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There is existing evidence that raises questions about the potential impact of aspartame on cancer risk. A study in France involving about 100,000 adults last year suggested those who consumed larger amounts of artificial sweeteners including aspartame had a slightly higher cancer risk. A study from the Ramazzini Institute in Italy in the early 2000s reported that some cancers in mice and rats were linked to aspartame.


Seven years have passed since the FDA gave its blessing for the Targeting Aging with Metformin (TAME) clinical trial, the first trial to target the effects of aging. TAME is a double blind, placebo-controlled, multi-center study designed to evaluate whether the diabetes drug Metformin can protect against age-related conditions such as cancer, dementia or cardiovascular disease in non-diabetic study participants. The goal of the trial is to establish an indication for aging, which the American Federation of Aging Research refers to as a “proof of concept” that aging is an appropriate drug target.


But testosterone-boosting supplements can work wonders for men who are marginally deficient in testosterone because of age, poor diet, poor sleep, stress, exposure to too many testosterone-draining chemicals, or overtraining.

And, unlike actual testosterone replacement, these T-boosting supplements won’t cause your testicles to go on vacation. Instead, they’ll make them work harder so that you’re just a little bit more male, a little bit more beastly.


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Current trends paint a sobering picture, with medical experts cautioning that this particular cancer could soon rank among the top three affecting older adults in the United States. Even more concerning is that it may even become the most common cancer in this age group within the coming decade, signaling a significant public health concern on the horizon.

Those who have had oral sex with five or more partners in their lifetime face a risk of HPV-related cancer that’s 2.5 times greater than individuals with fewer partners. Shockingly, this risk jumps to 4.3 times higher for those with 10 or more partners.


What can we learn from this study?


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Women who began taking oral contraceptives as adults had a 92% higher rate of depressive symptoms compared to those who never took the pill, while women who started taking the birth control pill "before or at the age of 20 had 130% higher rate of depressive symptoms," according to a U.K. study published Monday by Cambridge University Press.


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Can Making Your Bed Change Your Life?

Militaries often encourage this habit, perhaps to give a sense of order to your life and keep things looking uniform?

A majority of people don't make their beds, and seem to get along fine in the world, so it may not really be "necessary" for improving a person's life.

However for the minority that do make their beds, apparently there is also a correlation with a majority of them reporting they consider themselves happy, while a majority of those who don't make their beds admit to being unhappy (via Psychology Today article, referenced in a Mercury News article).

Some people think that making your bed in the morning helps to mentally prepare people for the day, that it's a habit that sets off a chain reaction of other good habits for the day; and it's also just nice to come back to a made bed to sleep in at night.

Could such a little thing have a big positive impact on your life?

Do you like to make your bed, or what do you think of the topic?




Modafinil is also used to promote wakefulness and treat sleep disorders such as narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea, and shift work sleep disorder. It contains the R-enantiomer of modafinil, which is considered to be the more active form. Modalert 200 refers to a specific dosage strength of 200 mg, which is the usual standard dosage for this smart pill.


Researchers found that five of the 60 beverages tested contained levels of a toxic metal above federal drinking water standards.

Two mixed juices had levels of arsenic above the 10 microgram/liter standard. Meanwhile, a cranberry juice, a mixed carrot and fruit juice, and an oat milk each had levels of cadmium exceeding the three parts per billion standard.


I've heard of this idea before, but it popped up on the radar again, it's a "common military exercise" since ancient times, and a good form of exercise for lots of people:

Walking is thought to be a good cardio exercise for just about anybody; all this does it add a backpack with some weight to the equation, which turns it in to a lifting exercise and increases the amount of exercise you get per step versus walking with no backpack.

Any thoughts on rucking, or backpacking, or such related exercises?


People love to debate the relative merits of different dietary philosophies (high carb, low carb, no carb, keto, carnivore, vegan, pescatarian, Mediterranean) and the health benefits of so-called “superfoods” (e.g., blueberries, chia seeds, kale, almonds, salmon), but suggesting that people should curb their caffeine intake might be the most contentious fight in all of food discourse—especially because it seems like every other week, a new study is published claiming that coffee is either the fountain of youth or certain to send you to an early grave.


Today I am trying not to eat any junk food but it is pretty hard 😅. It is 3:30PM and I still have not many hours left but I really want to take just one candy. I am thinking of swapping it for a spoon of honey.


Anyone like cold showers?

Some possible benefits of cold showers:

increased alertness, stronger immune system, boosted mood, reduced pain, and so on


What's people's opinion on "aromatherapy"? Are certain scents supposed to be good for disease or to promote health?

I guess my view is in favor of a mild support of the theory that certain scents may create health, but perhaps more than this that I think smells may be good for an aethetic value and promote a "quality of life".

I have noticed a few times for example, while I might have audio-visual stimulation on a computer inside, that when I go outside I might additionally encounter such fresh air "smells" that seem to yield feelings of health, well-being, and which also stimulate the recall of certain memories associated with the smells.

I think I remember expecting that "smell-o-vision" would become a part of computers at some point, or of some automated way for computers to let off certain smells. I thought movie theaters might incorporate the sense of smell more at some point. I'm sure some obscure gadgets like this exist or could be a DIY project, and some places exist that do this in a theater, but it doesn't seem to have had the widespread adoption that I might have thought would have happened.

But anyway, any opinions on utilizing the sense of smell for health and wellness?


The danger of browsing this Lemmy instance!


Do you filter your water, or don't think you need to, or what's your take on water filters?

Here's one list of possible "sustainable" filters:


This came up in research on observing silence mentally and physically.

Niksen I think of as a kind of "mindless" rest while being awake.

I've noticed sleep doesn't accomplish the same thing, as I can carry tension with myself during sleep and wake up still agitated.

I've noticed light mental activity like reading, browsing social media, or watching a film, may not accomplish the same thing, as they can keep the mind in an active state which can also keep the body "on edge" (while the body may be resting in comparison with greater physical exertion like exercise).

Some people are promoting concentration and focus exercises from the eastern religions, like mindfulness and meditation for relaxation - I was trying to avoid that for religious reasons, but noticed niksen seems to be even different than some kind of concentration exercise as it is not really concentrating on anything.

When I was younger I think moments of niksen or "zoning out" were more common, but then at some point you start to want to make use of more moments when awake, and think that sleep can rest you - this is where things got off track for me personally, I used "rest time" as some kind of time that would keep my mind active, and thought sleep should be sufficient rest, so it would just carry over tension.

Even while taking a break in the sun or on a walk, I might think I should be mentally praying or thinking about something, which would agitate the restfulness of the activity, but I thought if I didn't think that I was then "wasting time" since I could rest during sleep. What I've found through "niksen" is a seeming need to not be thinking of anything, to not focus on anything, possibly to not be making much use of the body (or lightly exercising?), to get a kind of rest that's "niksen".

I've seen niksen described as: "mindless relaxation", staring off into space, "doing nothing with a purpose", not being lazy but resting and recharging, allowing the mind to wander but not engaging the thoughts, "putting your brain on low power mode", taking a time out, a kind of decompression, and an imitation of animals who often take a lot of time doing nothing.

Does anyone get a feel for this concept or have any thoughts on clarifying it or tips on observing it?


not going to do a MSM link but found this story headline interesting


Cancer cells can multiply and grow indefinitely because the apoptosis mechanism has failed. Apoptosis requires ATP; if the energy supply does not meet the cell’s needs, it cannot carry out the process.


Still not a fan. Too often it turns poisonous and spreads like cancer

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