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I've been theming emacs, trying to get it to look just right, but the lack of a per face line spacing is making it kind of difficult. I've tried to use :box as a hack to add invisible spacing, but that started to look weird when the region is highlighted. Does anyone know why there doesn't seem to be much interest or discussion on this topic? I'd love to be able to just add a top or bottom margin to headings like in css.

Emacs RFC 2646 email flowing (idiomdrottning.org)
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by Sandra@idiomdrottning.org to c/emacs@lemmy.ml

Emacs RFC 2646 email flowing

Heck it Emacs!

A few months ago I fixed a bug in RFC 2646 handling where the last paragraph wouldn't get reflowed unless I remembered to add a hard newline (that is, a newline with the 'hard text property) after it, at EOT. I needed to hit one extra RET at the end. All other paragraphs would be wrapped, not just the last one.

(I even bugged @jas@fosstodon.org about it.)

But it still didn't always work and today I tried to get to the bottom of why, spending the entire day debugging it, finally realizing that... It's not even being called when there's only one paragraph in the email. I wasted so much time before realizing that! And then getting to the bottom of why that wasn't happening was the opposite of easy but it turnes out that Gnus by design doesn't call the fill-flowed-encode function when there aren't any hard newlines in the buffer. Which there aren't gonna be if it's a single-paragraph letter πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

Use-hard-newlines is beyond useless since that's always buffer-local and the text-reflowing is being done in a temp buffer. Instead since 2010 we're supposed to set mml-enable-flowed to true. But don't worry, fans of the messages-are-flowing package, I'm gonna send patches there to reflect that. I have a bunch of other changes to that package too since I've been using that a lot this summer.

This is all in bug#71017 (cursed palindrome!) for people who wanna dig in πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ«



cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/16240755

Suggestions for a complimentary typeface to JetBrains Mono for reading and writing documents or prose

I am looking for a typeface that complements well to the one that I use to write code (JetBrains Mono). I will be using this to write documents and articles.

For further context, I am configuring Emacs' org-mode where I would be using both typefaces together. I could use JetBrains Mono for both purposes as I find it capable. But I would like to explore my options.

I have also looked at Iosevka. It offers variants for coding, reading, and writing. But I would prefer to stick with JetBrains Mono as much as I can for coding purposes.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by AlecStewart1st@lemmy.world to c/emacs@lemmy.ml

Hello, friends!

So I have a complex way of capturing TODO tasks for today or week. Someone will probably tell me that there's a package out there somewhere to do this easier, but regardless I would like to figure this out.

Here's the function I use:

(defun org-capture::today-task-tree ()
  "Create a task tree for tasks TODO today."
  (let* ((time-string (format-time-string "<%Y-%m-%d %a>" (current-time)))
         (heading (concat "[%] " time-string))
          (rx (group "[" (0+ num) "%]") (0+ space)
              (group (literal time-string)))))
    (goto-char (point-max))
    (if-let (pnt (re-search-backward
                  nil t))
        (goto-char pnt)
      (goto-char (point-max))
      (or (bolp) (insert "\n"))
      (insert "* " heading "\n")
      (beginning-of-line 0))

And here's the org-capture-templates entry:

("gt" "Today: A task for today" entry
                      ,(expand-file-name "~/Documents/Org/GTD/work.org")
                     (file ,(concat my-emacs-dir "capture-templates/datetree-weekly-tasks.tmplt"))
                     :empty-lines-after 1
                     :after-finalize (lambda () (org-update-statistics-cookies t)))

And here's the actual capture template that I store in a file in my config:

** [ ] [#%^{Priority}] %^{Task name}  %(funcall-interactively #'org-deadline nil (current-time)) %^g
    %? %i

Now when I'm in that file ~/Documents/Org/GTD/work.org and I run the above function with M-: org-capture::today-task-tree it works fine. An example of what the file will look like it:

* [100%] 2024-04-27 Mon
** [X] Do something important this Monday #[A] :work:
    CLOSED: 2024-04-27 Mon 12:42  DEADLINE: 2024-04-27 Mon
* [%] 2024-04-28 Tues
** [ ] Do something else that's not as important #[B] :personal: 
     DEADLINE: 2024-04-27

But for whatever reason when I run org-capture and finish the capture with C-c C-c or refile with C-c C-w I get

rx--translate-bounded-repetition: rx β€˜**’ range error

Which I don't really know what that means nor how to fix it, and I can't really find anything useful via searching the internet at the moment. A possible thing to not is that I disable Org's element caching.

