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Ok, I guess you could argue the point that these countries
What the absolute fuck are you talking about.
The war sure explains why they have a reason to be antagonist towards South Korea and USA -- in a similar way as WW2 explains why Finland is very wary of Russia still in 2000s.
But it doesn't explain why they insist on keeping their system in the same horrible broken state. Germany and Japan were ravaged by a war and they didn't go permanently crazy at state level.
Why don't you tell the audience who got the OK from Stalin to start this war?
The side that didn't collaborate with fascist Japan in WW2 and then go on to commit the bodo league massacre.
On this subject more than any other the western brain is completely destroyed by propaganda.
The crazy shit you will and have believed about Korea without any evidence is stunning and can only be explained by racism.
You actually believed when they said the whole country had to get the same haircut?
Some school districts in Japan already do this to kids tbh. There was a kerfuffle a while back and some schools dropped some limitations after lawsuits. Like if your kid has naturally curly or blonde hair you'd need to prove it. (Haven't gone deep on fact checking, take it with a grain of salt)
I'd say it's not unreasonable that if you have a manufactured preconceived (racist) notion about a place that you would believe it.
South Korea and RoC actually did the mandatory haircuts on occasions (though in case of RoC it was justified and was more like one particular haircut was forbidden). It's always projection.
The DPRK is by no means perfect, but it's also not some hermit kingdom where the peasants push trains to make them move.
If you have 20 minutes, I recommend you watch We Went to North Korea to Get a Haircut, it's humanizing and helps dispel a lot of modern myths about the DPRK. Again, it's by no means perfect, but the West has absolutely mythologized its existence to lunacy.
check their post history.
whats wrong with the DPRK? I have family that has been there and they thought it was a fine place certainly doing a lot better than the median capitalist country.
Its a current enemy for not being destroyed (like the US tried to do), so a bunch of western-supremacist-brained people believe literally anything negative said about it, as it confirms their racist biases.