When I switch between logged in accounts, I have to manually refresh the feed tab/view to reflect the account switch. I would prefer the reload be done automatically, an option to allow users to specify this behavior would be ideal.


Hey everyone, just a friendly reminder for those on instances that are either about to upgrade or have recently upgraded from version 0.18 to 0.19 (e.g., lemmy.world, lemmy.blahaj.zone, sh.itjust.works, etc.).

After your instance updates to 0.19, please remember to re-authenticate (i.e., log out and log back in). This is because of some authentication changes made in 0.19 which invalidates the session.



It seems that the web UI treats spoilers without a space after ::: the same as the regular ones, while Thunder ignores those as spoilers. It looks like the closing spoiler marker may be entered without whitespace but it consumes extra text after the spoiler, and overall acts weird

I can create an issue if that's needed, or this post may be referenced in an existing issue to be used as a test

no whitespace Content
whitespace present Content
one-liner no whitespaceContent
one-liner whitespace present Content
Extra text in the end
one-liner whitespace present Content
Second extra text


no whitespace


whitespace present


one-liner no whitespaceContent

one-liner whitespace presentContent

Extra text in the end

one-liner whitespace presentContent

Second extra text


Hey everyone, it's time for yet another Thunder release. As always, there have been many improvements, additions, changes and fixes in this release which should make for a even better Thunder experience. If you have any suggestions or feedback, feel free to discuss it in the Thunder community or on GitHub.

A quick reminder: if you are using the Google Play version or App Store version, please note that it may take a bit of time before you receive the update. Now onto the update notes. This update brings a few major features:

🎉 New Features

  • Initial support for moderator actions. Thunder has added support for some moderator actions such as locking, pinning, and removing posts. To access these actions, simply long-press on a post and select "Moderator Actions" from the menu. Additional moderator actions such as mod logs, and reports will come in a future update.
  • Support for high-refresh rate devices. Thunder should now feel smoother on Android devices with high-refresh rate displays, and should no longer be limited to 60 Hz. For iOS, Thunder also supports ProMotion devices.
  • Customizable post metadata. You can now customize the post metadata information (vote counts, comment counts, etc) on your feed! This can be done in Settings -> Appearance -> Compact/Card View Settings. Simply drag and drop the metadata information you want to see on your feed. The order of the information will be the order that you drag it into the preview.
  • Experimental local push notification support on Android. Thunder has experimental support for handling push notifications locally on Android devices. When enabled, Thunder will attempt to fetch new notifications in the background while the app is not running. Please note that this feature is highly dependent on the Android OS and their battery saving settings

ℹ General

  • Additional UI/UX and quality-of-life improvements. This includes but is not limited to:
    • Support for spoiler markdown tags. Spoiler tags will be automatically minimized, and can be expanded when tapping on them
    • Support for creating cross posts for an existing post, and deleting existing posts
    • Addition of more options including hiding top app bar, medium font scale option, and colorized usernames
  • Added new condensed post body view to the post page which shows a smaller preview of images and thumbnails
  • Added the ability to search posts/comments directly from community feed

And much much more. I can't go through all the changes in the changelog, but for those who are curious, feel free to check out the full changelog below.

We have a Matrix space if you would like to join in on discussions: https://matrix.to/#/#thunderapp:matrix.org

I would just like to thank everyone for the continued support and contributions. Thunder is still a project that I can only work on the side, and knowing that others enjoy it drives me to continue working on it!

If you would like to show a token of appreciation to me or anyone else that has contributed, check out the following link for more information: https://github.com/thunder-app/thunder/issues/756

Thanks again for everything so far, and I hope you enjoy this update!



