submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by thelastaxolotl@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

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User and sitemod call@aaaaaaadjsf @Abraxiel @Abstraction @Acute_Engles @American_Communist22 @AnarchaPrincess @Antilope @Alaskaball @Aliveelectricwire @artificialset @bbnh69420 @BigLadKarlLiebknecht @bubbalu @buh @CatEars420 @cawsby @CDommunist @Cheesewizzard @Cherufe @ClimateChangeAnxiety @clover @comi @Commander_Data @ComradeCmdrPiggy @ComradeEchidna @context @congressbaseballfan @corgiwithalaptop @crime @CrispyFern @Cromalin @CyborgMarx @Dawn_Beveridge @Dirt_Owl @Dolores @Donut @drinkinglakewater @Dryad @ElChapoDeChapo @ElGosso @el_principito @EmmaGoldman @FidelCashflow @Flinch @flowernet @forcequit @Frogmanfromlake @Gabbo @GalaxyBrain @ghosts @Goadstool @GomerPyle @GorbinOutOverHere @GoroAkechi @Grownbravy @GVAGUY3 @HarryLime @hexaflexagonbear @HoChiMaxh @Hohsia @Ho_Chi_Chungus @Ideology @InevitableSwing @iwillavengeyoufather @I_HATE_JOHN_CALVIN @jabrd @JamesConeZone @Kanna @Kaputnik @Koa_lala @kristina @LesbianLiberty @marxisthayaca
@MaxOS @MelaniaTrump @Mindfury @mkultrawide @Nakoichi @PaulSmackage @plinky @PM_ME_YOUR_FOUCAULTS @PorkrollPosadist @President_Obama @PurrLure @Ram_The_Manparts @Redcuban1959 @RNAi
@Rojo27 @RoseColoredVoid @solaranus @SorosFootSoldier @Sickos @silent_water @Sphere @Spike @spring_rabbit @ssjmarx @take_five_seconds @TankieTanuki @Teekeeus @Tervell
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@CARCOSA @liberal @ella @all_that_is_solid @KenBonesWildRide @KiraNerys @TomboyShulk @DuckNuckem @SapGreen @Zangief @scumlord @COMMENT @Antisocial_Socialist @DOPESMOKERDENG


Was this one added today after Assange was freed or has it just been cooking in the backend for 2 years?


Come on fess up

submitted 4 hours ago by RyanGosling@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net
  • Javier Millei
  • Emmanuel Macron
  • John Fetterman
  • Yoon Suk Yeol
  • Donald Trump
  • Elon Musk
submitted 4 hours ago by eight@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

lmfao fuck these guys. tho i probably should have seen it coming and job searched during my FMLA.


I caught her sniffing my foot like some kind of hexbear freak.


got appointed to a position with the federal government with onboarding scheduled to start in about two weeks.

took an at-home THC test after a month abstinent and it was positive

i was recommended for the post by someone I knew and now they're going to look bad to their higher ups

feels bad man

submitted 11 hours ago by FlakesBongler@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

This guy! 👍👍


Seems like this is the new fad everyone wants to make content making fun of these individuals with deep deep mental problems.

I don't like it, I know when I consumed "lolcow content" I was not in a good place at all and thought laughing at someone else misfortunes would make me feel better.

Everyone wants to make "Cyraxx" or "kingcobra" content on YouTube. I'm not saying these individuals are always the best of people, (they aren't) but well you guys know what I'm going say

Tldr lolcowcontent is not healthy for anyone and it's irritating how much it seems to have taken off recently

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml to c/chat@hexbear.net

If most of you are aware, I've resumed applying to jobs. Well, most of them were rejections, but today, I got a response. The pay of the job is ₹60,000 per annum. Yes, you read it right.

And what's the message I've received?

Hi /c/velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml,

Are you flexible on your salary?

Is ₹5,000 per month not already low enough? Even school-dropout blue-collar workers make more than me at ₹25,000 per month. Rent of a room alone costs around ₹7,000-9,000. I am so done with this.


They're basically full incels who claim women are shallow and hate men below 6 foot....

and dudes 'dick sizing' posting selfies of their faces to each other "no I'm more handsome than you" pure incel weirdo shit


Bonus points if the author first mentions a specific trait, physical build, or whatever else halfway through the novel and totally fucks up my mental image.

I don't expect a biology model description for each character, but write me something brief and evocative of how they should look, you fucking dork author. I don't even know how tall she should be, her hair colour, anything. Why are you like this, author?


I did not and now I feel like ass mentally and I'm just gonna wallow in it until tomorrow.

That's all I guess.


Seriously. He's a piece of shit


Bit me

submitted 2 days ago by velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml to c/chat@hexbear.net

I had to replace the display cable from another broken laptop, and thankfully, it was compatible with mine. Also changed the screen from AUO to Innolux, so I'm loving the matt display - but the tint is now a little yellowish. I would've increased the RAM, if not for the DDR3L vs DDR4 modules not being compatible to each other, so I'm suck with just 4GB. And also switched from normal swap to zswap with lz0 compression and zpool of type zsmalloc. I can't fold the laptop anymore, but well, it works decently for now.

submitted 3 days ago by ashinadash@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

I refuse to stop mentioning my wife anya-heh

You know, oscillating fans, the little 12"-20" fans that rotate on a pedastil with three speeds, usually? As a relatively poor kid, the air conditioner in the bedroom is the first one I've ever owned in my life. I grew up around these rattly white plastic fan things. Three-blade, cheapo plastic, bought-from-walmart $20 specials. Usually Intertek branded in North America, because lol. ukkk For most of my life these goofy things have just been ambiently existing objects in my house, I'd dust em when needed. Recently though, one of the older ones, (mfd Oct 2013) a real generic 16" job with a garbo aluminium stand, started running really slow.

