
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 8 hours ago (1 children)

Why? Not making the connection.

[–] 10 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Even Torvalds said that a lot of critical parts of the kernel are completely undocumented and only one or two devs know how they work. IMO that's completely unacceptable, especially for such an important OS. They've proven they don't want to collaborate or communicate how they work to others.

Rust encodes a LOT of things into the type system, which makes it far, far easier to maintain since you don't need docs, and since the compiler enforces these things automatically. Memory safety is only one of them.

Starting something in a modern language instead of one with so little safety is a massively important feature.

The difference is similar to gas vs electric cars. They're both ultimately cars. Gas filled the niche that horses left. Electric cars have been taken seriously for far less time than gas, but their better technology has accelerated innovation. They almost never need to be taken to the mechanic, don't need oil changes, are way better for the environment, etc. and basically the only gap is getting batteries with larger capacity and more charging stations. We'll get there soon, and then gas cars will be fully obsolete.

In the end, someone who just sees them as one car vs another doesn't understand all the benefits of the implementation.

[–] 5 points 1 week ago

Where do they say anything like that? I've been following them very closely for years and they've always been super transparent that there isn't one solution. They also do a lot of work to prevent trash from getting to the ocean in the first place.

[–] 28 points 1 week ago (3 children)

But then how do you make money with a browser if you aren't getting Google money and don't spy on users?

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

Thanks! I'll look them up and give them a shot.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

Anything you'd recommend in particular?

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Interesting! Anything you'd recommend?

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago (9 children)

I agree. But also add in the movie industry that's been complete trash for a while now. Not to mention books. I'm not sure if we'll ever see another Harry Potter level book again, at least in our lifetimes.

My take is we've already left the golden ages of movies, music, and books and probably won't get another for an extremely long time.

Video games are going through the same downfall which streaming services brought. Physical media left the movie scene as a standard while ago, but video games took longer. Now it's going to be all streaming and subscriptions where you can never own anything.

Once that happens, enshittification will peak, companies won't be incentivized to make the games good anymore, standards tank, and people will forget how good things once were.

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Is this from something?

[–] 11 points 2 weeks ago (6 children)

Obama won before and he was part black. Why would that be a problem now?

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Sounds like you want PipeWire - not related to a specific distro.


AFAIK when you log in to Proton, you send them your password, they do the standard hashing and checking against the hash stored in their database, and if it matches them they let you log in by sending you a token of some sort.

If the your password is your encryption key, and if at some point Proton needs your plaintext password in order for you to log in, then doesn't that mean they still have a way to access your data? They could take the plaintext password and decrypt everything in your account without you knowing, right?


I know bike tires will lose pressure in colder seasons because the air temp causes the pressure to drop, but is the inverse true? Does bike tire pressure go up in summer due to heat?

If so, do I need to deflate the tires a bit in summer? Do bike tires ever explode because of a temperature change?


Not with their end product - the powder itself is excellent. But every little packet is plastic, and doesn't have to be. The world has such a serious problem with plastics, and for a lot of products it's kind of necessary, but this is not one of them.

Restaurants have had the same size single serving packets for sugar, salt, and pepper for decades now and those are paper, which is much more environmentally friendly. It's even better for usability! With paper, I don't need to go find my scissors like I do for TWW's plastic packets.

I asked TWW if they would consider using paper instead, but got a generic reply that they'll bring it up, but evidently nothing has been done about this.

Is anyone else as disappointed as I am with their use of plastic packets? I care a lot about having clean water for my coffee, and I care just as much about not polluting the rest of the world because of it.


This might seem obviously "yes" at first, but consider a method like foo.debugRepr() which outputs the string FOO and has documentation which says it is meant only to be used for logging / debugging. Then you make a new release of your library and want to update the debug representation to be **FOO**.

Based on the semantics of debugRepr() I would argue that this is NOT a breaking change even though it is returning a different value, because it should only affect logging. However, if someone relies on this and uses it the wrong way, it will break their code.

What do you think? Is this a breaking change or not?


I haven't played any Baldur's Gate games before but I've heard so much about this game that I'm going to buy it.

However, before I start, I always wonder about this: some games allow you to unlock any weapon at some point in the game, and if you miss one in some quest you can always go back. If you accidentally sell one you can buy it back or forge a new one again, or have it respawn. If you want some other class you can switch later.

Other games are not like that, and if you screw up or aren't aware of [full in the blank] then you can't unlock something.

What's the story with BG3? Do I need to be careful and plan before going on missions?


Or is this just a coincidence? Any other elements with the symbol as the full word?

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