Fully Automated RPG

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This community is for discussing solarpunk tabletop gaming, organizing games, and sharing questions, new content, and memes.

For more info visit fullyautomatedrpg.com.

founded 8 months ago

Parable of the Sower is such a good book.

First, it's interesting that it starts right about now. The book starts in mid-2024, and even mentions that its an election year. That was a fascinating experience to read a scifi book in the moment in time in which it is set. It still feels like it takes place about 20 years in the future. It was written 31 years ago, so politically things have seemed to move as many steps forward as backward. It seems like a lot of things have not gotten better and worse than when Butler wrote it, so in some sense I feel like I'm looking at it as a near future in the same way as when it was written a generation ago. I guess I'm glad things didn't go as badly as in the story, but it's rough that the looming threat from 30 years ago feels the same distance away now as then.

Second, it's painful to read. Although the events described in the book haven't happened in the book's setting -- California -- the social collapse and migrations described have happened in Honduras, Gaza, Yemen, and certainly others I'm not aware of. It was really hard to read that and know that it was already real somewhere.

Third, as a solarpunk novel -- and really as general fiction -- it feels like it should be part of a high school curriculum. It's really well written and an engrossing read. Since publishing Fully Automated, I often relate solarpunk stories to that game. What might I have added to the game if I'd read this before? How well does it naturally fit? One thing that struck me is that her emerging in-world faith -- Earthseed -- reminds me quite a bit of elements of Seekerism, a new faith tradition in Fully Automated. I wish I'd known and included direct references to Earthseed, but it's nice when the game has alignment with great works that I wasn't directly familiar with.

Has anyone else read this? What do you folks think?


The vote to elect a new chair of the Pacifica Grid closes in four days, and an auditor thinks there's something suspicious going on. Records of an incident for the lead candidate's past have been destroyed in a cyberattack, and the manager responsible for the files is being mysteriously tight lipped. Keeping power in the right hands requires answers, and it's going to take a few determined problem solvers to get them!

After releasing the core game manual a week ago, we've now released our first playable adventure. It's a concise little one-shot that can be played in 2-4 hours, written specifically as an easy entry point into the game's world and rules.

Like the game itself, it's FREE! So check it out, tell your friends, and if you like this weird little story of hard-science sci-fi intrigue, please leave us a rating and review!



Guess what?


Fully Automated RPG is now available for "purchase" on DriveThruRPG!


If you haven't yet had a look, check us out now! The book is free as in speech, and free as in beer! And if you like what you see, please rate us, review us, and tell your friends! (or foes!)


I’m not sure why but I’ve always found the Civil Defense to be really cool, and I often try to work it into my stories in one form or another (though none of those have been published yet). When I was helping with reorganizing FA!’s box text on the military, I thought it’d be a good addition.

It fulfills the role of being an organized, primarily civilian, primarily voluntary disaster relief organization. It has a long history in dozens of countries, in one form or another, all around the world. Its provided training, search and rescue, preventative measures, emergency response, and recovery, in everything from wars, to natural disasters, and even the Chernobyl disaster. And the different formats used in all those countries give us a historical precident for almost any organizational structure we choose. Want to make it an auxiliary of a military branch? The US did that at some points. Directly part of the military? Some Soviet countries ran it that way. A purely civilian volunteer charity? Britain has recently revived theirs and is running it like that. They can even function as a volunteer militia, like the British home guard, or the American Civil Air Patrol who Wikipedia claims once dropped bombs on axis submarines.

And they have history. People like that kind of lineage, the sense of being part of something that dug people out of rubble in the blitz, that cleared radioactive debris in Chernobyl. There's a long history of sacrifice and service to draw on. And one with comparatively few atrocities on the record.

They're even pretty cool visually. They have the iconic blue triangle motif common in most countries, and a blue and white color scheme not really associated with combat.

Whether you need someone to respond to wildfires, to assist paramedics, to build levees in a flood, or to distribute and build tornado shelters, it's not a far leap from what they've already done. Like Noir said on the discord, given the scale of the Global Climate Wars in the game’s backstory, it seems pretty likely that every government on the planet would start handing out shovels and white helmets again.

