submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by thelastaxolotl@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

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User and sitemod call@aaaaaaadjsf @Abraxiel @Abstraction @Acute_Engles @American_Communist22 @AnarchaPrincess @Antilope @Alaskaball @Aliveelectricwire @artificialset @bbnh69420 @BigLadKarlLiebknecht @bubbalu @buh @CatEars420 @cawsby @CDommunist @Cheesewizzard @Cherufe @ClimateChangeAnxiety @clover @comi @Commander_Data @ComradeCmdrPiggy @ComradeEchidna @context @congressbaseballfan @corgiwithalaptop @crime @CrispyFern @Cromalin @CyborgMarx @Dawn_Beveridge @Dirt_Owl @Dolores @Donut @drinkinglakewater @Dryad @ElChapoDeChapo @ElGosso @el_principito @EmmaGoldman @FidelCashflow @Flinch @flowernet @forcequit @Frogmanfromlake @Gabbo @GalaxyBrain @ghosts @Goadstool @GomerPyle @GorbinOutOverHere @GoroAkechi @Grownbravy @GVAGUY3 @HarryLime @hexaflexagonbear @HoChiMaxh @Hohsia @Ho_Chi_Chungus @Ideology @InevitableSwing @iwillavengeyoufather @I_HATE_JOHN_CALVIN @jabrd @JamesConeZone @Kanna @Kaputnik @Koa_lala @kristina @LesbianLiberty @marxisthayaca
@MaxOS @MelaniaTrump @Mindfury @mkultrawide @Nakoichi @PaulSmackage @plinky @PM_ME_YOUR_FOUCAULTS @PorkrollPosadist @President_Obama @PurrLure @Ram_The_Manparts @Redcuban1959 @RNAi
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@CARCOSA @liberal @ella @all_that_is_solid @KenBonesWildRide @KiraNerys @TomboyShulk @DuckNuckem @SapGreen @Zangief @scumlord @COMMENT @Antisocial_Socialist @DOPESMOKERDENG

submitted 1 hour ago* (last edited 48 minutes ago) by Cowbee@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

"Could be the ratchet effect. Lemmygrad and Hexbear are both explicitly Marxist-Leninist, but .ml is explicitly FOSS and Privacy based, just with Marxist-Leninist admins."

This was back when I tried to get PugJesus to try to understand how deeply unserious they were, and generally tried to appear less threatening to liberals to hopefully lead some to question liberalism or even read theory

(Spoiler: it didn't work)

Specifically, it was in reference to Lemmy.world becoming more and more right-wing as the target boogeyman shifts from more overt to less overt leftism, especially since ml removed leftist from its description.

Kinda funny seeing it up there now that I've made a Hexbear account


I think he'll wholly jettison the Republican establishment this go around. His VP is going to be a sycophant, as will anyone else in his orbit. He's going to go on tour holding rallies every other week, talking about toilet flushing water and how they clean coal. He'll piss the Pentagon off by ending Ukraine involvement, and/or saying the quiet part outloud with regards to Palestine - something to the effect of it's ok for Israel to eradicate Palestine because white colonialists erased the natives in America and that worked out well for everyone since now there are Indian Casinos.

What else?


I don't want to go into too much detail... suffice to say we are growing distant and I can't see this lasting much longer...

Feels bad hexbears...

I do love her

submitted 3 hours ago by Luna@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

I made a comment on the lemmy.ml world news comm saying it would be funny if the DNC had Bernie and Hillary debate for the candidacy (as a Biden replacement). It was downvoted (later upvoted, probably by left-wing .ml users) with .worlders leaving comments like "We need more radical (as in Bernie or AOC) candidates, or no to Hillary but yes to Bernie. The funny part comes in where a shitjustworks user comes in saying " It's her turn". At first I thought this was ironic (as it should be) so I sent this emoji (🤣). They downvoted my comment (the only interaction with that comment so it was most likely them). They UNIRONICALLY said it was her turn. I'm way too used to Hexbear and the Lemmygrad/.ml users that are willing to interact on it, I was not ready for the pure liberalism and reddit vibes that awaited me on .ml (not even .world).

TL;DR, someone on .ml said "it's her turn" unironically, it's funny if not a bit strange, and every time I see someone coment or post about "saving american democracy" all I can think of (not say, I don't want to get banned) is Death to Amerikkka.


Back off guys

submitted 21 hours ago by Dirt_Owl@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

Trump should be the least likeable person in the world and yet Biden SOMEHOW MANAGES TO LOOK WORSE THAN FUCKING TRUMP.

Lmao what an embarrassment for libs. Imagine losing face to a washed up celebrity real estate guy.

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by Dirt_Owl@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

There is nothing that I find more pathetic than hating young people.

It's our responsibility to help the next generation have a damn future, not complain at them until they become loyal servents.

People act like the kids owe them something. No it's the other way around, we owe them.

We have an ass backwards society where kids are expected to raise themselves and serve adults. It's insane.

I can't count how many times I've been out somewhere and there is some parent screeching at their child like a bratty teenager. Like holy shit, how did we get to the point where parents are less mature than their kids? It's pathetic.

And then people complain that kids show no respect and youth crime is up. Yeah, no shit, who would respect a society of selfish brats? You act like a prick in front of your kids and now they're pricks too. No shit. Instead of setting an example and being decent human beings we act like screeching tyrants and expect them to grow up to respect us and society? What a joke.

submitted 22 hours ago by btbt@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

It’s his world and we’re just living in it

submitted 1 day ago by buh@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

Tesla drivers are mostly chuds themselves but ones who go for the sci fi nerd aesthetic rather than the country boy aesthetic, the cowboy wannabes just don’t understand that


Love his avatar tbf. Cute.


