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For all your Genealogy needs all on Lemmy. Here we Help with research Give software suggestions Talk about Genealogy And more!

founded 1 year ago

So I recently moved my stuff to gramps web - and it features the gramps query language but I can't figure out how to find places with no parent place...

Anyone know how to do that?


A lot of records have been digitized but I still enjoy looking thought the original documents. I talked to the clerk and it appears my county has received a grant to digitize even more records. I’ll be checking out my surrounding counties libraries and courthouses in the coming weeks.


I’m going to be trying this next week I’ll be updating with results


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Canvas in 30 days 👀

turns out I did my math wrong, so it’s a little less than 30 days

July 12th, 2024 @ midnight EDT

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Hi Lemmy, I wanted to share a story about trying to find a very distant ancestor with DNA.

In the early 1800s, my 3x great grandfather came to Canada from Portugal. I have no record of his birth, his immigration or anything from before 1850, and he definitely changed his name after leaving Portugal. For a long time, I thought that I would never be able to break this brick wall.

But about a year ago, I noticed something interesting in my Ancestry DNA matches. I found several distant relatives with Portuguese ethnicity who consistently share DNA with descendants of my 3x great grandfather. I realized that since I have no other Portuguese ancestors, they must be related through my 3x great grandfather.

In fact, almost all of these matches had ancestors from a small island called Porto Santo in the Madeira archipelago.

I decided to give triangulation a shot since some of the DNA matches had public family trees. Using the Madeira archives website, I built off of their research and extended 3 trees back to the late 1700s. When I did this, I found a few duplicate ancestors, but none that show up in all 3 trees.

Which brings us to now. I've not been successful so far at triangulating my 3x ggf, but I feel so close. Out of curiosity, I made a rough calculation of the likelihood that 3 random people with ancestors from Porto Santo share the same 4x ggf, and it came out to 0.4%. So if I get a triple match in my DNA matches family trees, I can be almost certain that I found a close relative to my 3x ggf.

Any thoughts or advice? This is probably the nerdiest thing I've done to solve a mystery. I'm not sure if it'll work to be honest, but I find it crazy that DNA can make it even remotely possible.


I'm sure not many of us here are from Slovakia but just wanted to share.

So this is kind of embarasing but after 4 years of making family tree I found out that 1930 and 1940 census from Slovakia is apparently online. I don't know how I missed it. Nevertheless to say the least, my excitement has been through the roof for like 2 weeks.

Note that 1940s census is "blacked" since it hasn't passed 90 years from its creation. It'll be "un-blacked" in 2030. However you can still see the names which might be also helpful (it was for me).

Note 2: there is an (quite successful) attempt at indexation of the results here:

Note 3: you cannot download the forms because of license. Printing sucks so screenshots are probably the only option


I’d like to but the privacy problems are holding me back


I’ve been meaning to do this for a while something less complex than your normal chart. Something fun to look at like this


For me it’s my 5th great grandmother anyone further back in the tree is my ancestor because I think 6 greats is a bit much.


This is something I’ve always wanted to do since I’ve started genealogy research for my family.

When I was way younger I had 2 great grandmothers I didn’t know what a great grandmother was until I was older to me they were just my grannies. I lost one of them years ago and there isn’t a lot about her out there. Someone I knew in my lifetime and I’ve had to dig deep to find records about her.

I’ve still got family left who know a lot about my family history and I’d like to interview them before I don’t have a chance anymore has anyone done this themselves?


When doing genealogy there’s many different documents to look through my favorites to find are census records and death certificates because they provide a lot of info in very few documents. However there are a lot of other types including social security index records and tax records. Today I am asking what type of record or document has a lot of good information that you don’t see used enough in genealogy?


The one who seemingly has no records or takes so much work to dig up one record

I finally found some Info on mine. I went back to the basics and asked some family who was alive when I believe this mystery person was and it helped a lot. let’s hear yours!


I know folks here on Lemmy love FOSS so I’d suggest Gramps if you’re looking for suggestions!


Please fill out forum to apply


For me anything before about 1750 is pretty murky and the records are harder to find and confirm


Did they live amazing live? Did they pass away in a odd way? Let’s hear Whatever stories you’d like to share!

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