Star Citizen

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  • Rick Porter, Design Director
  • Edward Fuller, Senior Principal Systems Designer


  • You won't be able to jump through the permanent jump point to-from Pyro with CS3+
  • Pyro will have different crime stat jurisdictions (doing crime near the jump point will affect your UEE CS, doing it elsewhere won't).
  • There will be different options to clear your CS in Pyro (one is going to jail, they aren't sure about others yet).
  • Using permanent jump points will use quantum fuel.
  • Trying to exit the jump point early (bashing against the walls) will damage your ship (distortion damage, wear and tear on components), don't use it as a shortcut.
  • Jump tunnel difficulty will differ by jump point type (permanent will be easier), turbulence (more for smaller ships but also more space to maneuver).
  • Jump tunnel showed during recent ISC didn't have the obstacles that will be present on live release.
  • Reminder that what's shown during ISC and other showcases is tuned up for ease of presentation. (this if for people who started freaking out about how fast and easy the fire starting/spreading was in yesterday's ISC).
  • Jump drives will affect ship handling when flying between jump points. All jump drives will have the same "disruption HP" on initial release, in the future they'd like to play with various stats (including handling during jumps).
  • No combat in jump tunnels (need to switch out of nav mode and that fails the jump).
  • No, they did not test dudes shooting personal weapons through the open door (theoretically everything that leaves your ship's "bubble" should be yoinked out of the tunnel).
  • They decided to group everyone in one place instead of allowing to jump from any direction due to how the tunnels work (it has one entrance going in specific direction).
  • You don't have to sit in front of the JP after getting into the jump queue, you can fly around far away from other people. Don't have to wait in nav mode either.
  • There will also be turrets, AI and all that defensive stuff but they're willing to other systems if necessary.
  • ATC is part of permanent jump point experience because UEE wants to control who's allowed to attune to the jump point.
  • How permanent jump points work in non UEE systems is still to be decided.
  • Turrets are totally deadly, just look for a good server.
  • They have "some systems" they hope will come online for 4.0 that will hopefully combat griefieng.
  • There are people in CIG that want total chaos and death (no shit) as well as "carebear advocates" (well, at least Jared is).
  • "If you wanna be a griefer I want to give you this experience but people who don't want to be griefed need a safe space."
  • "Shotgun approach" to exiting jump points means ships will end up a kilometer or so away from each other rather than thousands kms. It's mostly a way to avoid ships rear ending each other.
  • There are multiple exit points from jump points in addition to the "shotgun approach".
  • There are things in Stanton that aren't available in Pyro.
  • People who died during a jump will respawn wherever they set their spawn point.
  • Can't tow ships through jump points.
  • No plans to reintroduce jump gate (big ring structures around jump points).
  • "We deserved over the years some amount of criticism for prioritizing looks over functionality. This is the first time this is reversed." (in regards to the removal of jump point rings)
  • There has been a change in SC development: more focus on gameplay, performance and systemic mechanics instead of eye-candy.
  • No plans for different sized permanent jump points for now.
  • Transient jump points can be found using their radar signatures.
  • Transient jump points won't be in 4.0, only the permanent Pyro-Stanton one.
  • Transient jump points will persist at least for hours.
  • They have plans to use transient jump points for access to events.
  • Yesterday's ISC didn't have smoke in most of the b-roll footage but smoke will be present on live.

cross-posted from:


  • Leo Vansteenkiste, Principal VFX Programmer
  • Edward Fuller, Senior Principal Systems Designer
  • Guillaume Gardella, Senior VFX Artist I
  • Francesco Litrico, VFX Programmer III


  • 4.0 will only have fire inside ships.
  • Fires start based on:
    • Damage (when ship item HP reaches 0).
    • When items with high level of wear misfire (random chance).
    • Weapon impact.
    • Warming the ship room to high enough temperature by opening the door on a warm planet for example (technically possible, there's no planet hot enough for that to happen).
    • Bringing already burning items into a ship.
  • Fire propagation is based on fuel (surface), oxygen and temperature.
  • Every surface material has different properties that affect how quickly it burns.
  • Other objects like cargo or ship components can also catch on fire. Player can't (but will take damage).
  • Fire will burn the oxygen to a point of asphyxiation.
  • Plenty of footage of using fire extinguisher.
  • Fire can restart if you don't put it out properly.
  • Fire extinguishers have limited amount of "ammo", you need to put them back to their storage stations to refill them. Recharge will not work if life support system is down.
  • Fires can be put out by removing oxygen from a burning room (turning of life support, opening doors in space).
  • Visual damage caused by fires has to be fixed at a proper repair location (station), manual repairs can only fix the functionality of destroyed items.

