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why would they have to lie. video, exact quotes are plastered freakin everywhere. even this purported 'lie' is just a paraphrasing of his actual intention.
its like saying 'will no one rid me of this turbulent priest' isnt a pointed request to have someone killed
or is the orange turd just incapable of understanding the weight of his own words? so hes either a violent menace or a complete moron. im kinda thinking its both.
Well, I agree that he has said enough that people don't have to lie. But I see the lies even here on Lemmy.
Look at how many people there are here who say Trump wants to line up gay people on the street and shoot them, or how he wants to make sure there will be no elections after he is elected, etc.
Guys, he sticks his foot in his mouth plenty. You don't have to make up shit.
Makes no difference to me though. I didn't vote for him OR Harris. I voted socialist! :)