And I think it fits the anarchist influences in solarpunk. Putting some of the responsibilities and capabilities for disaster relief back in the hands of the community. It's also a decent role for a varied cast of characters in a RPG. People with regular lives and skills who can be tasked with a quest and be granted some degree of official legitimacy.

When I wrote up the Civil Defense section for the game manual, I tried to provide enough flexibility to allow players and GMs the option to adjust the local Civil Defense chapter to fit their campaign. I like the idea of modern chapters tracing their lineage to different local groups, a postwar militia here, a wildland fire fighter unit there. Like the Defense served as a way to bring various factions (especially armed ones) into the fold, providing them with improved legitimacy in trade for increasing oversight and standardization. So while they’re supplied and trained by the same organization, at the unit level they have some leeway in how they operate and what they specialize in, which can conveniently fit any campaign that wants to use them.


Mayhem is a super-tough MMA fighter anarchist. He's very into Anarchy. If you have a friend who is really into anarchy (and/or MMA), we've got the premade character for them!

Link to full character sheet

Joaquin Krikorian was born to Melissa Krikorian and Alexandar Keith in Slab City in 2093. Melissa was a programmer and musician, and Alexandar was a busker, traditional story-teller, mime, and philosophy professor at Reed College.

Joaquin’s family split their time between Portland and Tijuana for most of his childhood. In 2108, when he was 15, Melissa’s band was eager to see and perform on Mars, and at the same time the Reed Philosophy Department was looking for professor to visit and attend a philosophy conference. They invited Joaquin, but he preferred to stay with family friends in Los Angeles. He spent this time dating, and getting to know himself and the land of Southern California. He delighted in sports from a young age (a passion that would be hard to satisfy during a trip to Mars) and began to get increasingly active in martial arts, along with meditation and psionic mental discipline training.

In 2111 Joaquin got his endurance upgrade mod, and a year later got a brain trauma resistance mod. Joaquin reunified with his mother when she returned that year, though she returned without Alexandar, who stayed on Mars for another Martian year. By 2113 Joaquin was 20 and starting to compete seriously in mixed martial arts when he wasn’t doing Ayahuasca with his girlfriend Nahr. Mayhem (as he’d come to be known in the ring and out) and Nahr then accompanied Melissa on a musical tour of Patagonia, continuing to fight and love and expand his mind, both with books and also with drugs.

Alexandar returned to Earth in 2114. The family made Portland their home base for the next few years. Over this time, Mayhem got his short-duration athletics boost mod and his armored skin mod. Mayhem got more active in social organizing with the Oregon Anarchist Party. In 2117 Mayhem and Nahr adopted a young Canaan dog named Poodle.

In 2119 Mayhem followed Nahr back to Los Angeles for her to join a prestigious documentary film production collective. Mayhem decided to try serving their community as a protector, but after a few months with the LA Protector League there was a mutual agreement that it wasn't a great fit. Now he serves as a protector with the more ideologically aligned Free Protector Network.


@sarenaulibarri@wandering.shop is teaching a seminar that looks very cool. I'm excited to hear what she's saying. Ticket start at $25, but are on a generous sliding scale.

I'm teaching a seminar for Clarion West on April 4th! Drawing on my experience as an anthology editor for World Weaver Press and a story reviewer for Imagine 2200, I'll go over some of the most common issues that I see in climate fiction slush piles.

#solarpunk #lunarpunk #ClimateFiction #ClimateWriters #ScienceFiction #SciFiWriters #ClarionWest #WritingClass #Imagine2200



This company is proposing a design in which magnets are used to repel the train car away from standard iron railroad tracks, and small side-wheels keep the skids aligned. It doesn't use electromagnetic alternation to drive the car, it's just essentially an ultra-low friction alternative to wheels.

Interesting idea. I'm naturally skeptical, but I find the idea neat. I have no idea how you use passive magnets to create a repulsion force, but as the poets say, "Magnets: how the fuck do they work?"

