That’s when you break out the “Whelp,” and slap your knee, that’s the universal sign for “Time to go”.
Bikini Bottom Twitter
Are ya ready kids?!
You're 44 attempts into realising why we teach little kids "use your words"
That's not what I see at all, there are people I barely knew that would tell me about absolute absurd events happening to close friends or relatives of them, and its clear they just need the attention, and to these people I can only offer Yups, Dangs, and Yeah that's crazies
You're also clearly indicating you aren't quite enjoying the conversation anymore. Perhaps you could tell them that in some way?
You're saying I'm not clearly indicating, otherwise why would I have to tell them? In all seriousness, though, it only happened a couple of times in my life, its not an ongoing thing. If they cannot pick up on me being unhappy with the conversation, then so be it, life goes I wouldn't want to offend anyone directly, especially not someone who is a bit off
"fuck off"
Yes yes very good thank you!
I hope someone walks out on you whenever you are happily talking about something you like