  • Added new condensed post body view to the post page by micahmo
  • Added compatibility with high-refresh displays to Thunder on Android devices by mufeedali
  • Added initial support for markdown spoiler tags by hjiangsu
  • Added ability to create cross-posts from the post page by micahmo
  • Added ability to share user profiles by micahmo
  • Added ability to subscribe/unsubscribe to community from long-press action by hjiangsu
  • Added option to hide the top app bar on scroll by hjiangsu
  • Added user counts to instance page by micahmo
  • Added additional medium font scale option by hjiangsu
  • Added moderated communities to drawer by hjiangsu
  • Added ability to share communities by micahmo
  • Added ability to clear image cache on startup, and manually by hjiangsu
  • Added experimental local push notifications on Android by micahmo
  • Added notification page to display individual messages by micahmo
  • Added ability to delete posts by micahmo
  • Re-introduced in-app browser as an option by micahmo
  • Added community icon indicator when posting is restricted to mods by hjiangsu
  • Added option for colourized usernames by ggichure
  • Added new unread comment indicator for read posts by CTalvio
  • Added ability to customize post card metadata information by hjiangsu
  • Added ability to search posts/comments from community feed by micahmo
  • Added setting to change image cache settings on Android by micahmo
  • Added initial moderator post actions (lock, pin, remove) by hjiangsu


  • Improved post/comment score formatting by micahmo
  • Adjusted the color of the delete draft icon by micahmo
  • Language selector now prioritizes current language at the top of the list by micahmo
  • Community selector shows suggested communities by default by micahmo
  • Prioritize favorites in empty community prompt by micahmo
  • Improved account log out flow by micahmo
  • Search page suggests alternate filters when there are no search results by micahmo
  • Account selector improvements and minor fixes by hjiangsu
  • Image viewer dynamically adjusts image zoom based on resolution Niranjan-Dorage
  • Added indicator for media downloads by micahmo
  • Indicate deleted posts by micahmo
  • Added inkwell to spoiler markdown by micahmo
  • Added option to navigate to new post after creation by micahmo
  • Improved handling for navigation to non-instances by micahmo
  • Adjusted search bar to match material design, and misc fixes by micahmo
  • Removed usesCleartextTraffic attribute on AndroidManifest by hjiangsu
  • Added locale code to app language selector by hjiangsu


  • Fixed issues with images being too wide in community/user sidebars by micahmo
  • Fixed issues where post actions were not being updated properly in the search page by micahmo
  • Fixed issue where local featured posts were not being highlighted properly by micahmo
  • Fixed issue where subscriptions in drawer were not in alphabetical order by hjiangsu
  • Fixed an issue where you could favorite a non-subscribed community by micahmo
  • Fixed some issues with user navigation and error handling by micahmo
  • Fix some issues with the search page resetting by micahmo
  • Fixed some community/user name detection by micahmo
  • Fixed issue with advanced image preview not showing by micahmo
  • Fixed exit confirmation snackbar by micahmo
  • Fixed issue with creating cross-posts by micahmo
  • Fixed an issue with loading favorites on startup by micahmo
  • Fixed issue where feed FAB can be triggered on other pages by hjiangsu
  • Fixed issue where app language bottom sheet would fill full height by hjiangsu
  • Fixed issue with deferred comments by micahmo
  • Fixed search page keyboard on iOS by hjiangsu
  • Fixed post page failure when image fails to load by hjiangsu
  • Fixed inbox counter not reflecting true number of unread notifications by hjiangsu


  • Clean up linter warnings by hjiangsu
  • Updated instances by github-actions
  • Updated translations by hjiangsu
  • Added CI workflow to check for sorted translations by hjiangsu
  • Sorted translations in alphabetical order by hjiangsu
  • Refactored community and user avatars by hjiangsu
  • Reorganized files to their domain by hjiangsu
  • Refactored local settings to use localization strings by hjiangsu
  • Refactored thumbnail badges and compact post cards by hjiangsu
  • Migrated from gallery_saver package to gal for media downloads by hjiangsu
  • Created new feature request, and bug report templates. by K4LCIFER
  • Refactored snackbars to use overlays and remove dependency on context by hjiangsu

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/12315554

Post is displaying URL image in Thunder but not Voyager


I'm comparing Lemmy Android app clients and I'm between Thunder and Voyager.

I noticed something weird with Voyager. There was this post it displays an image in the timeline using Thunder but it doesn't in Voyager.

Is it some configuration that I need to tweak in Voyager?

Also, is there some config to display short text about the post if has image? Like some description below if available


submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by UKFilmNerd@feddit.uk to c/thunder_app@lemmy.world

I can see the message but can't seem to actually reply to it.

