Pixel Dungeon
This community is a place to talk strategies, tell stories, or discuss anything related to Pixel Dungeon or its many versions.
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Wow, congratulations on 10 years! And on having the skills to make this your full time job, that's impressive.
I generally like the new sprites, but I'd caution that more detail and shading does not always improve readability of small sprites. A good example I think is the kunai, while the new graphic is technically more detailed in terms of more colors used in the shading, I think it makes it harder to tell at a glance where the inside "edges" are supposed to be because it's a smoother gradient now.
Pixel art requires a fair bit of stylization, and sometimes I think that means sacrificing detail to ensure readability.
Others have commented about the succubus sprite. I think it's the... elbow pads? that really make it hard to tell what she's supposed to be wearing. Fighter's signature armor and duelist's are both a little busy and hard to read as well.
Overall though, I'm loving the new graphics, and looking forward to what you have in store for us over the next stretch of years!