If you want to look at my configuration to dig around some, you can find it here and the part where my configurations for Org-Mode are here.


In my pursuit to migrate from Vim to Emacs, I have stumbled on yet another roadblock.

When working with files that contain special whitespace characters, Vim/Neovim would automatically highlight these. This saved me a lot of time during debugging or data analysis, and is a functionality that I struggled to get to work on more modern IDEs.

However, this does not work out-of-the-box neither on vanilla Emacs nor Doom Emacs. I am unable to find any working solutions online. I assumed whitespace-mode would have handled this, but it is not the case.

It would be really helpful if the community here can help solve my problem as I deal with such characters on a daily basis. Until then, I have to pause my pursuit and stick with the trusty Neovim.

U+200B in Neovim

Notice Neovim highlighting the character as <200B>.

U+200B in Doom Emacs

Notice the think cursor between "hello" and "world".

Thanks to the suggestion by @nmtake@lemm.ee, glyphless-display-mode allows me to view the characters. But it still doesn't play well with vim motions on Emacs.

Here is a demonstration, and below are the keystrokes.

  1. C-v to enable VISUAL-BLOCK mode.
  2. 9j to select all 9 occurrences.
  3. d to delete the selection.

The above vim-motion works on Neovim but not on Emacs with evil-mode.

If anyone wants to try out here is the text I am playing with:

hello ​ world
hello ​ world
hello ​ world
hello ​ world
hello ​ world
hello ​ world
hello ​ world
hello ​ world
hello ​ world
hello ​ world

I've been using konsole (and iterm2 on my work mac) for most of my working career, but on the linux side, I've recently switched to Kitty, but now I'm wondering if I can finally get used to just using emacs on both.

Does anyone use emacs as their main terminal? Is there one better than ansi-term that supports modern features like libsixel?

I still can't quite get used to the keybindings (like C-c twice for ^C) and some other weirdness.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by nmtake@lemm.ee to c/emacs@lemmy.ml

I wrote this script to learn how completing-read's complex arguments works. Compared to other clients it's quite limited; but thanks to packages like Vertico and Orderless, it works quite well for my use cases.


submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by DrOps@feddit.de to c/emacs@lemmy.ml

When I needed a taylored function for a problem, I tried if ChatGPT could help me.


Making a Hydra for Denote was not as straightforward as I thought, Therefore I documented it



Since I spend most of my day on the bus, I have a lot of time to read. Do you have any book recommendations for learning Emacs? I plan to use Emacs as a text editor for note taking and programming in general.


A close friend of mine was "inspired" to write a song by my series of blog articles called "Emacs Fulfills the Unix Philosophy" (actually I think he is busting my chops a bit for being an annoying Emacs evangelist, but anyway...) I thought it was pretty funny and worth sharing here.

He wrote the lyrics and used one of those Large Language Models like Stable Diffusion (or something like it) to make the actual music, and settled on a few different renditions of the song. You can listen to them on his website: https://www.extrema.is/blog/2024/04/29/emacs-philosophy


... more an annoyance really, and not elfeed's fault at all but ...

[first posted on reddit/r/emacs but probably more interesting here]

lemmy RSS feeds (such as "https://lemmy.ml/feeds/c/emacs.xml") often (but not always) have mis-guided "Link:" elements which target an external link, an image file or other material instead of the lemmy post itself. Consequently, hitting 'b' elfeed-search-browse-url may send one on a surprising if not always useful journey.


