
joined 4 months ago
[–] punkaccountant@lemm.ee 1 points 18 hours ago

If you can, donate to your LOCAL non-profits or the local branches of larger non-profits. Get to know the people in those organizations (volunteer, visit organization open houses/orientations, go to a hosted event) and you’ll feel a lot better about where your dollars are going.

I used to be on the board of a local domestic abuse shelter and now I’m on the board of a local food pantry. Both are amazing organizations, both have incredibly passionate people working for them, and the board is filled with mostly normal working people who have or want to have good community connections.

My partner has a little with big brothers big sisters and that turned into a board position for him because he was super enthusiastic and active. That’s a bigger organization but his contributions are at the local level and we’ve gotten to know the local “ceo” as well.

Also, 501(c)(3) orgs must publicly list their tax returns and you can find out the salaries of the executives on those tax returns. So even tho in my experience, the executives of the orgs at the local levels earn every damn penny (and it’s def not enuf) you can also find that info out for yourself. But please remember that if a non profit doesn’t have an excellent, passionate and well paid staff, they will NOT be able to get the donations and funding they need to fulfill their actual purpose. I’m talking specifically about local orgs tho, some of those giant orgs with executives making millions definitely should take a closer look at their priorities.

And finally…if you can’t donate money of course there is always volunteering but there is ALSO serving on a board. Every non-profit ive been involved with has had problems filling their board seats with active, enthusiastic individuals. Sometimes there are monetary asks of board members but no one is going to kick you out if you truly only have time and no money. And if u experience that, find a better board, they are out there and they are working really really hard to make things better.

[–] punkaccountant@lemm.ee 2 points 20 hours ago

Oh man Lisey’s Story was one hell of a slog and I thought perhaps King had lost it since it’s one of his more modern offerings. But then he wrote Duma Key and 11/22/63 and I realized it was just a dud. Good luck getting through it!

[–] punkaccountant@lemm.ee 1 points 20 hours ago (1 children)

I have, at certain points in my life, been a rabid King fan. As someone who was trying to think of how to describe and recommend books from an author as eclectic as King, thank you. You’ve done my work for me.

And I had completely forgotten about Hearts in Atlantis which I loved. Isn’t that one a short story? I was probably a very young adult when I read that.

And I will pile on and also say I would recommend Gerald’s Game and Insomnia as two of his more unique horror novel takes.

“It” is also not only my favorite King book but my favorite book of all time. However, I get some flack for that due to some problematic sexual themes involving children and also it’s just a dang long story with a LOT of sub stories in it. But it captured me a long time ago and nothing else has done that since. All that to say, I absolutely love that story but am careful about recommending it since I usually get the side eye eventually.

[–] punkaccountant@lemm.ee 4 points 20 hours ago

Doctor Sleep also expands on the powers in The Shining and Needful Things references many of the evil entities in the stand and It.

I have always loved the way King weaves his baddies into many of his stories and basically implies that they are all the same kind of evil dressed up in the “clothing” to suit its purpose at any given time.

Now that I think of it…I think in Cujo when he is narrating the dogs infected mind, he alludes to the generalized evil as well. It’s been a while since I read that one tho.

[–] punkaccountant@lemm.ee 7 points 20 hours ago

I love this. It feels very alice in wonderland to me. Inviting curiosity but with an undertone of malice.

[–] punkaccountant@lemm.ee 21 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Yep, she was Wendy

[–] punkaccountant@lemm.ee 1 points 4 days ago

Prom: no. Graduation: no (graduated early, didn’t walk in the summer even tho I could)…but lotsa regular dances.

[–] punkaccountant@lemm.ee 3 points 4 days ago

Same, I was 13

[–] punkaccountant@lemm.ee 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Out of pure curiosity, is your statement linking abortion opinions and psychopathy based on any studies you can link?

[–] punkaccountant@lemm.ee 11 points 1 week ago

I fully educated myself about tampon insertion and toxic shock syndrome during trips to the bathroom.

[–] punkaccountant@lemm.ee 8 points 1 week ago (1 children)

My wish would be that after he loses this election - and I think would truly become unable to run again (because at that point I think almost everyone would be able to admit he’s too old) - that everyone simply forgets about him. His ongoing trials would get no more than a blip in coverage, whether he’s sentenced to jail or slapped with probation, it barely gets talked about. There can be no worse punishment from that man’s perspective than screaming into a void and no one hears him and no one cares.

This is a total pipe dream, but I am willing to turn off any news program, ignore any news link and not buy any newspaper that has an article about him if it contributes to ignoring him until he turns into an old useless husk and departs from this world. I wish it could be done now but people still need to be consistently reminded how dangerous he is until their vote is locked in this November.

[–] punkaccountant@lemm.ee 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

According to the cdc website pretty much everywhere in the u.s. went up during 2020-2021 and things started coming down 2022-2023. In fact it looks like the average across the u.s. was pretty much back to “normal” by 2023. But what we see here is that while things declined again for TX in 2022, they still remain quite elevated above 2019 while the u.s. average went back to pre-pandemic average, which would tell me that something else is going on in TX unrelated to the pandemic.


Hello! After 27 years of following DMB, sometimes obsessively, sometimes just as background music, my passion has been reawakened after a monumental trip to The Gorge with my sister (a truly rabid fan).

Whenever my interests start pointing solidly in a given direction, I become like “Number 5” in Short Circuit and always need “more input!”

While I don’t know if Lemmy is yet the place to foster a super active community (I have hope but our numbers are few compared to other social media), it does tend to attract passionate types, and in the music world DMB fans rank pretty high in passion.

So I welcome you to this community and hope you subscribe and help make it a place where we can talk about our favorite band, especially if you’re like me and have given up most other forms of social media out there!!

“Now the world is small, compared to how it used to be with mountains and oceans and winters and rivers and stars”

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