Today I Learned (TIL)

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You learn something new every day; what did you learn today? Submit interesting and specific facts about something that you just found out here.

founded 2 years ago
The original post: /r/todayilearned by /u/Jaw709 on 2025-02-19 00:26:38.
The original post: /r/todayilearned by /u/Ainsley-Sorsby on 2025-02-19 08:50:43.

Original Title: TIL In 1315 the republic of Florence abolished direct taxation, which was perceived as oppressive. The city was funded instead by indirect taxes, like tariffs and consumption taxes but also adopted a measure of forced loans: wealthier citizens were forced to buy low interest government bonds

The original post: /r/todayilearned by /u/Smooth_Record_42 on 2025-02-19 08:34:34.
The original post: /r/todayilearned by /u/freddledgruntbugly on 2025-02-19 04:50:51.

Original Title: TIL In the original BBC version of The Office, Ricky Gervais's character David Brent frequently used the double-entendre punch line "as the actress said to the bishop". When the show was adapted for American audiences, the phrase was changed to Steve Carell's memorable "that's what she she said"

The original post: /r/todayilearned by /u/TBTabby on 2025-02-19 04:19:08.
The original post: /r/todayilearned by /u/Straight_Suit_8727 on 2025-02-19 04:16:07.
The original post: /r/todayilearned by /u/VGWFNick on 2025-02-19 04:11:16.
The original post: /r/todayilearned by /u/haddock420 on 2025-02-19 02:18:53.
The original post: /r/todayilearned by /u/Mervynhaspeaked on 2025-02-19 01:12:34.

Original Title: TIL about the Centralia "Tragedy" in 1919, when members of the American Legion stormed the local International Workers of the World Hall, resulting in multiple deaths. 7 members of the I.W.W. were later convicted of murder, and one (also a veteran) was lynched. No Legionnaire was prosecuted.

The original post: /r/todayilearned by /u/Brutal_Deluxe_ on 2025-02-18 22:57:39.

Original Title: TIL a poll of 1,000 US visitors to Scotland found 33% thought haggis was an animal; 23% said they came to Scotland believing they could catch one. Haggis is traditionally made out of a sheep's stomach filled with liver, heart lung, oatmeal, suet, stock, onions and spices.

The original post: /r/todayilearned by /u/TriviaDuchess on 2025-02-18 22:57:20.

Original Title: TIL that the last person to be executed in the Tower of London was Josef Jakobs in 1941. He was a German spy who parachuted into England but was quickly captured. When arrested, he was found carrying £500, forged papers, and a German sausage.

The original post: /r/todayilearned by /u/Zephylia on 2025-02-18 22:42:35.

Original Title: TIL, that the largest anthropod in the world is a spider crab with a width of over 12 feet and weighing in at nearly 45 pounds! Known as the Japanese Spider Crab, it is believed to be able to live up to or over 100 years ~

The original post: /r/todayilearned by /u/Potatoez on 2025-02-18 19:45:43.
The original post: /r/todayilearned by /u/katxwoods on 2025-02-18 18:28:10.
The original post: /r/todayilearned by /u/Bigred2989- on 2025-02-18 16:28:47.

Original Title: TIL Actor Thomas Jane's (The Punisher, Deep Blue Sea, The Expanse) first acting role was at the age of 16 as the male lead in an Indian romantic comedy called "Padamati Sandhya Ragam". His payment was an RV featured in the film.

The original post: /r/todayilearned by /u/n_mcrae_1982 on 2025-02-18 15:23:32.
The original post: /r/todayilearned by /u/sandy_shark903 on 2025-02-18 20:21:53.
The original post: /r/todayilearned by /u/Brutal_Deluxe_ on 2025-02-18 20:06:43.

Original Title: TIL a poll of 1,000 US visitors to Scotland found 33% thought haggis was an animal; 23% said they came to Scotland believing they could catch one. Haggis is a Scottish pudding traditionally boiled in a sheep's stomach filled with liver, heart, lung, oatmeal, suet, stock, onions and spices.

The original post: /r/todayilearned by /u/Double-decker_trams on 2025-02-18 19:48:03.
The original post: /r/todayilearned by /u/RubysKinkyHeels on 2025-02-18 19:35:30.

Original Title: TIL that military dolphins tag enemy divers with a marker so security can track them. They're trained to sneak up, attach a tracking device, and swim away. Basically playing a terrifying version of underwater "tag you're it".

The original post: /r/todayilearned by /u/Colonel_Green on 2025-02-18 19:30:29.
The original post: /r/todayilearned by /u/StylisticArchaism on 2025-02-18 18:48:57.
The original post: /r/todayilearned by /u/Jay_B_ on 2025-02-18 17:40:14.

Original Title: TIL that the oldest edible honey was found in a tomb in the country of Georgia, in 2003 while excavating for an oil pipeline. Originally sealed in 3500BC, the honey is 5,500 years old and may also have had medicinal value. Georgia may also have housed the first winemakers.

The original post: /r/todayilearned by /u/12a357sdf on 2025-02-18 17:26:38.

Original Title: TIL the cracking sound created by a bullwhip is a sonic boom, the sound created when an object moves faster than the speed of sound. The whip is most likely to be the first faster-than-sound manmade item.

The original post: /r/todayilearned by /u/FrogsAlligators111 on 2025-02-18 17:17:44.
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