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Message of the day

🕹️ (Tysdagr) We are currently putting together a new 3.24 build for a Wave 1 PTU release later today.
Current goal is to run Blockade Runner on PTU over the weekend.


cross-posted from:


  • Kaan Cakir, Lead Level Designer
  • Stephane Charre, Environment Artist II
  • James Kay, Lead Content Designer
  • Assistant Environment Art Director
  • William Weissbaum, Assistant Narrative Director
  • Antoine Fauville, Senior Level Designer
  • John Lang, Level Designer II
  • Kristofor McMahan, Associate Design Director


  • Pyro has 12 space stations in total.
  • Pyro space stations are bigger than the ones in Stanton.
  • Rough & Ready gang own majority of Rest & Refuel stations in Pyro.
  • Ruined Station (one from Citizen Con) has been expanded.
  • Hangars will have direct access to the Cargo Deck.
  • Hangars in Pyro will have external freight elevators to allow for (un)loading of ships like Hull-C.
  • "Win station will have something called Ghost Arena".
  • Contested Zones are like MMO dungeons
    • Open space with loot.
    • Easily accessible directly from the "normal" part of the station.
    • Some routes are hidden behind puzzles, traps and key cards.
    • Various levels of difficulty, various rewards.
    • These are free-for-all zones.
    • NPCs there are not linked to missions and will respawn on a timer.
    • There will be Kopions running around, maybe more in the future.
    • Boss fights are also planned, not confirmed for 4.0.
  • Social parts of space stations are still green zones, no combat allowed.
  • They showed clips with light-enhancement scopes.
  • Asteroid Clusters are very different to the ones in Stanton.
  • Asteroid Bases can be abandoned, used for missions etc. They also have loot, obviously.

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Mostly stuff we've already seen but provides the most up to date info about personal hangars.


  • Chad McKinney, Senior Lead Gameplay Engineer


  • item kiosk have limited capacity, can only spawn smaller items (weapons, armor, food, etc)
  • unwelcome guests will get a trespassing timer when entering your personal hangar, will get teleported out after it runs out
  • no more Armistice Zone in your hangar, you can kill trespassers without worrying about getting a Crime Stat
  • the above counts for both personal hangars (the one on your home planet) and instanced hangars assigned when landing at other landing zones
  • you can place items all over your personal hangar
  • hangars were expanded to provide more space to decorate them or just store items when spawning your ship
  • hangars applied to some ships were increased
  • when buying commodities you can select whether you want them delivered to you inventory (instant) or pack them on your ship (takes time and money)
  • you can create "sell orders" which will be wait for you to deliver the accepted amount of commodity to the freight elevator on the delivery location
  • you can also sell normally (straight from your local inventory)
  • (un)loading times are based on the box size (smaller box = longer loading)
  • search is in for local inventory (only name based for now)

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Added for 4.0:

  • RSI Zeus MkII CL
  • Acidic Caves
  • Rock Caves
  • Asteroid Bases
  • Space Stations - Contested Zones

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Hi there,

Jump Points is a big feature, there is a lot going on in the design, more than could be communicated in one ISC, so there is some bits of info that I realised afterwards that we managed to gloss over and some of these seemed to have caused a lot of speculation/controversies, so I'd like to attempt to rectify some of those and clarify some others.

Transient Jump Points do not have or use ATCs. Transient Jump Points are free for all experiences, you align, tune and the activate the Jump Point and then are pulled in.

As you can see from Transient Jump Points. The inclusion of ATC in the permenant Jump Points flow is not a techinal requirement needed for transitioning players between systems or anything like that. They are part of the flow solely for gameplay reasons. The ATC exists here for fairness to all jumpers, a fairness intentionally omitted in the Transient flow. The permenant Jump Points will likely be busy high volume routes. We dont want slower ships being trumped to jump by faster ships all the time, we also want to make sure we protect those ships who have waited and determine who is at fault for doing something obstructive, ATC will help us do this.

