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A subreddit for everything open source related.

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The original was posted on /r/opensource by /u/reps_up on 2024-09-16 22:28:03+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/opensource by /u/vicenormalcrafts on 2024-09-16 08:49:10+00:00.

Just announced at the Open Source Summit in Vienna.

This could be a devastating blow to similar solutions. What do you think of the timing of Elasticsearch’s license reversal in light of this announcement?

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The original was posted on /r/opensource by /u/CrankyBear on 2024-09-15 20:37:49+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/opensource by /u/owl_from_hogvarts on 2024-09-15 13:19:08+00:00.

I am running a small non-profit open source team. We work on a single project and occasionally contribute to adjacent communities. We want to organize our tasks in a structured manner. This includes clear deadlines (we use SCRUM), subtasks to keep track of huge features while breaking their complexity, and threaded discussions with code syntax highlight to aggregate all relevant information in single place. The tool also has to be public (anyone on the Internet should have access to our board), so we stay transparent to the community.

I've struggled to find product which satisfies all the above requirements. Could you recommend apps that fall close enough to our team's needs?

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The original was posted on /r/opensource by /u/ivosaurus on 2024-09-15 14:07:26+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/opensource by /u/Fedowa on 2024-09-14 19:01:22+00:00.

TL;DR - Just backstory.

This is the first time I've ever proactively promoted my work on a public platform. I've always just created things, put them out in the world, and crossed my fingers that someone would stumble upon it someday and them finding some utility out of it. I've never been the type to push projects in other people's faces, because I've always thought "if someone wants this, they'd search for it, and then find it", and I only really feel like I've succeeded if someone goes out of their way to use something I created because it makes their life just a little better. Not repo traffic. Sure, it's nice, but it doesn't tell me anything about whether or not I actually managed to make someone's day easier, if someone out there is actually regularly using something I created because it's genuinely helpful to them, or if they just checked out the repo, maybe even left a star because they thought it was conceptually neat, only to completely forget about it the next day.

Looking back at my repos that I'm most proud of, are projects that were hosted on other websites, like NexusMods, where there was real interaction beyond a number. Hell I'd even feel euphoric if someone told me there's a bug in my code, because it meant that it was useful enough for that person to have used it enough to run into the bug in the first place.

I made the initial version of this utility ages ago, back when I barely knew Rust, in order to address a personal pet pieve. Recently, I began to realize how much of a staple this ancient Rust program was in my day-to-day toolkit. It's been a part of my workflow this whole time; if I use it this much without even realizing it, then.. maybe it may actually have value to others?

The thought of that inspired me to remake the whole thing from scratch with features I actually always wanted but didn't care enough to implement until now.

The reason I'm here now, publicly promoting a project, isn't because this is some magnum opus or anything. It's difficult to put into words. Though I know a part of me is just seeking affirmation.

I just hope someone finds it useful. It's cargo installable, though if you don't have cargo, I only have a precompiled ELF binary posted since I don't have a Windows environment atm. I intend on setting up a VM to provide a precompiled executable as well soon enough.

Any PRs gladly welcomed. I'm sure there are some Rust wizards here who know better :)

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The original was posted on /r/opensource by /u/mirotalk on 2024-09-13 03:11:31+00:00.

Say goodbye to complicated setups and apps. With Call-Me, you can start smooth, one-to-one video calls directly from your browser! Powered by cutting-edge WebRTC technology, it’s faster and easier than ever.


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The original was posted on /r/opensource by /u/Round_Imagination_77 on 2024-09-12 14:46:26+00:00.

Asking for a friend


Thanks for all the repsonses looks like Open Source is the way to go!

I just used this new AI search engine tool called Devv AI to contribute to an open source project. It can look at the entire repo and tell me what I should do and help me debug. Y'all I feel so empowered I'm gonna grind and get a jobbb

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The original was posted on /r/opensource by /u/da_peda on 2024-09-11 06:42:14+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/opensource by /u/alice_i_cecile on 2024-09-11 01:06:49+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/opensource by /u/gschier2 on 2024-09-10 19:57:49+00:00.

A while ago, my post about why Yaak was NOT open source was posted to this subreddit. The feedback was mostly disagreement, suggesting that my problem with OSS wasn't due to open source but open contribution.

