- Remain Civil
Stay civil and respectful towards your fellow human beings!
- No Unrelated Content
Content posted should be related to "Community" the TV show.
Please try to keep off-topic posts to a minimum! Some of the Community cast members have their own communities, so consider posting stuff related to them there instead.
Posting and discussion of Politics and other sensitive matters are not allowed.
- No Repeat Topics - Research Before Posting
Do a search before posting a thread. Chances are it will have been asked or posted before. Frequent/repeat threads will be removed.*
*With the influx of new viewers, we ask old viewers not to flag content they may have seen numerous times, and we ask new viewers to find a recent existing or similar post and comment there rather than post a new thread.
- Properly Title Your Threads
Give threads an appropriate title so people searching can find relevant content easily. If you have a question, ask it in the title. The title should provide info (i.e. season and/or episode in question) as to it's content without having to click on it. Please be considerate of spoilers if possible by adding [Spoiler in title] as a prefix (as a warning) or rewording the title.
Use the:
- NSFW is Prohibited
NSFW content is prohibited. Links to such content will be removed and users may be punished per moderation discretion.
- No Poll features
You can ask questions still but to encourage more discussion in the Community rather than a fixed set of options, we have decided to not allow any polling features when posting.
- No political content