Additionally the ATC exists to imply and actually impose some level of decision making on those who choose to skirt the law or play outright criminally. Those player may instead choose or have to seek out Transient Jump Points to make their journeys in order to avoid this extra scrutiny.

I also want to clarify how ATC also makes sense as part of a bigger picture. Think of Permenant Jump Points as known controlled border checkpoints between systems. If you were the UEE authority in charge of protecting a system like Stanton from lawless systems that you know you border with, like Pyro, would you operate an open borders with them? I dont think you would, you'd find a way to control it.

In this sense ATC is being used as the gate keeper. How does it do that I see you all asking. If ATC hasnt granted you permission to jump yet then by default they actively jam jump drives from tuning. Once you have permission to jump they selectively choose to stop jamming your jump drive, whch then lets you tune and jump, simple.

Finally, I wanted to clarify an error in one clip of footage. You don't shoot the jump point with a gun to activate it, but you do initiate the opening with an activation step. The footage showed this as a physical shot from a gun but it was wrong to be depicted like that, I'm sorry I didnt spot it in the edit before the video was released, as if I had done so I would have sought its removal. So, please dont worry we didnt add combat to opening a Jump Point.

Thanks for reading,

Edward Fuller, Senior Principal System Designer


cross-posted from:


  • Edward Fuller, Senior Principal Systems Designer
  • Rick Porter, Design Director
  • David Haddock, Narrative Director
  • Ali Ahmadi, Senior VFX Artist I
  • Jake Dunlop, Senior Environment Artist I
  • Dan Meadowcroft, Senior Sound Designer I
  • Guillaume-Roch Pinard, UI UX Designer Senior I
  • Alistair Brown, Senior Director of Graphics and Procedural Tech


  • sound and visuals are obviously work in progress, there are some visual target images shown during the video
  • there are two different jump point types:
    • permanent
      • always available
      • on well traveled routes
      • surrounded by infrastructure
      • no more circular gates (present in old concept art) around jump points
      • usable by all ships
    • transient
      • need to be found
      • unknown destination
      • various sizes (small, medium, large)
      • unknown presence (might last a long time or a single jump)
  • patch 4.0 will only contain the Stanton - Pyro connection
  • security and turrets near permanent jump gates
  • you need to call ATC before jumping through permanent jump gates
  • jumps are grouped so if you want to jump with a party you need to make sure you're grouped together (queuing as a party planned in the future)
  • jumping requires you to align with the jump direction, failing to do so will lead to jump cancellation and losing your place in a queue
  • alignment is followed by a attunement process
  • entering/exiting a jump gate is completely automatic, you're committed at this point
  • any obstructions between you and the jump gate during attunement process will pause it
  • trying to get close to the jump gate without attuning will push you away to prevent deliberate obstructions
  • can't control your speed during the jump but you will have to navigate
  • you'll see ships traveling in the same directions but not those going the other way
  • bumping into the tunnel walls/obstructions will fill a "distortion bar" of your quantum drive, when it's full you'll be dropped out of the jump (destination depends on how long you spent in the tunnel but it'll be on the edge of one of the systems you were jumping between)
  • current planned jump duration is 3 minutes, might change depending on various factors
  • exit point of a system is not the same as the jump gate entry between systems
  • exit on the Pyro side has a "normal and safe" R&R station, like the ones in Stanton
  • transient jump gates will have more difficult routes
  • there will be more testing in a preview channel before 4.0
  • 4.0 is scheduled to release "in a few months", not "before end of the year" as they're still targeting a date earlier than that
  • credits with all the people who took part in previous episodes of all the shows, from Wingman's Hangar to Inside Star Citizen

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  • breakdown of Blockade Runner event
  • reiteration of details on new cargo hauling missions
  • new balancing alghoritm will be used to determine the mission rewards

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Committed for 3.24:

  • Storage Access
  • Freight Elevators
  • New Missions - Cargo Hauling
  • Personal and Instanced Hangars
  • Dynamic Event: Blockade Runner

Still no update on the progress tracker.


Starting today, until June 20th every backer can test out Xi'an vehicles for free.