After thinking on it for a few months, I decided this was correct, so Yaak is now open source! ()

Here's a longer-winded version of my reasoning, if you're curious

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The original was posted on /r/opensource by /u/MioCuggino on 2024-09-10 11:35:56+00:00.

Well: postman is shit.

I could overcome that's made in Electron and its too much heavy for what it offers.

What grinds my gear is that they tie a lot of functionalities into shared cloud workspaces, and cherry on top they also limit team size if you don't want to pay.

I don't want my fucking collections online, behind a login (and I don't know why, usually it also cancel my session and I have to login again).

I want something that's not enshittificated beyond any recognition.

I want something that works OFFLINE

Something OSS, so it safe from silicon valley venture capitalist aren't able to resist to buy a new fucking yatch each month.

Something that works with a fucking yaml/json/whatever, that can works OFFLINE and file based (do you remember how good is git to versionate things? I remember. It's enough, idiots)

Everything to make simple http calls (yeah, I could use curl, in fact I am, but come on...)

Any "production grade" alternative?

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The original was posted on /r/opensource by /u/gbaranski on 2024-09-09 10:55:30+00:00.

Hey there!

I'm 19 yo, 2 years ago I started building an app that had a vision of helping drivers to find available parking spaces in crowded and busy cities. The idea was to use AI & CCTV cameras to find them.

After a few months the AI model started working on the first parking lots in Poland, and soon I started winning some awards in competitions for young people, in May this year I was sent to Los Angeles to compete in the world's biggest science & technology competition - ISEF Regeneron.

However, it turned out that the reality is completely different, and there's no city willing to cooperate and share access to cameras.

I gave up right after the competition in May, many lessons learned, but it's time to move on to something else.

Today, September 9th, I'd like to share it with everyone by making it open-source.


If you're interested, I've also written a blog post about the project.

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The original was posted on /r/opensource by /u/Furthir on 2024-09-09 09:07:29+00:00.

I have been collecting an extensive list of open source projects on and off over the past 6 months. I have browsed and scrolled through a lot of similar "awesome" lists, but a lot of them include stuff that I wouldn't use due to their "development" nature. This means that there are no projects related to development such as frameworks, APIs, and libraries included in this list.

The list includes projects related to different operating systems, modded apps, games, privacy focused apps/tools, and much more. I can guarantee you there is at least one or two projects in this list that you have never heard of but will seem useful to you.

Feel free to check out the list and let me know if there are any gems I might have missed, as well as a better name for the repo because i think the current name kinda sucks.


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The original was posted on /r/opensource by /u/katos8858 on 2024-09-08 14:27:53+00:00.

Homebox v0.14.1 - Released

What is Homebox

Homebox is the inventory and organization system built for the Home User! With a focus on simplicity and ease of use, Homebox is the perfect solution for your home inventory, organization, and management needs. While developing this project, we've tried to keep the following principles in mind:

  • Simple - Homebox is designed to be simple and easy to use. No complicated setup or configuration required. Use either a single docker container or deploy yourself by compiling the binary for your platform of choice.
  • Blazingly Fast - Homebox is written in Go, which makes it extremely fast and requires minimal resources to deploy. In general idle memory usage is less than 50MB for the whole container.
  • Portable - Homebox is designed to be portable and run on anywhere. We use SQLite and an embedded Web UI to make it easy to deploy, use, and backup.

The Update

This update contains many fixes, and small resolutions, but it also contains a HUGE update in terms of making Homebox more accessible to international users. We've finally added i18n support to Homebox, allowing users to use Homebox in their own language. It's still early days, we've translated the majority of the main pages, and we continue working on it.

To use translations, simply open Homebox, it's really that simple, it will use whatever the default language setting your browser is set to use. And fallback to English if your preferred language isn't yet available. If your language isn't yet available, please consider contributing. For those that have already contributed, both those named, and those that don't have your GitHub linked in Weblate (and thus don't appear in commit messages to mention) thank you so much, we couldn't possible translate Homebox into so many languages ourselves. Please note that we are still on a transition phase, and many strings are still hard coded to English. We continue to work on translating the entire application.

Additionally, we purchased the domain to give Homebox a home of its own on the internet. Which should not only make it more findable for SEO reasons, but also make it easier to remember the link to the documentation/home page. Additionally, we setup some sub-domains to redirect to various sites such as for Github, to go to our Discord server, etc.

What's Changed

Full Changelogv0.13.0...v0.14.0

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The original was posted on /r/opensource by /u/Elec0 on 2024-09-07 23:35:06+00:00.