Thank you.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by UKFilmNerd@feddit.uk to c/thunder_app@lemmy.world

Still loving Thunder but there are two issues I'm having in creating posts.

When I enter an URL, the app gives me a suggested title but selecting it does nothing.

One community wants me to select the language. Again I can find the language in the list but not select it.

I hope you can help.

EDIT: okay, both of these features work on my phone but not my tablet. Both are Android device.

submitted 4 months ago by scytale@lemm.ee to c/thunder_app@lemmy.world

Does anyone else get logged out when switching between wifi and mobile data? I notice when leaving the house (or coming home) and my phone switches between wifi and data (and vice versa), the app asks me to login again. I have the beta/testflight version.


I'm a newbie coming from voyager app. I liked using thunder for a while and when i tweaked the settings i liked it even more
Never thought thunder was this feature rich.

Even now I couldn't find out how to personal message a user and please share more features you liked in this app and settings that can be tweaked to get more out of it


Is it possible to do this? From my understanding, it’s not mentioned in the README or any way to create a community in the app.


A way to copy the URL and lemmy address (@me@lemmy.world, !thunder_app@lemmy.world) of a user and community

Explore (github.com)

In the search tab, when you do not have anything typed in the search box, you can explore all of the communities, users, posts and comments.

You can filter this out with the filters by only exploring the local instance, the entire fediverse, etc.


A comment sorting option called "Chat" and "Forum"

On the official Lemmy web UI, you can sort comments by Hot, Top, New, Old and Chat. Please add a Chat sorting option.

Also, please add a "Forum" sorting option which will be the same as Chat except in reverse, showing the oldest comment first to the newest comments last, and will be ordered like a forum thread.


submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by trymeout@lemmy.world to c/thunder_app@lemmy.world

A setting to display Upvote/downvote sum for posts instead of upvote/downvotes

Has been done for comments, please add this for posts.

COMPLETED: Thanks to hjiangsu on Github https://github.com/thunder-app/thunder/pull/1077

All Search Type (github.com)

An all search type to be able to search for communities, users, posts and comments all at once.


Please remove the following search options as they do nothing...

  • Communities -> Community (Cannot search for communities inside a community)
  • Communities -> Creator (Cannot search for users inside a community)
  • User -> Feed (Subscribed) (You cannot subscribe to users)
  • User -> Community (Cannot search for a community inside a users)
  • User -> Creator (Cannot search for users inside a users)


Is that a bug or a feature?

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by darklightxi@lemmy.world to c/thunder_app@lemmy.world

Update: Hi everyone! A quick hotfix version v0.2.8 was released to address an issue where Thunder opens up in RTL (right-to-left) layout on some devices after the previous v0.2.7 update.

If you are still encountering an issue with this after this release, feel free to open up a new GitHub issue with some more details. A quick reminder: if you are using the Google Play version or App Store version, please note that it may take a bit of time before you receive the update.

Original Post

Hi everyone and happy new year! It's finally time for another Thunder release. As always, there have been many improvements, additions, changes and fixes in this release which should make for a even better Thunder experience. If you have any suggestions or feedback, feel free to discuss it in the Thunder community or on GitHub.

A quick reminder: if you are using the Google Play version or App Store version, please note that it may take a bit of time before you receive the update. Now onto the update notes. This update brings a few major features:

🎉 Features

  • You can now edit your own posts, and set the appropriate language for your post. When you open your own post, you will see a pencil icon which will allow you to edit your post along with the language.
  • The Settings page has been overhauled and re-organized, with post and comment previews for certain visual settings. This should hopefully provide a better overall experience for adjusting and customizing your settings.
  • You can now set Thunder's app language to any of currently available translations. Please note that the translations are not fully complete, and you may encounter untranslated content.
  • Additional settings have been added in which sync up with your Lemmy account. This includes showing/hiding read posts, showing/hiding scores, and showing/hiding bot accounts.
  • There is now a Safari extension which allows you to open Lemmy links within Thunder for iOS users. This extension is disabled by default, but can be enabled in the system settings under Safari -> Extensions.
  • Favoriting communities is now available. When you favorite a community, it will be prioritized throughout the app (in the drawer, search results, etc.)
  • Keyword filters are now available in the Settings page. Adding keywords will filter any posts whose title or body containing one or more keywords.
  • Many quality-of-life improvements including collapsible post bodies, more community translations, addition of more sort types, improved search filters.