Available craft:

  • Gatac Syulen
  • Aopoa San'tok.yāi
  • Aopoa Khartu-al
  • Aopoa Nox

Tap for Highlights by Hencaric

Q: What are the Ironclad and Ironclad Assaults main competitors and how does it compare?
ㅤ ✦ A: The closest competitors in the role are the Hercules for the base and the Liberator for the assault variant whereas the closest on paper are the C2 and M2 Hercules respectively. With the base having more cargo capacity than the C2 and the assault having more turrets than the M2.
Q: Can the Ironclad be used as a carrier?
ㅤ ✦ A: Yes but the cargo bay is built around cargo metrics, not vehicles so some may not fit height-wise.
Q: Does the assault variant retain the retracting roof?
ㅤ ✦ A: Yes.
Q: Do they have VTOL thrusters?
ㅤ ✦ A: Yes.
Q: Does the assault variant have an armory?
ㅤ ✦ A: The images we were shown did not have one but it will be added before release.
Q: Can the bay repair more than just vehicles and vehicle components?
ㅤ ✦ A: There will not be restrictions around vehicle vs ship components, only volume and resource restrictions.
Q: How does self-destruct work in the Ironclad?
ㅤ ✦ A: The Ironclad has two self-destruct modes, one to destroy just the main hull and one to destroy both it and the command module. They will be triggered from their respective "control rooms".
Q: Is the command module compatible with the Caterpillar?
ㅤ ✦ A: Yes although they have slight design differences.
Q: What functionality will the main hull have while detached from the command module?
ㅤ ✦ A: The main hull retains all functionality except its ability to fly when the command module is detached.
Q: How will insurance work when the command module is detached and the main hull is lost or destroyed?
ㅤ ✦ A: Still TBD.
Q: Does the command module have a QD?
ㅤ ✦ A: Yes.
Q: Is the armor actually "heavy"?
ㅤ ✦ A: The Ironclad has heavier armor relative to ships in its class.
Q: Is the interior turret tractor or defense?
ㅤ ✦ A: Defense, similar to the BMM.
Q: Does the assault have tractor beams?
ㅤ ✦ A: No.
Q: How will gravity work in the cargo bay and does it have an air shield for the retractable roof?
ㅤ ✦ A: There is no air shield and the cargo bay is exposed to space when open.


From the RSI Weekly email update:

June 8
San Antonio, TX, USA
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

June 14
Montréal, QC, Canada (CIG ATTENDANCE)

June 15
North Hollywood, CA, USA (CIG ATTENDANCE)
Frankfurt, Germany (CIG ATTENDANCE)
Arlington, TX, USA
Jönköping, Sweden



Addd to release view:

  • Argo MPUV Tractor
  • RSI Ursa Medivac
  • Aegis Sabre Firebird

Committed for 3.23.2:

  • Item Banks
  • Freight Elevators
  • New Missions - Cargo Hauling
  • Personal and Instanced Hangars
List of Upcoming Bar Citizen Events 2024 (
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

Update 5/25 - Manchester and Frankfurt were added to the site recently, so I updated this list to reflect that.

Lyon, France
Saturday, June 8, 2024 at 6 PM

Montreal, QC, Canada
Friday, June 14, 2024 at 6 PM

Austin, TX, USA
Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 5 PM

Los Angeles, CA, USA
Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 5 PM

Manchester, United Kingdom

Frankfurt, Germany

SongShan District, Taipei, Taiwan
Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 10 AM

Bao 'an District, Shenzhen, China
Saturday, June 29, 2024

Washington, D.C., USA
Saturday, July 20, 2024 at 4 PM

Cologne (Gamescon), Germany

Seattle, Washington (PAX West), USA
Friday, August 30, 2024 at 7 PM

San Diego, California (TwitchCon US), USA
Friday, September 20 at 6 PM

Marinha Grande, Portugal
Saturday, September 7, 2024 at 2 PM



  • Eliot, Lead Mission Designer
  • Yogi Klatt, Principle Vehicle Programmer
  • Richard Towler, Lead Designer on Vehicle Experience
  • Thorsten Leimann, Lead Systems Designer


