Happy International Coffee Day, everyone!

submitted 9 months ago by hi_its_me@lemmy.world to c/espresso@infosec.pub

I'm relatively new to the espresso game and my espresso always tastes a bit sour... please help! I'm using a Breville Barista Express. From what I understand, the sourness is generally because of under extraction. The water seems to be at around 190-200 degrees, so I don't think that's the issue. I've tried to dial in the grind size so that pulling a shot takes around 25-30 seconds. At that grind size, the pressure gauge is at the very top of the range. I believe if I go finer with the grind, then it'll take longer to brew and push the pressure up higher. I'm not sure exactly what to do to address this. Could it be that I'm tamping too hard? I push relatively firm, aiming for about 30 lbs of pressure. Thanks for the help!

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by kyle1320@lemmy.world to c/espresso@infosec.pub

Started a few years ago with a Stilosa and cheap burr grinder from Amazon. This hobby got me good 😅


Black tea is strong, as are fruity notes (blackberry, maybe?). The acidity of the kiwi is there somewhat, but mostly, I taste its sweetness. I'm not sure I taste the lemongrass at all, but that's not saying much, as it could just be masked by the other notes. Overall, this is a very nice roast.

Vario + steel burrs (lemmy.world)

So I put the steel burrs in my Vario, hoping for more clarity in my espresso and a much improved V60. The pourovers are indeed a lot better than with the ceramic burrs, but for espresso... it's complicated.

It's calibrated for chirp at 2Q, and I'm down at 1A, the absolute finest it goes, and the shortest ratio shot I can do is 1:2.5 (17g -> 42g, 25sec)

This is fine for light roast single origins, altho it's a little scary being at the extreme end of the grind setting range. But I feel like I should still be able to pull a 1:2 shot from more traditional darker blends when I want to, without dismantling the grinder to swap the burrs back to ceramic.

Can I safely calibrate it finer?

Is it more likely the alignment?

I did attempt the "alicorn" hyper-alignment procedure after swapping the burrs, but since then it's been sent off to repair the electronics, so the alignment may be suspect again.

Are there any better resources or guides for the hyper-alignment these days? The two YouTube videos I followed were very confusing and seemed more of a proof of concept than a how-to guide. I don't really have the patience for multiple go-rounds of assemble/disassemble to wipe-check the alignment then adjust again. And I suspect doing this the first time was how the grinder electronics got killed.

Any help or advice gratefully received.

submitted 9 months ago by Senokir@lemmy.world to c/espresso@infosec.pub

cross-posted from: https://kbin.social/m/coffee@lemmy.world/t/431650

Hope you all find this interesting, delighted I got the chance to have a play with the machine!

Evening iced latte in progress (campfyre.nickwebster.dev)
Profitec Go - where did you go? (www.profitec-espresso.com)

Like many others over the past few years, I was following the release of the Profitec Go, expecting to see an increasing user base commenting on such things as modding etc. It doesn't seem to have anything like the fan base of the Gaggia Classic, and I don't see many comments on it at all these days. What happened? Is it not worth the extra cost over the Gaggia? Are users simply content and quiet, or have there been some negative aspects of it which have counted against it? If you have had one for a year or so, let me know the good and bad.


Half asleep, I added coffee to the espresso grinder. Never has it been more clear, that grind size matters.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by Brodin@lemmy.world to c/espresso@infosec.pub

Hej guys! Quick question. I have a bezzera bz10 which is really nice and very happy with. Recently I saw someone selling an ECM.mechanika for 750 euros and I'm wondering if it's worth the upgrade?

Guy says the machine is in top condition etc etc. Is this worth the upgrade or is this more of a side move?

submitted 10 months ago by jeena@jemmy.jeena.net to c/espresso@infosec.pub

I roasted a Sidamo G1 to right after first crack. I pulled one shot today, and it's amazing!

submitted 10 months ago by cyph3rPunk@infosec.pub to c/espresso@infosec.pub

My first espresso machine, a rocket appartamento, has turned into a testbed for all my ideas of how much technology you can pack into an espresso machine. Let me share what I've done, and please ask about what you would like to hear more of!


