Anyone who lives in similar housing want to share their experience?
To me it always looked like a nightmare.
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Anyone who lives in similar housing want to share their experience?
To me it always looked like a nightmare.
I've lived in a similar enough complex, and visited people living in others. It's fine, not much different from any other apartment. They're usually fairly well thought-out, better than a lot of older apartment buildings. Basically universally ceilings though (2.5m instead of the usual 3m), which can make it look cramped fairly fast if you're not careful about furniture and decor.
The only real issue with the complex pictured here is light. I don't think the people living in some of those towers are gonna get much natural daylight.
What are neighbours and noise like? I'm imagining one person's drunk party being a nuisance to a lot of neighbours.
What's the thrash (collection) situation like?
Same as in more "normal" apartment buildings. You've got some noise, but it's usually not an issue. Your only real concern are the units "bordering" yours, and maybe down the hallway. Plus, so many people around means that it's inevitable that someone calls the cops if shit gets really out of hand.
For trash there's a garbage room or a fenced area outside with large containers, and it's collected several times a week. I've never figured out the exact schedule while I was living there, but the only time I've seen the trash literally overflow was right after Christmas. And it wasn't disgusting, just packaging materials. Lots and lots of cardboard. Again, pretty much the same as in every other apartment building.
Thank you for explaining