  • Yogi is happy they managed to squeeze Master Modes into 3.23 but is aware "there's couple balance issues".
  • Rearming:
    • For ballistics we'll be able to buy ammo containers to use them to reload the guns.
    • On bigger ships those containers have to be put in a dedicated slot (might change in the future).
    • Ammo sizes will be unified between all guns.
  • Firebird and Retaliator will be adjusted in 3.23.1a patch, check this post on Spectrum for details.
  • Mission team wants to create missions for refueling, lots of problems needs to be figured out first.
  • First version of mining missions might happen "soon", will focus on resource gathering (can be mined, bought, pirated).
  • After mission team finishes enough "mission modules" (bounty, mining or any other tasks) they'll start chaining them into longer missions.
  • Power plants will consume hydrogen fuel in the future (as in, you won't be able to keep your ship powered forever as it is now). This won't come online with the initial resource update in 4.0 but sometime later.
  • Team knows exactly what they want to do with space-combat, now will try to tweak things based on player data.
  • Lots of future additions (engineering, armor) will affect balance and will have to be re-tweaked again.
  • "There will always be some intentional imbalance."
  • Distortion damage will have a counter to drain it and make the ship work again.
  • Teams are currently discussing how to move away from ships exploding on reaching 0HP to mostly soft death scenario. Check engineering experimental mode in Arena Commander if you want a sneek peek at the current progress.
  • There will be some additional info on what kind of content is awaiting you for each mission (FPS, space-combat, requires multi tool, etc.) but no 100% clear distinction as some missions can change when playing (flying target might land and hide in a building for example). This won't come until mission app refactor.
  • "Call to Arms" was balanced by the Mission Team in the past, now it's handled by the Economy Team.
  • "Master Modes is doing better than what we had in 3.21 - 3.22 before."
  • "K/D ratio flattened out a lot."
  • ESP needs to be improved, 1v1 dog-fighting needs to be improved, more ideas to avoid backstrafing.
  • Both Yogi and Rich are pretty happy with the changes so far.
  • Dupe exploit is fixed internally, will go out when possible.
  • Racing is important and has a future.
  • "MM will allow us to give racing variants more freedom."
  • With the old system some of the racing ships "with all their guns" could be the best fighters.
  • Yogi is thinking about a potential "racing operator mode".
  • Mission team is investigating ways to speed up the process of getting back to the track in case of death.
  • They also want to add open access to the racing tracks in PU (no rewards but your laps will be timed) and other race types (on-foot, ground vehicle, played around with race to get out of prison - just for fun, don't think it fits).
  • Tank handling was impacted by some back-end changes, issue is fixed internally and will release when possible.
  • Ground vehicle physics were also fixed (to how they worked until now).
  • CIG is aware of the problems with cluttered HUD, no info since this isn't a UI episode.
  • Devs are still investigating problems with gravlev vehicles, aren't sure what happened yet.
  • Lots of discussions on how to encourage players to use ground vehicles. Currently investigating environment (no place to land), weather and other features.
  • Engineering plans for 4.0:
    • Life support (fire system, room atmosphere propagation, atmo maintenance, new life support generators).
    • Power management.
    • Relays (connections between items) and fuses.
    • Rebalance of items (bigger differences between item classes for example, clearer info about those differences).
    • Batteries (most likely won't make it into 4.0).
    • Repair of components.
    • Distortion counter.
    • Malfunctions (initially 3: fire, damage and distortion to the item).

MotD Update 2024-05-24T15:39:00Z:

🕹️(Frjádagr) We are continuing to work through the remaining blocking issues for 3.23.2 which currently contain hangars, cargo updates, and more. Since these changes have huge, widespread effects to how almost every system in our game operates, our goal is go through with an accelerated Evocati to Waves 1-5 system when ready. We are expecting multiple different PTU builds next week starting Tuesday with 3.23.2 hopefully Wednesday. Will update more here next week!

Farewell Anvil F7C Hornet Mk1 (
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

So it seems that CIG decided to cease selling the F7C Hornet Mk1 in favour of the F7C Hornet Mk2. It kinda makes sense from an in-universe Lore and I like that they just don't replace all Hornet Mk1s with the Mk2s like they did previously with the reworks of several Ship Classes (freelancer, Mustang, Constellation) and that they continue working on it, getting it to gold pass and keeping the specs up to date.

When I look at the stats of the Hornets it dawned on me that the Upgrade between Mk1 and Mk2 isn't that significant, its wing hardpoints were upgraded from S3 to S4 and its body got slimmer (less Hydrogen Fuel and less Ordnances), so why not continue flying that old lady?

Do you think this Marketing Stun is just for FOMO? Several citizens in the linked Spectrum FAQ regarding the out-phasing think it is.