  • Dual Pressure Gauge: Bezzera 7432524 on 1st-line.com
  • 24 Power Supply: Mean Well SDR-120-24
  • Digital Thermometer: Eric's e61 thermometer, appears to be out of stock :(
  • Gear Pump: Fluid-O-tech MG304. Reach out to your local modbar technician
  • Temperature Sensor: La Spaziale Dream Temperature Probe from chriscoffee.com
  • Linear Potentiometer: BI model 404 from Mouser, TTI, etc
  • Controller: Arduino IoT 33
  • Capillary tube: Quick Mill RA0970CMN from chriscoffee.com
  • Stainless tube: 1/8" F to 1/8" F 30cm V_884 from EspressoParts.com
  • Flowmeter: Low Pressure NSF Flowmeter S_962 From EspressoParts.com

Hi, I have recently got a Gaggia Classic Pro. So I am quite new to espresso. After I pull my espresso shot, the grounded coffee puck has imprints of shower screen (photo attached)

Is this normal? If not, how do I solve this?

I am filling it up with 18 grams of pre ground coffee (commercial espresso fine grind) in a pressurized basked.

submitted 10 months ago by tedu@azorius.net to c/espresso@infosec.pub

Espresso coffee is among the most consumed beverages in the world. Recent studies report a protective activity of the coffee beverage against neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer′s disease. Alzheimer′s disease belongs to a group of disorders, called tauopathies, which are characterized by the intraneuronal accumulation of the microtubule-associated protein tau in fibrillar aggregates. In this work, we characterized by NMR the molecular composition of the espresso coffee extract and identified its main components. We then demonstrated with in vitro and in cell experiments that the whole coffee extract, caffeine, and genistein have biological properties in preventing aggregation, condensation, and seeding activity of the repeat region of tau. We also identified a set of coffee compounds capable of binding to preformed tau fibrils. These results add insights into the neuroprotective potential of espresso coffee and suggest candidate molecular scaffolds for designing therapies targeting monomeric or fibrillized forms of tau.

In vitro results, take with a grain of salt or shot of espresso.


Hopefully you're having a better morning than putting friggin coffee beans in the friggin water reservoir.

That is all.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by 01189998819991197253@infosec.pub to c/espresso@infosec.pub

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/2468271

Original post was titled "Coffee machines reliability chart", but the image says that they're in the "espresso machine category".

The biggest swiss online seller makes charts for warranty claims. Basically: how many warranty claims does each brand have? This chart only shows the most popular brands of coffee machines sold on the site, but I still find it interesting.

submitted 11 months ago by RoseRose56@lemmy.world to c/espresso@infosec.pub

Hello Guys 1st Issue I have a GCP with a Eureka Mignon Crono which has a 50mm burrs. The coffee tastes good, but I never reached 25-30 seconds of extraction, the closest is 18 seconds.
I add 9g of beans into my grinder and I get 25-30g in my cup, I always use the single basket.
Can you direct me with troubleshooting steps ?

2nd Issue My final goal is to make cortado, I tried couple times after reading guides and watching videos to steam milk, but I can't steam like they do.
I use 3% milk, Any tips?

submitted 11 months ago by subtext@lemmy.world to c/espresso@infosec.pub

With the state of Amazon currently, I can’t tell what is good and what is crap on there anymore. So I wanted to ask you fine people if you had any recommendations on cappuccino mugs. Not super worried about cost, but also don’t want to break the bank for some mugs.

Any recommendations / thoughts appreciated!


Went to a wedding and they had a poet dressed like a fox. You give him a word and he types out a poem on an old-timey typewriter. Of course, I chose 'espresso'.

I asked him why a fox. So, he's a professional poet. One of his friends gave him a fox costume as a joke. He wore it to his friend's kid's birthday party (IIRC), and loved it. He started doing that as a side hustle (wearing the costume at parties, writing poems), and later, started doing it full time. He says that it's fun for everyone involved, and allows him to get creative with very little in terms of overextended expectations. REALLY nice guy!

Here he is:

submitted 11 months ago by jeena@jemmy.jeena.net to c/espresso@infosec.pub

This is an older video, since then I moved to Korea and couldn't bring my equipment :(


Hey everyone!

We had a bit of a trolling incident yesterday, and I wanted to address it real quick.

We are a kind and accepting community for those who love, want to love, are getting into, or are interested in espresso. We have no room for trolls or unkind behavior.

Because of the user who reported this incident (thank you!!), the offender has been banned from this wonderful community and, thanks to Jerry, the Instance owner (don't forget to support him), banned from this Instance altogether.