At first I assumed it just had electrical issues, y'know bad caps or a short or resistance, whatever. When I took it apart today though I noticed there was a ton of hair wrapped around the center shaft that turns the blade. (We both have extremely long hair) Cut it all away with a utility knife, but at that point, with the fan's cage open and the blades off I got curious... phoenix-think

Unscrew the back of the cage from the front of the fan body, (where the motor is housed) look inside, turns out the entire thing is clogged with dust and hair, mostly cat hair. Got a duster can and blew it all out, the thing expelled a cloud of fuckin' dust on my balcony niko-concern but when I got it back together, while it now ran fullspeed (wow!) it made a pretty painfully loud squeaking/scraping noise while spinning.

I wasn't real sure what to do, but my wife suggested oil... not motor oil, we don't have any since I'm not a gearhead, but like, canola oil or sunflower oil? Just applied with the hard end of a cotton bud along where the shaft connects to the motor, and it'll trickle in??? I assumed canola oil would be conductive and this sounded like a really bad idea to me, I was sure it'd explode. I even put the fan outside, closed the balcony door and ran a cable inside to test, in case it magic-smoked itself.

Sure enough though, dumping food oil down the motor of a standing fan results in perfect silence...? kel-what

Reassembled the thing, buttoned it up and it was literally good as new. Oscillates smoothly, spins stronger than when I first got it, and is dead silent. We did it to our other two goofy canadian tire special fans the same way, and it's been great for them too, somehow. Fucking canola oil...

I make this post mostly because I have never even heard the concept of repairing/servicing these standing fans entertained. It's like toasters, or how non-techbrained people view computers: just a simple appliance. I knew about dusting them of course, but otherwise for my entire life whenever one crapped out, BANG instantly trashed! Another $20 down, unlimited disposable replacement upon standing fans! Turns out that curiosity and basic disassembly ability (all we used was a phillips head screwdriver, a duster can, the aforementioned oil, windex and paper towels) will probably let you keep these dumb things running for a lot longer than ten years. Whoda thunk it??? This does make sense, given that many oscillating fans are on 24/7 in the summer. Something like that easily earns a bit of maintenance, and this is gonna be a yearly check-up activity for us now!

So I guess the point is, if you're not rich enough to air condition every room where you live, or even just have standing fans anyway, give em some love and they might benefit a lot ✨


Some pretty cool stuff, but the standout was a socialist group handing out flyers. I told my friend they're probably Trots. Passed by them and they tried to get me to sign a petition to get their candidate on the ballot. They open with telling me that they're Trots lol!

Huge W ⚾ (hexbear.net)

Ok so I'm newly single after a very very bad marriage. I had tried the dating apps a few months ago and go literally ZERO matches. I was frustrated but realized they are mainly just scams now. I deleted my accounts and gave up on dating for now.

The past week I uploaded a video of me hitting baseballs in my yard onto IG and literally got 3 women who slid into my DMs within a day 🤷

Thinking outside the box, folks.


I made it 546 kilometres in 19 days, with ~350 left to go. Idk if my water filter failed or there was a hygiene slipup, but I woke up Thursday feeling super fatigued and that quickly slipped into beaver fever symptoms (or some kind of infection/parasite).

Now I've spent the last few days recovering on the couch and picking up reading again. Still feels like a big achievement, but I had a bit of a short time window to finish the trail. Now I'll probably be too busy for the rest of the warmer season and have to wait until next year. sadness


I’m temp banned from /c/mutual_aid. I could really use some help—please DM me for links to my CashApp and stuff.

Everything sucks.

submitted 4 days ago by the_itsb@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

the forest is sparkling

submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by TemutheeChallahmet@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

I am on the precipice of one and don't want that to turn me into a disengaged normies, lib, or chud. I know that a local DSA chapter was financially backed by a person of incredible means, so I wonder what keeps such people left wing or at least SocDem.


He was always the coolest shonen character to me.

submitted 3 days ago by velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml to c/chat@hexbear.net

Pardon me if I get this wrong - but I'd assume that if one were to return packages back to a online shop (Amazon, Ebay, etc), they would have to:

  • print a label, package the box and then return to a post office, right - maybe also pay a little fee?

  • return to a designated locker/warehouse

  • initiate a label-free return to a nearby supermarket

Perhaps this is how it works in North America and maybe Europe, right?

Well, I wanted to talk about the system set in India used by every online shops (including Amazon, Flipkart, Meesho, Puma, etc). Here's how it goes:

  • if you want to return the product, you access the homepage, and initiate a return

  • you'll get a message ensuring that a delivery agent (assigned by logistic companies like DTDC, Blue Dart or Delhivery) will be by your house by tomorrow, or day after tomorrow

  • you're not supposed to re-package the delivery box, because the agent will come to your door, check the contents briefly, and then carry the product with them

  • after a few days, or maybe a week, the team at the warehouse will inspect the product properly, and then immediately initiate a refund

Sure, it is convenient, but I can't help and think of how exploitative this is to gig-workers. Am I in the wrong to feel this way?

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