A little kNaWLedGe is a dangerous thing
Screenshots of people being insane on Facebook. Please censor names/pics of end users in screenshots. Please follow the rules of lemmy.world
Not something I'm particularly proud of, but at one point I was looking into the sovereign dealio with a little bit more than intellectual interest. "Are these guys on to something?" "What would happen if we ALL decided to do it?" I never went as far as getting a license plate, but... Hold on. Come to think of it, it was never even CLOSE to getting a license plate because I knew that it was all bull crap. Never mind. :)
It's always ok to dream. But don't make homemade plates.
It's got electrolytes! Idiocracy is a documentary. Lol
It's depressing how accurate that movie is.
I would literally vote for Terry Cruz right now if I could. Even with him drinking a beer riding a motorcycle.
In terms of word play this is brilliant.
In the point they were trying to make its Trumpian.
Eh, it's about on par with Eric Cartman's 'evidence' that Wendy Testaburger wants to kill all the smurfs. To anyone not in the know, they were satirizing Glenn Beck, who was a popular conservative shill at the time who did exactly that on TV but about Obama or something
Reading this sounds like one of those "In Living Color" skits where Damon Wayans played a hotep.
8 fucking years I spend in meh-dickle school just for this bitch to leak the whole birth certificate scam?
Well dock-ore, perhaps you needed to spend more time on Facebook then.
Nevermind the fact thar the word cell predates electricity storing devices. Does the book goes back to linking batteries with ships or what?
I like how they call the Knights Hospitallers a secret society when they were under a Papal charter and actually colonized a few Caribbean islands at one point.
They can't even get their crazy shit straight. Hospitallers weren't part of the Templars.