Title: Keymacs, a program to generate Emacs keybindings | Plain DrOps
Author: https://feddit.de/u/DrOps
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2024 23:35:25 AEST
Feed: Lemmy - emacs
Tags: emacs, lemmy
Link: https://plaindrops.de/blog/2024/keymacs/

submitted by DrOps to emacs
8 points | 2 comments

In this case, the link to lemmy itself is in the "2 comments" => https://lemmy.ml/post/14798221

Here's a little hook to fix it up - it also marks the entry with the tag 'lemmy-fixed' ...

(defun elfeed-fix-lemmy-link (entry)
  "Fix lemmy.ml RSS feed links in elfeed."
  (when-let ((url-base-regexp "https://lemmy\\.ml/")
             (feed (elfeed-entry-feed entry))
             (feed-url (elfeed-feed-url feed))
             ((string-match-p (concat url-base-regexp "feeds/c/") feed-url))
             (entry-link (elfeed-entry-link entry))
             (link-url-regexp (concat url-base-regexp "post/[0-9]+"))
             ((not (string-match-p link-url-regexp entry-link))))
    (when-let ((content (elfeed-deref (elfeed-entry-content entry))))
      (let ((lines (split-string content "\n")))
        (dolist (line lines)
          (when (string-match link-url-regexp line)
            (let ((post-link (substring line (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))))
              (setf (elfeed-entry-link entry) post-link)
              (elfeed-tag entry 'lemmy-fixed)
              (message "Fixed lemmy link in elfeed: %s" post-link)
(add-hook 'elfeed-new-entry-hook #'elfeed-fix-lemmy-link)

Thanks to u/karthik for getting me started with this. The crappy elisp is mine not his (roast me!)


I was working with NPM package.json files a lot lately and I often found myself saving them in an unparseable state. json-ts-mode highlights syntax errors in yellow but it wasn't enough.

I didn't want to use flymake-eslint becuase it requires having the jsonlint binary in the PATH and I just wanted a simple Lisp solution.

The code tries to parse the current buffer on save using Emacs' built-in json-parse-string and moves the cursor to the location of the parsing error if it fails.

The below code naively assumes that the saved buffer is always the current buffer, which may very well not be the case (e.g. (save-some-buffers)).

It also probably won't save JSON5 files which have // comments inside because json-parse-string won't handle that.

(defun rtz/json-parse-pre ()
    (if (eq major-mode 'json-ts-mode)
        (condition-case err
           (goto-char (nth 3 err)) (error err)))))

  (setq write-file-functions '(rtz/json-parse-pre))

A new backend for Gnus which I have been developing for a while was merged today into Emacs - you can now fetch and read Atom feeds right from Gnus.

The backend is extremely customizable, allowing you to swap any parsing function with a custom implementation (I use this feature to display youtube video descriptions from youtube channel Atom feeds, which are otherwise not picked up by the backend since they don't appear in a standard location, and also to be able to supply a youtube channel name instead of its web address to add it; see https://git.sr.ht/~dsemy/emacs-config/tree/master/item/init.d/init-programs.el#L90 if you're curious).

This is a result of this backend being actually made of two backends - an "abstract" backend (nnfeed) which handles feed data storage, talking to Gnus, and defining server variables which will hold parsing functions, and another (nnatom) which actually provides these parsing functions. This also means it is very simple to define new "feed-like" backends, since you don't need to implement data storage or the Gnus backend interface, only some parsing functions (their requirements are also designed to be fairly generic, so it would be easy to handle various types of feeds. nnfeed itself makes very little assumptions about the feed type).

It should be available with Emacs 30 (or right now from Git).


For sure, I’m heading straight to Emacs hell for this.

Apparently, there are a lot of Emacs purists in the world who, over the years, have learned to type such complex key sequences as C-x r t M-. C-c C-p fluently. I'm not one of them. And when I tried to figure out how to customize it for myself, the web forums were full of comments saying it wasn't a good idea.


In vim terminal I use C-[ for ESC to escape from insert mode a lot, but didn't know C-[ works in GUI version of Emacs until recently. Since Meta can be replaced with ESC, we can enter C-M-s, for example, with C-[ C-s.

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