I really like Microsoft Edge's Workspaces, but I like using Google Chrome. So I decided to make an extension that replicates most of the behavior without needing to use Edge.

Demo gif


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The original was posted on /r/opensource by /u/fazelesswhite on 2024-09-05 19:34:59+00:00.

We love gitbook, but hate the fact the pricing is unpredictable + it's not FOSS :(, so we built something that we could use for our documentation needs. We were big fans of docusaurus and RsPress (like docusaurus but built with rust based tools) but onboarding non-technical people to use it was a pain.

Introducing kalmia! It's free (as in freedom with AGPLv3), it's pretty, it's blazingly fast. If you want to know more details about it you can read about it on our blog or just go straight to the github/docs.

PS: It's a very early stage product so there might be a few bugs/breaking changes!

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The original was posted on /r/opensource by /u/SunilKumarDash on 2024-09-04 11:39:44+00:00.

Hi, everyone.

So, I built an AI automation system that handles all the invoices from Gmail and logs essential attributes in a Google sheet.

My mum runs a small biz and usually gets a lot of Invoices, and manually managing them was getting tiring,

So, I created a Python script to automatically extract emails with invoices and update them in a Google sheet.

Tech stack

  • Composio - for Gmail and Google sheet integration.
  • Nanonet - for extracting data from PDF.
  • CrewAI - Agent orchestartion.
  • React +Vite - for frontend

Workflow Overview

  • First, add a few words that will be used to find potential emails with invoices. Then, create a JSON file or something similar. Also, name the attributes that need to be extracted from Invoices.
  • Next, Set up an event listener to poll emails from Gmail inbox. Fetch the emails that match the keywords.
  • Process the PDF attachments based on the names of the attributes provided using an agent built using GPT-4o and CrewAI.
  • Finally, we extract data points from invoice PDF using Nanonet and update them to a Google sheet using the Google Sheet integration.

It still has rough corners, and I need to figure out how to make it more reliable.

You can check the complete code here: .

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The original was posted on /r/opensource by /u/PandaDEV_ on 2024-09-03 05:41:45+00:00.

Hey everyone, I started making a remake of the Awesome Windows list on GitHub because the original has not been updated for 3 years and the owner shows no interest in maintaining it.

Take a look here, I appreciate every star.

The last post got deleted because the project had "a not open source" license.

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The original was posted on /r/opensource by /u/testus_maximus on 2024-09-02 17:18:52+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/opensource by /u/N014P on 2024-09-02 13:56:29+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/opensource by /u/Lesser_Scholar on 2024-09-01 21:24:48+00:00.

I've been working on my own video editing software for 8 months now. A part of that journey has been writing the most robust implementation of what is know as "smartcut", i.e. cutting videos while recoding only small segments around the cutpoints to stitch together a whole video.

Now I've decided to open-source this smartcutting part of the project!

While this is not a new idea, and there are a couple open-source implementations already, I believe mine is the first one to really try to solve the problem for good, and not just treat it as a curiosity to experiment with.

I've also written a test suite that verifies that the implementation is working with various codecs (h264, h265, vp9, av1), container formats (.mp4, .mkv) and audio codecs (mp3, vorbis, opus, aac, flac, wav).

I also made this demo video (with the slightly provocative, but accurate) claim of "6000% faster than FFmpeg":

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The original was posted on /r/opensource by /u/foundfootagefan on 2024-09-01 08:32:47+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/opensource by /u/rubiesordiamonds on 2024-08-30 13:34:26+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/opensource by /u/realstocknear on 2024-08-30 11:10:41+00:00.

Hey guys,

over the last 2 years I've been working on my open source project called stocknear. The idea is to get as much data as possible and simplify it to understand where the market moves.

Currently my platform supports the following features:

  • Wallstreetbets Tracker
  • Jim Cramer Tracker
  • Retail Investor Tracker (via Nasdaq Exchange)
  • Corporate Lobbying
  • Top Shorted Stocks
  • Realtime Options Flow Reader
  • Dividend, Earnings, Splits and Economic Calendar
  • Stock Screener
  • Community Page
  • Wallst. Analyst, Congress & Hedge Fund Database
  • Machine-learning to find trends
  • Financial history up to 30 years

You can check out the repo here:

Live demo:

If you have any feedback or questions please let me know.

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