I thought the Instance and Community expectations were understood, considering the ambiance of Lemmy, but I was wrong. As a result, I have added a Rules section in the Sidebar. If you haven't already, please take a look, and let me know if those rules should change in any way.

Together, we can rid this world of trolls and goblins, as we hunt for that Perfect Pull.

Stay caffeinated, my fellow Espressons!

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Strong, potent coffee news for strong, potent coffee lovers.

Hoping to mirror the great community of r/espresso.

We are a kind and accepting community for those who love, want to love, are getting into, or are interested in espresso and espresso accessories.


I didn't think we needed this section on Lemmy, but...

(No exceptions)


Here is the main resource from the same sub, since it's amazing.

If any of the original mods, or anyone else who loves espresso, would like to take control or help mod, please let me know. I'd be as happy to help as to pass the reigns.

A gracious community member has added some of the resources from the Reddit sub.

(I tried to grab all of the links from it, please let me know if I missed any)

<Wiki from r/espresso>


Google Sheets List of Espresso Machines

Espresso Aficionados - Discord

Espresso Aficionados - Wiki (as of May 2023, this is the most up-to-date resource for machine recommendations and it has a bunch of detailed guides for how to dial in espresso, puck prep & troubleshooting, and more advanced techniques!)

Espresso 101 Espresso starts with the coffee bean. Fresher is better. As u/Beans_McGhee says, "The beans really need to be roasted within the month you use them for perfect espresso." Store-bought beans are fine, really—but part of the "fun" of espresso is trying different beans.

You grind your coffee beans using a grinder. This sub has lots of opinions on grinders.

The amount of ground coffee you use is called the dose. So when u/SingularLattice says, "Make sure you have the right dose for your basket", that's what he means.

A basket is the little metal cup that goes in your portafilter—that's the metal thing with a handle on it. Espresso machines often come with 4 baskets: a single and a double in both unpressurized and pressurized. Doubles are the larger ones; pressurized variants are a different shape and may say "dual wall" on the bottom.

You would use dual-wall if you are using pre-ground coffee. Almost everyone will make ("pull") double shots—when you get into weights and times, it's all based on a double. So you should likely use the unpressurized (single wall) double basket.

Advanced practitioners will dose by weight. Typically, you'd want ~7g for a single shot and ~18g for a double shot. Automatic grinders may dose by time: this will get you "close enough". Thus, the "single" dose will be around 7g and the "double" will be around 18g. (You can fine-tune these amounts—more on that later.)

Coffee grounds are light and fluffy, but you want them to be compact for espresso, so you tamp them (with your tamper). Advanced practitioners will calibrate their tamping pressure (e.g., with spring-loaded tampers)—don't worry about that. Just give it a reasonable amount of force. If you're putting your whole body weight on your tamper, that's too much.

You will get a feel for the right amount of force. You can also look at the level of the grounds in the basket. Use shape of your tamper or other tool to estimate how much space should be between your (tamped) grounds and the top of the basket.

As u/SingularLattice says, "You need to tamp FLAT, not hard. So long as it’s firm, you’re good."

At the advanced level, preparing espresso is all about ratios, namely weight and time. Generally, you want a 2:1 ratio in about 30 seconds. The 2:1 ratio means the ratio of your dose (i.e., ~18g) to the resulting espresso (i.e., ~36g). The process of brewing espresso is called extraction.

Many espresso machines will do this for you! When you press the double shot button, it will dispense enough water to make the "right" amount of espresso... presuming you're using the right basket and the right dose! With such machines (e.g., the Breville Barista Express, or BBE), what you should do is watch the pressure gauge. It should be in the "espresso range". (Advanced practitioners will measure pressure in bars—you want ~9 bars in an ideal world.)

If the pressure is low, you either need more grounds (higher dose)—which you can get by adjusting the grind amount—or a finer grind—which you can get by adjusting grind size. You may also need to tamp harder, but typically this isn't the problem.

(If your pressure is too high, the inverse is true... but this doesn't happen very often.)

Every bean is different, and so needs different settings to produce a good result—in your case, to keep that pressure dial where you want it. The process of adjusting these different settings is called dialing in.

Your goal here is a well-extracted shot. That's all about how it tastes! Espresso should be sweet and balanced. If it's sour, it's under-extracted (to which you would grind more and/or finer); if it's bitter or astringent, it's over-extracted (to which you would do the opposite).

Everyone here is adjusting all these variables (bean, pressure, grind size, dose, ratio, extraction time, and more) in search of the perfect shot!

