Bullet Club Gold finally starting to rack up the gold. International championship next for Jay?
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Casually opening with an Okada/Pac match
I thought they said Bryan and Osprey would open the show.
I hope we get more of this Nigel/Callis bromance
I don't know if that decision was made by a genius or a psychopath
Jack Perry in the new Elite sounds intriguing. I wonder if he could eventually get the TNT title off of Copeland
Don't worry guys we got a ladder match to cool down from that before the main event
Jungle Boy is back!Β‘!!!
Does being a wrestler from the 90s give you a buff against outside shenanigans?
How tf did Billy kick out?
Jericho was hilarious tonight
AEW production is so bad, that Bryan/Osprey Knee vs Blade epic clash and they filmed the two guys' butts in mid-air. As WWE's camera work improves, AEW's flaws become more and more apparent.
I mean, zoom out a little bit, damn it!
I agree. AEWs production is really bad. The director always misses cues.
An example I can remember from tonight, Eddie Kingstonβs machine gun chops spot. The entire time the camera was behind the post and looking up from ground level. Missed the entire sequence.
I notice they miss a lot of important moves when they occur. It feels like whoever is directing is not understanding the pace of the matches.
This is so true and noticeable. Then they don't even do replays a lot of the time to show what they missed.
It kinda annoys me more because the match was so fire, that the bad camera sticks out even more
ππWhy does Okada think potentially paralyzing someone is funny
He enjoys his job!