  • John Crewe, Vehicle Director
  • Ben Curtis, Vehicle Art Director


  • Drake Ironclad introduction
    • 6 person crew.
    • Armored cargo ship.
    • Cargo access through a front ramp and retractable roof.
    • More firepower than Caterpillar.
    • Detachable command module (like Caterpillar).
    • Smaller secure cargo room for more valueable stuff.
    • Military variant for ground operation support is also planned (smaller cargo space, repair facility).
  • RSI Polaris status update
    • "Exterior is pretty much the final art."
    • Decal and smaller details still need some work for the exterior.
    • Interior is at a greybox stage (few rooms at whitebox).
    • Turrets wil be upgraded in the future.
    • Targeted release date: this year's Intergalactic Aerospace Expo (November).

Inside Star Citizen will be on break until June 20th.


Patch 3.23 released a week ago. It brought quite a bit of features, fixes and adjustments which touched many different parts of the game.

I know we didn't have similar threads for previous releases but this version seems to be quite divisive so I'm curious how you guys feel about what we got.

Do you like it? Do you hate it? Is there any specific criticism or feedback you have about certain features?

Just so we're clear, I'm not trying to cause a "CIG is trash" drama here - this stuff can stay on Spectrum. I'm genuinely curious about your opinions about the patch.


Characters in this new environment will be built from LTP data so items such as medpens, ammo, rentals, and refinery jobs will be lost.

  • Long Term Persistence: Enabled
  • Replication Layer: Enabled
  • Server Crash Recovery: Enabled
  • Starting aUEC: 20,000


  • Launcher 2.0
  • Ship AI Pilot Balance Pass
  • NPC Locomotion Polish
  • Medical Bed Respawn Update
    • T3 medical beds will allow respawning up to 20km away
    • T2 medical beds (which previously allowed respawning up to 20km) will now allow respawning up to 50km away
  • AEGIS Saber Raven Gold Standard
  • Made Further Gamewide Client Performance Optimizations
  • Interior Map Materials Optimization
  • Water Caustics Visual Polish
  • Added Character Creator Validations
  • VFX Visual Improvements and Fixes

