[-] EmmaGoldman@hexbear.net 23 points 3 days ago

Wouldn't normally post something like this but "Cum-Ex scandal" is too funny to pass up.

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by EmmaGoldman@hexbear.net to c/news@hexbear.net


[-] EmmaGoldman@hexbear.net 26 points 4 days ago

Wait wait wait, you're telling me that Ukraine might be antisemitic? But but but zelenskyyy is Jewish, he could never be an anti-Semite. I mean, unlike those Bad Jews in America who support kkkhamas!

[-] EmmaGoldman@hexbear.net 29 points 4 days ago

Dudes making $250,000 like "my tenants are barely covering my mortgages! Waaaah!"

[-] EmmaGoldman@hexbear.net 22 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

CW: talking about animal death

Just for reference, this entire argument is as incorrect as it is disingenuous. Setting aside that animal agriculture requires far more land to grow crops (and thus more land plowed) to feed the animals before you eat them than just eating the crops, the number of animals killed on roadways is about 100 times higher and the number directly killed for consumption as part of animal agriculture is more like 10,000 times as many.

Plowing a field is loud and slow, and the actual act of turning over the ground disturbs the ground a lot which can be detected several meters away. Animals are not dumb, most will run away. The majority of animals that would die as a result of plowing a field will be ones escaping that get picked off by birds of prey.

The biggest human caused problems with plowing that contribute to animal deaths are from starting around the edges of a field and circling your way inward as most small animals will instinctively run into the grass rather than across the wide open already plowed area, in order to avoid those birds of prey. Simply avoiding this pattern or even using no-till planting can further reduce unnecessary animal deaths by providing an escape route.

Source: my neighbour is a retired agronomy professor

[-] EmmaGoldman@hexbear.net 47 points 4 days ago

It's like a boomer power fantasy show. The whole concept is like "what if your conservative brainworms were always right and your kids had to talk to you and your pickup truck yeoman farmer fantasies made you secretly one of the most powerful people on the planet."

[-] EmmaGoldman@hexbear.net 14 points 4 days ago

Yeah, the MLM scams are an entirely different can of shitty worms. Total nightmare.

[-] EmmaGoldman@hexbear.net 35 points 4 days ago

Job scams are incredibly common. You'll apply to what looks like a real job at a real company on a job site, and they'll send back an offer letter and have you sign fake paperwork to get your personal info.

They might have you pay for a fake background check or credit check to confirm your eligibility. They might steal your card info, or just take some smaller amount and use that to help hook you into the scam to get more money later.

They might tell you that you need to purchase a computer or pay for training from them to start a Work From Home job, only there is no computer or training.

They might use you to launder money out of accounts with stolen banking info or just send you a fake cheque and have you "send salaries to other employees" as part of your job duties which will mean you're transfering your money to someone on cash app or another digital banking app and then the cheque you deposited will bounce.

They might have you repackaging and reshipping stolen goods.

They might pretend to be a company that helps you resell goods and set up an order for some product for you to sell, only it never shows up.

[-] EmmaGoldman@hexbear.net 16 points 5 days ago

Do not skip on this. You can get ones that have a nice flat noise reduction, and you will be so thankful you spent the like $30 when your ears aren't ringing forever.

[-] EmmaGoldman@hexbear.net 2 points 6 days ago

Thanks for looking, but yeah these aren't quite what I'm looking for. They've got the gamer lights and buttons, but the sensors in these are all the same as super cheapo scam gaming mouses that you might see at the checkout at Canadian Tire or flooding Amazon, but they're generally pretty bad to use. Like they lose tracking or "drop frames" and just aren't as smooth to use as an actual nice gaming mouse.


Consider the RSI-prone gamer. I would like to have healthy hands and wrists in older age and still use the computer.


Looking for a matching set (brand/aesthetic wise) of a mechanical keyboard and mouse for gaming that:

  • Isn't super tacky or coated in branding

  • Has a detachable usb c cable (sick of mini-usb and I will never be okay with a fixed cable on a keyboard)

  • Has build quality that's actually halfway decent

  • Isn't ludicrously expensive

  • Is compatible with something like Artemis RGB or Aurora RGB for aRGB game integration (my little crow brain likes when the blinky gamer lights change colors when I reload and stuff in games)

I don't know if I'm just bad at researching this sort of thing but it really seems like all the options out there only meet one or two of these requirements at best. Is this just the state of the market when it comes to these things? Do I need to build a custom keyboard?


They're not even doing refunds or recalls, they're just giving people 2 free months of the subscription and telling them to only charge the device and the hotswap add-on batteries with the home charger.

This piece of shit has a 4 hour standby time if you're not using the case to recharge the batteries. Literally unusable.

peppino-ha techbros owned.

[-] EmmaGoldman@hexbear.net 155 points 4 weeks ago

Trump imprisoned and removed from ballots.

No other Republican able to run on their ticket.

Biden polling in the drain.

Bernie can still win. Trust the plan, this is Our Revolution.

submitted 2 months ago by EmmaGoldman@hexbear.net to c/videos@hexbear.net
submitted 2 months ago by EmmaGoldman@hexbear.net to c/news@hexbear.net
submitted 3 months ago by EmmaGoldman@hexbear.net to c/videos@hexbear.net
⚠️Trade Offer⚠️ (www.techspot.com)



Gotta double check.


Seriously, though. Are these things really that popular?


Holy shit what is wrong with these people

submitted 3 months ago by EmmaGoldman@hexbear.net to c/maps@hexbear.net

This is my favourite map projection and maybe now it can be yours, too!

[-] EmmaGoldman@hexbear.net 114 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Rest in power to a real one. If you're gonna go out, best to do it for a reason and in a way that's hard to ignore.

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