results in the world

What we likely won't get but have asked for for years:

  • More realistic and usable gearboxes, manual gearboxes

Also the steam page says "Single Player" only but I never played multiplayer anyways.


We finally got a successor to Snowrunner. Apparently these are some of the new features and improvements:

  • Drones for scouting the environment
  • Finer selection of single "items" you want to take along on the roof carrier
  • Placeable anchor to connect the winch to
  • Actual properties of winch-rope like maximum length, load capacity and material
  • "Augmented Display" for detection devices that show results in the world

What we likely won't get but have asked for for years:

  • More realistic and usable gearboxes, manual gearboxes

Heute stank es etwas mehr als sonst in der Stadt - es brannte die Schrottinsel im Hafen. Und gerade zu den Dreharbeiten von Feuer & Flamme, da hat die kommende Staffel schonmal ein großes Happening.

Aber auch nur wenn der Besitzer der Fläche mitspielt.


I was more a Stronghold Crusader kind of guy but great news nonetheless!


Direkt danach kündigte Scheuer die Betreiberverträge mit dem Unternehmen Autoticket, das wiederum den Firmen CTS Eventim aus München und Kapsch aus Österreich gehört. Entschädigungsansprüche der Unternehmen wies er zurück.

Eventim und Kapsch forderten 560 Millionen Euro. Der vom Schiedsgericht vorgeschlagenen Zahlung von 243 Millionen Euro stimmte nun laut "Spiegel" der Haushaltsausschuss im Bundestag in einer geheimen Sitzung zu. Der Bund bleibt darüber hinaus auf einer weiteren zweistelligen Millionensumme für Anwalts- und Verwaltungskosten und weitere Verfahren sitzen.

Beim nächsten Rumheulen über den Länderfinanzausgleich mal bedenken, dass Bayerns CSU hier den Bund nochmal gute 243mio gekostet hat und das Geld nach München und Wien wandert.

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