Went to Google Play to complain about Hulu. I noticed Google advertising that over 300 reviews had the verbatim quote "watch and movies that you love". It's always confusing that buggy corporate apps have >95% 5 star reviews until you see that the majority are just completely fake, and no one cares or is doing anything about it.

submitted 31 minutes ago by no_comment@lemmy.world to c/memes@sopuli.xyz
submitted 30 minutes ago by no_comment@lemmy.world to c/memes@lemmy.ml

Was 25 and super nervous, so when the realtor was like "oh yeah they just check for basic stuff, but I looked around and it looks great" I was like "Oh okay, this is so astronomically expensive every penny saved is good..."

Everything has been great as far as I can tell. House was built like 40 years ago but super well maintained it seemed and I've been super happy. But just curious if maybe I should hire someone to make sure there was nothing outstanding from back then, and no major issues have popped up in the last couple years like leaks/foundation issues, the like.

Is that crazy? Is it weird to call and be like "I'm not selling, I just wanna make sure there are no issues I need to address before they get worse"

Is there a certain type of inspector I should get? I know some inspectors are notoriously lazy.

Also I moved in 2 weeks before covid lock downs happened for time line stuff.

submitted 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago) by Five@slrpnk.net to c/usa@midwest.social

He signed off his stream, forgot to turn off the camera and began masturbating to gay porn.

submitted 31 minutes ago by no_comment@lemmy.world to c/memes@lemmy.world
submitted 32 minutes ago by otter@lemmy.ca to c/technology@lemmy.world

The channel has excellent visuals for the different steps

submitted 45 minutes ago by GreyShuck@feddit.uk to c/nature@feddit.uk

The first national volunteer survey of litter found by Scottish rivers and waterways has revealed that plastic bottles were the most littered item, followed by plastic pieces, plastic snack packets, drinks cans and polystyrene pieces.

With 80% of marine litter coming from land, our Upstream Battle® campaign focuses on raising awareness, gathering evidence and inspiring action to change littering behaviour to prevent marine litter at source along rivers in Scotland.

The recently published Upstream Battle® Citizen Science Report – a snapshot of data gathered by volunteers across a three-month period between December 2023 and February 2024 – consists of 185 surveys conducted along 26 rivers and waterways in 20 local authority areas across Scotland. It forms part of the national rollout of the campaign, aimed at understanding and addressing marine litter across the country.

In total 20,383 items were counted during the survey period, with the majority of litter found to be items which would be addressed under a Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) or effective Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) regulations.

The rest of the top 10 items littered include cigarettes, glass fragments, dog poo, plastic bottle caps and plastic bags.


In other words, the full price of the game is $40.

It only cost about $25 back when I bought it, inflation be crazy

submitted 45 minutes ago* (last edited 45 minutes ago) by JohnDClay@sh.itjust.works to c/stick@sh.itjust.works

Just make sure to return them when you're done! Maybe even add a new one if you find one.

The one I used was very nice. Has a nice heft all the way down, and was very straight.

submitted 29 minutes ago by LaFinlandia@sopuli.xyz to c/ukraine@sopuli.xyz




On the night of May 18, 2024, the occupiers attacked with 13 attack UAVs of the "Shahed-131/136" type from the regions of Primorsko-Akhtarsk and Kursk - Russian Federation.

💥 As a result of anti-aircraft combat, anti-aircraft missile units, mobile fire groups of the Air Force and the Defense Forces of Ukraine shot down all 13 "martyrs" in the Kharkiv, Poltava, Vinnytsia, Mykolaiv and Dnipropetrovsk regions.

Thanks for the work!

🇺🇦 Together to victory!


🇺🇦 Air Force Commander Lieutenant General Mykola Oleschuk

submitted 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago) by yogthos@lemmygrad.ml to c/politics@hexbear.net

The notion that Biden represents a lesser evil compared to the chaotic reign of Trump is a common argument. However, we must not forget that there exists a moral threshold below which neither choice is acceptable. To suggest that enabling a literal genocide can be considered a lesser evil is a morally bankrupt stance.