Blubber blubber blubber!


this and more vicious self-owns, only in this incredible grass-toucher post (again)

I used to have irl friends but they all turned out to be horrible people or libs or whatever, I used to have leddit but leddit is fucking poisonous, I used to have discord servers and shit but I tend to pass into and out of discord groups with worrying ease, also I cant stop saying "another kkkracka down" at grampa's funeral

now I have bear website and it's the place I want to talk, what the fuck else even is there? where else would even tolerate me? any attempt to reach out and join communities or groups anywhere would probably result in critical psychic damage, also I still will not go into the queer center in town, what the fuck

bear website is the only spot where talking to people has a decent chance of not being a painful affair

hexagonal ursine webzone

submitted 2 days ago by Cowbee@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

Been posting here and there from my .ml account, and figured that the communities I tended to enjoy interacting with the most were Hexbear communities, so now I'm here too, for when I just want to chill and don't want to smash my head into a wall talking to libs.



just the most obnoxious reddit brainworms. bleh


"Suck that, smack that" lick that" sniff that".

You want to tell me when dudes became this brazen with weirdo shit?

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by Red_Sunshine_Over_Florida@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

I’ve been sitting on this story for a while and wanted to eventually share it here. [CW: References to Homophobia] This is a story about the only self- described communist I’ve met in my life so far.

A few years ago after my job I got to know a number of workers on the shift, including the old inventory man, who recently retired this year. Me, being without friends to talk about the stuff that I studied in college (history mainly), got to chatting with him about what I learned in university. Unlike most people I speak to, he got some of the references to historical figures and current events, revealing a person who took great pride in his own self taught schooling. We particularly connected when I referenced reading about the historiographers tracing developments in writing on the Caribbean back through historians such as Eric Williams, who was well known to him when he was growing up in the Caribbean during the 60s. He had an old tattered copy of Capitalism and Slavery at home that he took great pride in owning. I initially got the impression from talking about history with him that he had strong left vibes inspired by the anti colonial movements of the mid 20th century, especially when he talked about his disdain for the French under de Gaulle continuing to meddle in African affairs down to the present. However, I just assumed he would describe himself in the vein of being some sort of left-liberal, I did not expect the moment I’m going to describe to you all.

One day when we are all doing our jobs, we get into the usual sort of conversation about history and politics. I think the conversation veered towards universal health care or something, I can’t remember exactly. He then steers the conversation towards the Cuban healthcare system, and then the conversation climaxes with him basically shouting/proclaiming to me in earshot of anyone who’ll listen, “I am a Communist, and Fidel Castro is my childhood hero!” This surprised me as I tend to avoid the c word in public but he brought it up himself. It wasn't every day someone shouted at you that they're a communist. He then told me it was his dream to travel to Cuba and receive an education there when he was young but his parents made him study in America instead. We had some further conversations like this about the state of American hegemony. The point being here was I had never met a self-described communist before and never expected to given the conservative area of the country I live in.

However, it was in my conversations with him that I also discovered his religiosity and the homophobia that it fueled. This first showed up in our conversations about history, where he took great interest in the chronology of the near east during the Iron Age because of his religion. But, it was in conversing with another coworker (someone who I trust and I’m out to now), that I discovered the extent of his homophobia. She told me she noticed a tendency in him to be particularly belligerent with any young people who worked here in the past that he perceived to be queer, to the point that he had to be warned by the supervisor. It was in discovering this that I understood I could not consider him a comrade and resolved to not to get into any conversation that might draw any homophobic ire. We kept talking at times but, for the most part we spoke less because of a change in schedules. He retired a couple of months after I found all that out, and that was the last I ever saw of him.

Idk, I was a bit excited at first that I might have found a person who I could call a comrade irl but he had major religious brain worms that I didn’t want to get into.

submitted 2 days ago by 2812481591@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

This shit really shatters my fantasy of post gen x people fostering a genuinely more empathetic and moral culture. sicko-wistful

For auld lang syne (hexbear.net)

Love you guys


Not even joking.


She's a full foot shorter than me and she dresses punk and kinda masc and emo, has a pink mohawk she's growing out into a deathhawk, she's a huge weeb and nerd and we're into a lot of the same stuff, she makes her own cider and leathercraft and even blacksmiths sometimes.

Spent the night at her house after work Monday night, then spent the entire day with her. Cooked breakfast for us, then we took her dog out to a park so her mom could see pilates clients, then met one of her friends for drinks and some card games while we finished watching Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, then went to bed together one last time before I had to leave at midnight. All told we spent over 24 hours together and it was great and I'm super happy and I feel like she was the exact type of person I was looking for.

So it is worth it to go out there and use the stupid apps and try to date people because you might get lucky and find someone great. It can happen

you too can go from sicko-wistful to sicko-fem sicko-flipped


It's all like this. I don't even understand where the stuff in this page is coming from, but "coercion and violence of communist rule" is once again just thrown in there.

Also this book seems to really be looking down on the working class from my reading, although I suppose it tries to highlight some issues. Not to mention all the discourse about social capital or other types of capital, but never actual capital.

This also reads like a weird sort of celebration of neoliberalism as inevitable, but then again I am just so tired of reading stuff like this that I am probably not giving it much credit.

Book is called "masculinity, labor and neoliberalism".


Was this one added today after Assange was freed or has it just been cooking in the backend for 2 years?

We're gonna crash (hexbear.net)


submitted 2 days ago by Packet@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

Asking the cigar smoking community on hexbear, what are your favourites? How you usually enjoy them and perhaps with what?

I personally don’t smoke that much, like to get a good one(be that Romeo and Juliet or other brand, don’t really have big preferences, much just the quality of it and Cuban origin) and then smoke it trough a hike. Goes nice together while sightseeing.

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