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by andrewrgross@slrpnk.net to c/fullyautomatedrpg@slrpnk.net

Recap from our developer meeting this morning:

I) The core manual:

  • We're going to try to cut down the editors note to one page
  • We're all going to go through and copy edit each section for final release. When you're satisfied, Comment that you're signing off on the section.
  • Once everyone's signed off on each section, we'll make separate documents for the major sections. That means a PDF of a quickstart; rule book; world guide; and player/GM resources, plus character sheets
  • Then post it on Itch.io and DriveThurRPG!

II) Campaign book:

  • Set it aside until the manual is done, then basically do the same thing for it. Try to finish by mid April.

III) Promotion

  • Until the manual and campaign release, keep doing what we're doing: talk about it on social media and such.
  • After the game releases, directly contact a large list of writers, podcasters, game critics, etc. and make sure we've told anyone who is interested.
  • Target timeframe: April and May

IV) After that

  • We'll see. I'd like to get a bit of distance. Take a break and see what I feel like doing.
  • Future steps are obvious: more playable adventures and the space expansion.
  • If anyone else wants to be lead dev, I'll eagerly support a change in dev group leadership.

Share your thoughts!


One of the devs has been filling in a table of random NPCs. They've made a few dozen, and they're already really incredible in their variety and fit into the setting. You can see a handful of them below.

I thought I'd share some and solicit and try to crowdsource some more. More NPC suggestions would be highly appreciated!


Chorus of Wires, a synth who cares for the Vivarium at Lincoln Heights. They are fans of unusual semi-edible fruits.

Jumping Colour, often found with one of her long haired dogs at the Paws Salon on Clifford Street. She does animal work sessions at Preschools all over the city.

Port Fraxinius, runs the haberdashery on the corner of Gateway Boulevard. He’s a good listener, although sometimes secrets bubble up at his Poet’s corner performances

Garter Buffman. Involved in several camping and outdoor clubs in Azusa. Unusually suntanned for a non-humanoid synth.

Rhussel Olean. Spends three days a week on his Bike Kitchen drifting up and down Adobe Avenue. Is also Building resident union rep for the ‘Production artists and designers bikeshop’

Skates von Spikes. Knowledgeable manager of Clean Sheets Drug Space at Del Ray. Off duty she can be found at her building resident union, or the Baha’i temple.

Questionable Skunk. Operates out of a room opposite the Sculpture Garden, Cosmo Street. He doesn’t ask many questions. He doesn't welcome them either.

Cactus Bronzefinger. Performance set builder at the FabboWoodo workshop, West LA. He has a couple of lemur themed augmentations, that he claims are helpful backstage.

Punchcard Stipa. A synth that uses ‘his’ pronouns. He helps out at the Thermophile Spa, Hollywood hills, and has been adapting his chassis to act as a safety officer. That’s an ambition currently unfufilled.

Diskrhust. They split their time between the animal shelter, teaching self defence at the local recreation hall, and monitoring orbital shifts at the Union of Skylands on Norwalk Boulevard.

Coyote Ace. A name they might yet grow out of, Coyote is at highschool, but has their eye on a empty space on Holt Avenue that they dream of running their own wired haberdashery from

TurbineThyme is a synth who lives in the basement below New Theater on New Avenue. She’s still exploring what her body can do, and where that might lead her.

Bolt Chitalpa. A coder by arrangement on Hilliard Avenue. He also writes periodically for the Circle of Nations.

Chappie Arral. Purveyor of soap and other homegood chemicals off Whittier. He attends a church of latter-day saints group that meet early mornings in the park.

5 Steps, as he is known, is a wandering preacher, tracing a route between the Hindu Temple, Baha’i church and Protestant Chapel in Culver City.

Ohm Tatsoi is a practicing doctor and muslim. They are currently feuding with the Vivarium staff over alleged class snobbery.

Friendly Marguerita is a synth and coach at a boxing gym at Culver City. They are studied at projecting an authoritative calm amongst angry teenagers.

