[-] ButtBidet@hexbear.net 6 points 23 minutes ago

Maybe this isn't helpful, and I'm sorry to generalise.

Ten years ago I could feel me and my now ex drifting apart. I fought it with every fibre of my being. I did everything I could to keep us together. I shelved my personality to keep her happy. In the end, she broke up with me, and 2015 was my worst year ever.

Since then, I grew a lot as a person, figured out who I am and what I need. I feel much happier with just the self awareness. I still talk to my ex sometimes, and I can't imagine it's together. Not to disparage her, but she's so damn boring now (to me). I'm sure it's mutual. I am glad that we broke up, in the end.

I don't know where you'll end up, it might be exceptionally painful at first, but you might end up better in the end. I do feel for what you're going through, it is very very hard.

[-] ButtBidet@hexbear.net 12 points 14 hours ago

Democratic People's Republic of Korea. What North Korea calls their own country.

[-] ButtBidet@hexbear.net 7 points 14 hours ago

Thanks. I was literally coming to ask this.

[-] ButtBidet@hexbear.net 32 points 18 hours ago

Imagine living where queer people are in your top 1000 life problems.



[-] ButtBidet@hexbear.net 2 points 18 hours ago

It's took me many hours of being annoyed with younger relatives playing this until I finally started to enjoy it. Still, it's very weird.

[-] ButtBidet@hexbear.net 4 points 20 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago)

The song on the uprising was one of the better ones. Cringe was "Smoke Two Joints", funny as hell when I was 17, but now it falls flat.

[-] ButtBidet@hexbear.net 3 points 20 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago)

The guy in the video seems problematic. May I share a Tweet.

Ah nvm youre a pedophile


I hate to spread gossip, but on the surface it seems true. Also his "quit your job" thing seems really liberal.

I'll delete this if the working with former student thing isn't true.

[-] ButtBidet@hexbear.net 7 points 22 hours ago

Ohhhh. Sorry I missed the humour. It's my old, bald head and brain.

[-] ButtBidet@hexbear.net 7 points 23 hours ago

I sincerely apologise that my last part turned into this. I was more going for "what stuff are the younger generations doing that your old brain can't fathom", but then some people like to blame the wrong groups.

[-] ButtBidet@hexbear.net 30 points 1 day ago

Funny enough, I was really into Sublime in the late 90s. I listened to it again last year and it felt so cringe, so fake, and so poser-y.

[-] ButtBidet@hexbear.net 29 points 1 day ago

Unedited gaming videos are so terrible. "Oh sorry guys... give me a minute... oh I'm stuck".

[-] ButtBidet@hexbear.net 18 points 1 day ago


I lol in a good way reading this


OK this is my list. But first, I need to say that this isn't a condemnation of those into such thing. They just don't vibe with me.

  1. Cannot get into ASMR. I've tried. Often its women 20 years younger than me, rubbing their fingernails on hairbrushes. The intentional sounds they make with their lips and fingers are things that would make me want to change seats on a bus.
  2. Instagram. I was maybe the last person to get a smart phone. It was probably 2016. I'm just fully lazy to take photos of stuff. This is a real issue when I'm single and I need to start putting photos on dating sites, as all pics of me in my phone are me squeezing carrots in my nostrils and similarly goofy things.
  3. My students' taste in anime. I try to be all cool and show off my cool taste in anime, maybe drop a Azumanga Daioh clip. It's all ancient history for 17 year olds.
  4. Photo and videos done in portrait mode. I guess I don't watch videos on the go. See #2

Things that the kids these days do better:

  • Usually better opinions on current events than people my age
  • I wish that cosplay existed when I was a teen. The default when I was younger was drugs.

If anyone insults the kids, I will visit you at your home and do an adventure-time


Jailed gay soldier: ‘Return of cap badge is a proud moment and it has given me closure’

Veteran talks of his pride and says he would now encourage any young gay person to join the Army

A former member of the Armed Forces who was jailed for kissing a fellow serviceman in the 1980s has become one of the first gay veterans to have his ceremonial cap badge returned to him.

Stephen Close, 61, was court-martialled, discharged with disgrace, imprisoned and placed on the sex offenders register for having a relationship with a fellow soldier.

Earlier this week, he was invited to the Royal Fusiliers’ regimental headquarters at the Tower of London to re-receive his military cap and badge, 40 years after his discharge.

Mr Close, from Salford, Greater Manchester, said: “It was a proud moment for me. It took a lifetime, but it came and it has given me closure.”

Mr Close was stationed in Berlin in 1983 when he became romantically engaged with a fellow male soldier after a night out. However, they were seen by a colleague who reported them. Restoring cap badges to discharged service personnel was among the recommendations made by an LGBT independent veterans review

He said he was questioned by the Greater Manchester Police and swabbed for a DNA sample before being paraded around the base in front of his colleagues. He was then charged for gross indecency, jailed for six months, and discharged from the Army.

Mr Close and his boyfriend served their time in separate prisons and never saw each other again. While in prison, he was forced to wear a red ribbon to mark him out to guards and fellow inmates.