(Derived from this post by u/basseq.)

What espresso machine should I buy? Great question, and a very common one. Generally, there are two key inputs:

How much do you want to “tinker” with your espresso? Do you want to play with different variables, or just wake up to a good coffee?

How much do you want to spend?

Espresso can be a very expensive hobby, so the answer to the second question can you get to the best bang for your buck.

Remember that espresso is not just the machine. The other notable expense is the grinder, which can be as much as—if not more expensive—than the machine itself. There’s also some key accessories (notably a scale) and the cost of good coffee itself ($15+/lb).

Recommendations by Budget <$500 – Bare Bones If you’re looking to step up from a Nespresso or just drink less Starbucks, start here. There are really two ways to go:

Manual ($250–$300) – Flair Neo ($125) + 1Zpresso JX ($130).

Automatic ($450–$500) – Breville Bambino ($350) + Baratza Encore ($170).

The DeLonghi Dedica ($350) is also a solid choice. For grinders, you can also check out the Breville Dose Control ($150), or upgrade to the 1Zpresso J-Max ($230). The Sette 30 ($300) and Mignon Notte ($320) grinders are solid, but may put you above $500.

If you’re really looking to do espresso on the cheap, forego the grinder and work with pressurized portafilters on the Neo or Bambino. Many of us started with things like the DeLonghi EC155 ($100), but it’s hard to recommend.

Keep in mind that the espresso you get in a cafe was ground on a grinder that cost around $2000 and brewed on a machine that cost at least $15,000. You can't shrink all of that into a sub $300 setup without a huge loss of quality. –u/MyCatsNameIsBernie

$500–900 – Entry Level If you think you’re “serious” about espresso, this may be a better entry point than above, which you might outgrow sooner than later. There are two common choices here:

All-In-One – Breville Barista Express ($750) or Pro ($850). While the community sees the built-in grinder as the weak spot (no upgrade path), and long-term reliability can be spotty, it an easy and popular entry point into the prosumer market.

Separate Setup ($800–900) – Gaggia Classic Pro ($500) + Baratza Sette 270 ($400) – The Gaggia is a classic and time-tested, with lots of options in the used market.

Something like a Bambino Plus ($500) or Lelit Anna ($570) might also work. There are a lot of good grinders in this range: the DF64 ($400), Eureka Mignon Silenzio ($470), Baratza Vario ($480), and Rancilio Rocky ($430) are all well-regarded.

If you’re strapped for cash, the r/espresso guidance is to prioritize the grinder. Better to run a cheaper machine (Bambino/Dedica) with a nicer grinder than the other way around.

$900–$1,500 – The Standard The endgame for many people, this range is probably the “sweet spot” for great espresso without going over the deep-end.

The r/espresso Standard – Rancilio Silvia ($850) + Niche Zero ($680) – The Silvia is a classic, moddable, and can be found used. For this price range, the alternate choice might be something like a Lelit Glenda ($900), or pairing a Gaggia with a nicer grinder. For grinders, ECM and Profitec both have offerings ($550), Baratza Vario W+ ($600), Eureka Mignon Specialita ($700), or any of the ones in the previous category. You can start mixing and matching machines and features and specs.

$1,500–3,000 – Prosumer We’re getting heavily into the “prosumer” market now, and there are less common machine+grinder pairings, so we’ll start looking at them separately.

Machines – Profitec Pro ($1,800), ECM Classika ($1,600), Lelit Elizabeth ($1,700), Rocket Appartamento ($1,700). The land of shiny chrome and lots of knobs. The Breville Dual Boiler ($1,600) is in this range too.

Grinders – Mazzer Mini ($800), Mahlkonig X54 ($750), Eureka Oro ($800).

$3,000+ – Dream Machines From here, it’s dream machine land and the art of the possible. If you’re asking, “What should I buy,” you probably shouldn’t start here.

Machines – Lelit Bianca ($2,900), ECM Synchronika ($3,200), Decent DE1 ($3,500), plus some offerings from Isomac, Rocket, Elektra, or Nuova Simonelli. You get into true “endgame” machines like La Marzocco Linea Mini ($5,900) or Slayer Single Group ($10,000).

Grinders – Eureka Atom 75 ($1,400), Mahlkonig E65S ($2,300), KafaTek Monolith Flat ($2,500), Weber EG-1 ($3,700).

founded 1 year ago