
joined 11 months ago

Jeg ved for lidt om forskellene men det virker som at de seneste "gennembrud" bare er bedre intrgration, og ikke nødvendigvis en bedre sprogmodel (modulo bedre til at forstå de nødvendige ting der skal til for whatever integrationen er).

Har der været noget rigtigt gennembrud fra OpenAI siden ChatGPT udkom?

Jarring reading this as my inner voice goes from singing the song and switching to a riddle-reading voice.

You are asking something different, but I think it's interesting to mention that the particles that go into the LHC don't start there. The LHC gets them from the SPS, which gets them from the PS and this keeps going for a few more steps.

I started in software and moved on to physics, which has a lot of programming and is similar in many ways. Still, it's different and I like that I made the choice. I will soon have contributed to physics in a small but meaningful way, which was my reason for switching. I plan to stop after that and just go back to programming. Posts like these make me think I should switch again but to an even more orthogonal subject.

the most Gigachad thing I have read in a long time

gravity is cringe (compared to the electro-weak and strong forces)

[–] 8 points 5 months ago (1 children)

I will comment this and go to bed, finally. Thanks!

[–] 60 points 6 months ago (1 children)

On second thought, let's not move to Linux.

If you get along and love them, and you pitch in with a modest rent and chores and cooking, honestly I think we should live longer with our parents.

There is a heartbreaking statistic that is something like when you move out of your parents house you will have spent like 90% of the time you will ever spend with them (or some other very high number).

I lived with my parents until 30 and now moved to another country to study, but sometimes feel very sad that I don't live with them anymore. So much so that when I am done with my education I will move back CLOSE to where they live, and probably overnight frequently if it makes sense.

All of this probably changes if you settle down and start a family, of course.

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