EriDuct is a surprisingly old synth usually found holding court at Poet’s corner, Torrance. On a good day, she’ll tell you about her old lives.

Hoof Rust is a kite dancer synth, usually found high above Altadena. His broadcasts on high altitude biochemistry are well respected, although his body is far too large to allow access to a regular lecture theater.

Slick Basil. Street seller of whatever needs selling, they sometimes can be found with a flower tray outside the Hindu temple in Agoura Hills, although just as often selling chits at the Union of Skylands, or mouthwash at Granry16.

... and so on.


decided to do some research on a world without stock markets, maybe these articles would be useful to FA's world, which bans making money from money

https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/what-stocks-didnt-exist-john-m-paul-aif- this deals with the history of investing and argues futures markets would exist even without a stock market

https://www.thebalancemoney.com/what-if-the-stock-market-didn-t-exist-2637105 this is a capitalist argument for the stock market but may detail potential issues to be worked around (low key hilarious that it laments the loss of walmart in such a world)

https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/what-if-there-was-no-stock-market.260638/ a forum debate about the stock market which mentions alternative financial systems. alludes to the public goods game (libraries) and co-ops in a lot of ways.

https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/stock-markets-no-longer-fit-purpose this points out the flaws in the stock market and also mentions a field guide to regenerative economies, though said field guide was created by something called "The Capital Institute", so idk http://fieldguide.capitalinstitute.org/evergreen-direct-investing.html

this describes a market socialist economy that may be a stepping stone to FA's communism or a satisfactory state on its own (assuming proper governance mechanisms) https://www.reddit.com/r/SocialDemocracy/comments/olqi4a/are_there_economic_problems_with_locally_owned/


Marigold was adopted at birth by Carol and Georgie Sinclair in 2108. As the oldest of five, Marigold has always been a leader in their large household. They’re the product of their mothers’ inquisitiveness, their father’s confident passion for service, and a general love of taking things apart. In school, communication and writing were long their favorite subjects, narrowly beating out applied science and engineering. After a class field trip to the KNOCK LA newsroom when they were 12, Marigold became captivated by the sense of heroism they associated with investigative journalism.

On their school newspaper (Toypurina’s “The Recruiter”) they made a beat in looking for undisclosed potential conflicts of interest in procurement processes (they found five over two years) and performing other investigations into administrative oversight. Their greatest achievement was an expose on the fraction of school district travel opportunities which were provided to administrators versus educators. Marigold’s discovery that educators only received one sixth of the district’s off-world travel opportunities compared to upper level administrators when adjusted for group sizes received passing coverage from all the major municipal papers and earned them an angry letter from the school district’s head office, which Marigold framed and hung up in their room.

Knowhound spends their time hanging out with their friends Shoshana, Rocco, and Goat; going on adventures around Torrance with their younger siblings (where they’re equal parts protector and bad influence); and chasing leads for stories that either make it into an article for the school paper or wind up as microreports on the neighborhood Community Post.

Character sheet link


I'm reading "The Lost Cause" by Cory Doctorow. I'm about half-way through, so I don't know what it's like in the second half, but so far it feels so apiece with the vision in my head when playing games of Fully Automated, and that's really exciting.

The book takes place in Burbank, California, in an unspecified year that sounds like slightly less than one generation removed from today. Around 2040, I'd say.

It's been a few presidential administrations from now, and the US has implemented a Green New Deal, and Climate Corps are commonplace internationally. But also, things are tense. The world is still on fire, and a lot of conservatives are not pleased to see this new world taking shape. And within this context, the story is very communal. The protagonist knows all their neighbors, and everyone is always doing things for one another and relying on each other. Mutual aid is just integrated in to everyday life.

It's a great book, with an interesting plot and good characterizations. But there's another level of enjoyment, because I feel like reading the story makes me think of all the ways its tone, locations, and conflicts could be appropriated the way you do when running RPGs. It hits especially hard, because for anyone who isn't familiar, Burbank is a suburb of Los Angeles, and the intensely local sense of cultural pride that is a theme of the book is so familiar to my attempts to present that same feature when playing Fully Automated! with friends. I think the rich culture and patchwork nature of LA inspires that in a lot of people.