⚙️ Performance

  • Improved general loading times when starting up Thunder. This should result in some drastic improvements for certain instances.
  • Updated many under-the-hood dependencies.

And much much more. I can't possibly go through all the changes in the changelog, but for those who are curious, feel free to check out the full changelog on the GitHub announcement.

As always, this is an alpha release, so do expect bugs to pop up here and there. We have a Matrix space if you would like to join in on discussions: https://matrix.to/#/#thunderapp:matrix.org

If you find any issues or would like to suggest features, please open up a new issue! As always, contributions are always welcomed here.

I would just like to thank everyone for the continued support and contributions. Thunder is still a project that I can only work on the side, and knowing that others enjoy it drives me to continue working on it!

If you would like to show a token of appreciation, you can buy me a coffee. The donations will help support some of the development overhead costs!

Thanks again for everything so far, and I hope you enjoy this update! Here’s a new year's resolution for you for reaching the end of this post 🎉


Thanks to a tip from @jerry I am using the @thunder_app client to access infosec.pub and I am already really enjoying it and getting value from it. I have found a couple #infosec communities already - anyone got any they particularly like? @GossiTheDog? @neil?


Apologies for yet more dumb questions. Not sure if it’s a Thunder thing or a Lemmy thing.

When I go to search for new communities, I only get the option now to search within the instance I signed up on (Aussie.zone) instead of everywhere. Have I accidentally changed a setting somewhere?


With thunder_app Can I log in with kbin or mastodon credentials?


Happy holidays everyone ❄️! I'm back again to share some updates on Thunder’s ongoing development for those who might not be keeping tabs on our progress in the Matrix space or GitHub.

The next upcoming update will be hopefully released within the next couple weeks, and will bring a whole set of new features and quality-of-life improvements! We’ve been working on some of the most requested features, so I hope you enjoy them.

PSA: Lemmy 0.19.0 is now officially released. As your instances begin upgrading to 0.19.0, please be aware that you will need to log out and log back in for some things to work

Here's a brief summary of the main features we will be releasing in the next Thunder general build:

  • Ability to edit your own posts and set the post language.
  • Full reorganization of the settings page, with post and comment previews.
  • Ability to search for keywords in comments when you’re in a post.
  • Setting to combine comment scores, and show user instance.
  • Safari extension to open Lemmy links in Thunder on iOS devices.
  • Ability to favorite communities. Favoriting communities will create a new section in the sidebar for quick access, and will prioritize them in community suggestions and search results.
  • Ability to set keyword filters. Adding keywords will filter any posts whose title or body containing one or more keywords.
  • Performance improvements which should drastically reduce the start up time for some users.
  • And much more as described in the changelog!

For those on the nightly or TestFlight builds, you will mostly have access to these features already for testing. Please report any issues that you see so that they can be fixed before it hits general availability.

A huge thanks again to everyone who has been actively contributing, and as always, we are constantly looking for more contributors to the project! Thank you for all the community members for contributing translations. If you would like to help contribute, feel free to reach out on our Matrix space or on GitHub.


Pretty much the title. I could not find an option to do it, nor did I find comments or commits about it.

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Thunder App

2697 readers
2 users here now

An open-source cross-platform Lemmy client for iOS and Android built with Flutter.

This community is intended to discuss features and feature suggestions for Thunder; as well as friendly, respectful talks about lemmy in general.

Please use the GitHub repository linked below to submit bug reports, so keeping track of them is easier, and make sure to search first if you already can find an issue for your report.

If there are any developers who would like to contribute, feel free to reach out on GitHub!

Relevant Links
Nightly Community: Link
Matrix Space: Link

GitHub Repository: Link
GitHub Official Releases: Link

Google Play: Link
Apple App Store: Link
TestFlight Beta: Link

founded 1 year ago