Saying that voting for Biden is a moral obligation to prevent the return of Trump perpetuates a dangerous fallacy. It implies that the democratic party is immune from scrutiny and accountability, no matter the atrocities they commit. This line of thinking allows for a never-ending cycle of justification, as long as there's somebody considered worse, the democrats are granted a blank check. This is nothing more than a form of gaslighting, manipulating the public into believing that their only choice is between two evils, rather than demanding a better standard of leadership and true representation.

submitted 11 minutes ago by harald_im_netz@feddit.de to c/steam@lemmy.ml

I'm currently there on vacation, and as the ban happened, I couldn't access the app anymore, without using my VPN.

Now it seems as it works again, I'm able to use the App again and even the website is accessible again.


The Front emphasized that the international community and international institutions, led by the International Red Cross, are completely complicit in these horrific crimes, as they have failed in their responsibilities and have not intervened urgently to save the lives of these prisoners who are languishing in secret prisons despite the exposure of ongoing violations and torture for several months.

The Front considered that the occupation entity’s enactment of the so-called “unlawful combatants” law, which expanded the army’s authority to arrest suspected militants as they describe them, surpasses even what occurred in […] fascist prisons. This law gives the occupation legitimacy to execute prisoners and abuse them, which has been implemented on the ground with confirmed reports of several of these prisoners being martyred as a result of torture and systematic slow execution.

The Front concluded its statement by emphasizing the urgent need to dispatch an international mission to inspect these secret detention facilities and determine the fate of these prisoners, consider them as prisoners of war, ensure a minimum of their human rights, document all the crimes committed against them, and place them among the genocide files presented before the International Court of Justice.

Partially related: *[Zionism’s neocolony] — Base of Western imperialism*

submitted 32 minutes ago by otter@lemmy.ca to c/videos@lemmy.world

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ca/post/21419360

The channel has excellent visuals for the different steps


Just a fun, somewhat terrifying read

submitted 48 minutes ago by GreyShuck@feddit.uk to c/nature@feddit.uk

An 8-year-old schoolboy from West Belfast has stumbled upon a groundbreaking discovery – the first-ever water stick insect recorded in Northern Ireland.

The remarkable find took place during a school pond-dipping activity at Bog Meadows Nature Reserve earlier this week, led by Ulster Wildlife as part of the Féile na gCloigíní Gorma: Bluebell Festival.

Kohen Fitzsimmons spotted the rare creature after enthusiastically sneaking in a second dip, despite the wet weather, where luck was on his side.

submitted 51 minutes ago by GreyShuck@feddit.uk to c/nature@feddit.uk

10 tiny rare hazel dormice have been given the all-clear by our wildlife vets, ahead of their release into the wild next month.

Each 20-gram dormouse had a 10-minute appointment with wildlife vets from our Institute of Zoology during which their heart and lungs were checked with a stethoscope, and their eyes, ears, nose, teeth and fur examined. They were also microchipped and x-rayed to check their bones and overall health.

Hazel dormice populations have decreased by a staggering 70% nationally since 2000, but ongoing efforts to restore their populations have seen more than 1,000 dormice reintroduced into 25 woodland habitats in 13 English counties since 1993.

submitted 1 minute ago by doorguy@lemmyf.uk to c/whatever@lemmyf.uk
submitted 1 minute ago by Dirt_Owl@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

I've always liked "Audrey" the design of Piranha plants and when people were like "WTF why did they add THAT to Smash of all things?" I was like

"Hell yeah"

submitted 20 minutes ago by V4uban@jlai.lu to c/forumlibre@jlai.lu
  • Google Cloud accidentally deleted UniSuper's account and backups, causing a major data loss and downtime for the company.
  • UniSuper was able to recover data from backups with a different provider after the incident.
  • The incident highlighted the importance of having safeguards in place for cloud service providers to prevent such catastrophic events from occurring.
submitted 45 minutes ago by downpunxx@fedia.io to c/usa@midwest.social

The New Orleans City Council Friday denounced the targeted antisemitic attack on one of its staff members after the front of their home and an Israeli flag hanging on it

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