And also, I'm thinking of how much more I want to see this genre of writing expand, and how sharing a game like this can do a small part to add to getting people into writing more of these stories. And also, obviously the feedback loop that happens when people make more stuff that inspires other people to make more stories themselves.

I guess what I'm saying is that I'm really liking this book on three levels:

  1. "I'm really enjoying this good book."
  2. "I could steal so much stuff from this book for running games."
  3. "This seems like further proof that at lot of people are working in this idea sandbox, and I can't wait to see where that cycle of inspiration leads."

Pulsação aka Pulsa aka Aide Fuentes is a Capoeira master who loves dancing and defending anyone in danger as a member of the LA Protectors League.

Full character sheet


cross-posted from: https://programming.dev/post/10927570

Lose yourself in the visionary fiction of Cory Doctorow, the celebrated author and digital rights activist known for his masterful explorations of the intersection of tech and society. And help support the Electronic Frontier Foundation with your purchase.


I want to really simple layout to serve as a training simulation. The idea is that I think people will find it easier to learn combat if they can role play, but in world they're in a simulation.

I also wanted to try making a map fast. In the past it's been a long, slow process. This is a partially built trolley in a factory that players can use to trying out tactics.


This is I think the third time in my life I've made a character sheet for a tabletop RPG so I've probably messed something up, but I thought I'd share it just the same. I tried to focus on making someone who is good at fixing and making things, and who only has some basic recreational sport fighting knowhow which he'd be very reluctant to use (and which might be dubiously useful anyways). I'm not sure how well he'd fit action-heavy campaigns - he's almost closer to a ship's engineer kind of role, and I'm not sure how that'd fit an investigation, for example. But I wanted to do something different, and emphasize other kinds of problem solving, so here's what I came up with:

I might change his origins based on where the next campaign I can join takes place. I feel like he'd fit just as well in another city, or even in one of the orbital or martian locations.


Hypebot is a chill synth DJ. He's not bright, but he loves to party. You can find more about Hypebot on their character sheet. I'll also post Hypebot's bio in the comments.

Art by Jack Gross.


For a game I was running yesterday, one of the NPCs plays zero gravity jai alai, and I legit stole the idea from Batman Beyond.

I love this concept for a sport in the future, and I'm super glad that Batman Beyond invented it.


There's a scene on an airship ride from the LA spaceport to Long Beach, so I took a picture while I was on the Alameda Ferry a few weeks ago and then edited in a view of the sky. The one passenger who isn't totally blurred out is my husband.

I just erased the windows and put a stock image of the sky behind them. Simple, but effective, right?


A bit negative, but I kind of agree that combat should probably have less emphasis in a Solarpunk RPG. I remember from the old days that the Paranoia RPG had a similar situation where combat really wasn't the focus of the game, so they pretty much kept it out of the rulebook and left it to the game master to flesh out if needed.


This is the work of my brother Jack Gross.


In a thread on reddit, someone said that they didn't see what kind of problems the setting would present, and I thought that u/lawrencelot's response was excellent enough to save and share here:

Someone stubbed their toe but has a fear of doctors. An organization develops a robot that can replace a deceased loved one. A family of badgers have built their home under railway tracks (note: this recently happened in my country). Alien contact. Someone is mean to a racist. Trees are growing their roots through nuclear waste from the past. A package was delivered to someone's neighbour and that neighbour ordered the same thing. Clouds start forming mysterious shapes. A kid's balloon flew away. All inhabitants of a city start having nightmares of an apocalypse. Someone throws soup at a famous painting to ask attention for robot rights.

It makes me really happy to see that other people get the concept, especially because I don't pretend to have enough imagination to come up with as many ideas as this, so I'm really hoping that this game inspires others to come up with ideas like this that I can play some day.

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