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed - PU - Stanton - UI - Oversized active Armistice Zone icon (STARC-108910)
  • Fixed - PU - Stanton - Actor - Respawning - Players who die and then get disconnected before respawning become stuck in a dead state and are unable to respawn
  • Fixed - PU - Stanton - UGF - Locations - Bunker elevator does not return up when called (STARC-111250)
  • Fixed - Multivehicle - PU - Vehicles / UI - QT effects are breaking HUD UI (STARC-104656)
  • Fixed - PU - Gamewide - Using a medpen causes you to drop your weapon
  • Fixed - PU - Distribution Centres - Elevators - Several elevator transit carriages created & destroyed immediately
  • Fixed - MULTIVEHICLE - PU - Vehicles / Components / Locations - It is possible when vehicles are spawned from fleet manager that radar components and elevator panels can detach from the ship and float permanently in a hangar, causing issues with collisions (STARC-101070)
  • Fixed - ARGO Mole / ROC - PU - Vehicle / UI - Vehicle HUD - Mining Mode UI has a variety of defects obstructing gameplay (STARC-88859)
  • Fixed - Drake Cutlass Black - Vehicles - Drake Cutlass Black is unable to liftoff from landing pads
  • Fixed - PU - Fleet Week 2024 - Actor / UI - Physical Shopping - Physical shopping AR Card is flickering when approached, impacting functionality
  • Fixed - Aegis Reclaimer - ALL VARIANTS - Ships / Salvage / Master Mode / UI - Players are unable to access claw in the copilot seat and the UI changes to QT / NAV master mode without any feedback to the copilot (STARC-111581)
  • Fixed - Anvil Hornet - ALL Variants - PU - Vehicles - Flight controllers have pitch and yaw rotational max speeds reversed
  • Fixed - PU - Stanton - ARC L4 - Locations - Lobby elevators cannot be called (STARC-109845)
  • Fixed - Community Localization - PU - Character Customizer / UI - Some labels cannot be localized (STARC-110101)
  • Fixed - PU - Law / Infractions / Notifications - Players cannot press charges against another player if they commit infractions against them
  • Fixed - PU - Stanton - Locations / Inventory - Users are able to place Hangar flare items in public areas where they cannot be picked back up
  • Fixed - MISC Prospector - PU/AC - Vehicles/Balance - Misc Prospector has invulnerable spot for its nose leading to no damage taken (STARC-109000)
  • Fixed - PU - Stanton - microTech - Creatures / AI - Kopion are jittering and teleporting when running
  • Fixed - PU - UI / Upscaling - Shopping Kiosk UI missing elements when Upscaling is enabled
  • Fixed - PU - Stanton - Mission Content / Law - Trespass timer will go to negative numbers (STARC-95347)
  • Fixed - PU - Option Menu - UI - "Water - Number of Simulated Regions" going back to Medium between sessions (STARC-104172)
  • Fixed - Origin 400i - PU - Vehicles - Life Support / Room System - Two room volumes are missing in the technical deck causing players to suffocate in the 400i (STARC-106700)
  • Fixed - Stanton - PU - mobiGlas / Visor Chat - Visor Chat messages remains visible over the mobiGlas
  • Fixed - PU - Physical Shopping - Locations - Multiple Locations - Items on display at multiple shops will end in 'Transaction Error' when attempting to quick buy
  • Fixed - PU - Stanton - Mission Content / UI / mobiGlas - Completing a contract while the mobiGlas is open on the contract does not open the specific contract in the History tab
  • Fixed - PU - Runtime Cubemaps - Graphics / Lighting - Runtime cubemaps are taking an excessively long time refresh and / or not refreshing at all
  • Fixed - PU - Stanton - Distribution Centers (DC) - Locations / AI - The worker NPCs sometimes use tractor beams to shoot at the player
  • Fixed - PU - Actor - EVA - Depending on orientation, player places weapon through their head and neck when ADS
  • Fixed - RSI Ursa - PU - Vehicles / Design - Cannot enter Remote Turret
  • Fixed - Greycat ROC - Stanton - ROC Mining Laser Not Activating
  • Fixed - Crosshair not showing on GRIN_ROC
  • Fixed - PU - Character Customizer - Clicking the Character Customizer screen after reviewing your model and going back to it will show T-Posed models
  • Fixed - AC - UI / Scoreboard - The Grav Race mode does not show or update player score
  • Fixed - AC - Free Flight - UI - It is possible to select ground Vehicles for AC Free Flight mode, which can cause UI problems once in game lobby

Technical Updates:

  • Fixed 8 Client Crashes
  • Fixed 6 Server Crashes
  • Fixed an Out of Memory Crash
  • Fixed 2 Vulkan+Upscaling GPU Crashes
  • Made Further Entity Graph Stability Improvements


  • John Crewe, Vehicle Director
  • Ben Curtis, Vehicle Art Director


  • Sabre Raven gold standard
  • Sabre Firebird introduction (new missile ship)
  • Ursa Medivac introduction
  • Return of respawning at all med beds (distance based, varies by bed tier)

Added as targeting 4.0 release:

  • Server Meshing V1
  • Mission System Refactor
  • Transit System Refactor
  • Pyro planets:
    • Pyro I
    • Pyro II - Monox
    • Pyro III - Bloom
    • Pyro IV
    • Pyro VI - Terminus
  • Pyro moons
    • Ignis
    • Vatra
    • Adir
    • Fairo
    • Fuego
    • Vuur
  • Pyro Space Stations
  • Outposts - Colonialism
  • Jump Points (working ones, between Stanton and Pyro)
  • Solar Burst
  • Life Support
  • Engineering
  • Charge/Drain
  • Multi-Tool Updates
  • Fire Hazard
  • Fire Extinguisher
  • MFD Rework and New Displays
  • Quasi Grazer (Space Cow)
  • Additional Player Customization (additional hair and facial hair options, face piercings)
  • RSI Zeus MkII ES

Added as released in 3.23.0:

  • Mirai Pulse
  • Mirai Pulse LX

Commited for 3.23.1:

  • Aegis Retaliator - Gold Standard
  • Vehicle Modularity

cross-posted from:

Version 2.17 of the Star Citizen Linux User Group helper tool has been released. Wiki and quick start guide:

  • Add Kron4ek wine runner source
  • Environment variables to support Open Wine Components umu proton in Lutris 5.17+
  • NVIDIA and AMD Environment variables for Star Citizen Vulkan renderer
  • Remove un-needed winetricks steps and DLL overrides


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