“In Nazi Germany, gays had to wear pink triangles, I had to wear a red ribbon,” he said.

“I suffered with anxiety for a long time. It was frustrating really, it took a toll on my mental health. It wasn’t just the court case, it was the total abandonment from my military mates, who knew who I was. That hurt.”

Homosexuality was decriminalised in 1967, but it remained an offence in the Armed Forces until 1994. A ban on homosexuals serving in the British military was not lifted until 2000.

Following Mr Close’s release from prison, he remained on the sex offenders register and was unable to work with children or vulnerable people until he was given a royal pardon in 2013 – the same year that Alan Turing, the mathematician and code-breaker, was posthumously pardoned by Queen Elizabeth II. ‘Too ashamed’

Restoring cap badges to discharged service personnel was among the recommendations made by an LGBT independent veterans review last year.

Mr Close said that for years he had felt “too ashamed” to attend Remembrance events and had found it too painful to attend regimental reunions.

He said: “There were a lot of people in the room that day that came in after the ban was lifted.

“My battalion has been quite proud to recruit LGBT recruits to demonstrate they’re openly accepting of gay people. I would encourage any young gay person to join the Army now, but it’s taken a while. Even a few years after the ban was lifted, I wouldn’t have, but I would now.

“People are accepting it more now, eventually it will just become the norm. It’s a good thing.”


I've had a few events so far where the discussion/feedback part had 1-2 white guys doing longgggg monologues about something unrelated to the main topic. Last time had some stoner guy ranting about the confusing service at airports here (the event was about Gaza). Before that it was some boomer guy trying to explain Madonna to the non-white teens in our group (the event was about trans rights). Sometimes it's just two white guys monologuing back and forth. It's super counter productive and cringe.

I'm just thinking of a hard rule. Like "if you're a white guy, you're welcome, but please try to listen more and keep unrelated monologues to a minimum."

For the record, I am a white dude.

Helpful life tip (hexbear.net)

I follow this person on Twitter, and I'm sure she means this literally, and I'm OK with it.

submitted 1 week ago by ButtBidet@hexbear.net to c/memes@hexbear.net

My centrist parents put this own nonstop. The songs play in my head nearly every day.


Such an underrated channel


“Intel has been aiding and abetting Israel’s apartheid for decades, feeding its war chest, and now it is directly feeding its war chest while it continues its unspeakable genocide against 2.3 million Palestinians in the occupied and besieged Gaza Strip. Intel is complicit in Israel’s genocide and its underlying system of apartheid. Intel’s M.O. seems to be, ‘Make Apartheid Great Again!’”

Please buy another chip. If possible, avoid positive coverage of Intel on social media, including Lemmy. Thank you.

submitted 2 weeks ago by ButtBidet@hexbear.net to c/vegan@hexbear.net
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by ButtBidet@hexbear.net to c/vegan@hexbear.net

Animal abusers deserve to see their career destroyed

No I'm not complaining about HBomberGuy

submitted 4 weeks ago by ButtBidet@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

I know a couple reddit mods IRL, and they're both business owners who can take time away and volunteer for hours a day on their phones. I've also seen enough Facebook mods, where you can see the uni and school they went to and its posh as fuck.

I'm definitely very supportive of modding. I think it's super that people volunteer their time to make communities safer. I just see that often those with the free time time have more income. One obvious example is Wikipedia, like the administrators are often there for much of the day. I know that there's a lot of Amerikan funding of Wikipedia editors, and this just makes it worse. I can't give up hours of every day to correct an obvious error, because there's some chud that's online 16 hours a day, who will revert any edit, and flood any noticeboard with tediousness.

I guess it applies to a lot of democracy "leadership" positions. Ideally workers would be filling those roles, but often we're too worn out to do much other than just show up.

submitted 4 weeks ago by ButtBidet@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

I get this because people in my wider wider circle post or talk about their riding, and people in the comments treat horse trainers like they're doing a public service, taking those poor lovely animals out for a stroll or a obstacle course run. And the hobby is such an Instagramable activity because posh people do it, therefore it's cool. There's something attractive to rich people about someone on a horse with tight horse gear clothes.

I need to stress it: riding and owning a horse is expensive af. Even the lessons are absurdly expensive. No one in my circle of friends or even extended family does it. And the hobby is basically just golf in terms of environmental costs. Horses require a fuck ton of water and create a fuck ton more of shit, and they require an ungodly amount of land. I just assume that the labour for feeding and cleaning is done by immigrants, and white people get to to do the cool jobs like training.

Horse people like to brag that many/most of the world's monarchies and aristocracy is really into riding. To me, that should be a massive slight. If Elizabeth and Charles's favourite sport was horsing, that should be a big red flag.

And what gets to me is how horse people are all like "I love my horses". Like I'm sorry, Brett, but if you loved that animal, you wouldn't put a bit in their mouth and make them carry you around. Horse injuries with riders are very common, especially spinal injuries because weight has been placed on where it wasn't designed for weight.

I get in trouble because I point this out and every middle class person in the room gets super upset that their lovely horse hero got their hobby attacked.

Note: this post is only for white horse people. I don't know about nor have an opinion on non-Western horse activities.

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