Prince Pyotr Alexeyevich Kropotkin was born in 1842 and breathed his last in 1921. Kropotkin was a Russian noble. He was educated for army and at the age of twenty he became a military officer in Siberia.
Kropotkin’s great interest in science developed from his military training which he received to get a job. This moulded his life in future. He had a scientific mind and devoted his time and energy to the study of books on science.
As a military officer in Siberia Kropotkin got ample opportunity for geographical survey and expedition. Thus his shift from military service to geographical survey and expeditions enriched the subject profoundly. He contributed many articles to different journals.
Peter Kropotkin was a man of different mentality and attitude. His stay in military service could not satisfy his academic and intellectual requirements and desires and after serving several years he relinquished the job, and entered the University of St. Petersburg in 1867. His vast knowledge in geography brought for him the post of secretary of Geographical Society.
Even this vital administrative post could not detain him for long time. He moved to radical political movements. In 1872, Peter Kropotkin joined the International Workingmen’s Association. Later on he was deeply involved in subversive and anarchical activities. This led him to imprisonment in 1874.
He escaped from prison in 1876 and went to England. The England of the second half of eighteenth century was the centre of revolutionary activities, although she never experienced any revolution.
He also travelled to Switzerland and Paris. While in Paris he was again arrested by the French government in 1883. Released from prison in 1886 he went to England and settled there. While in exile, Kropotkin gave lectures and published widely on anarchism and geography. He returned to Russia after the Russian Revolution in 1917 but was disappointed by the Bolshevik state. The rest of his life was spent without political activity.
Peter Kropotkin was an evolutionist anarchist. But his evolutionism was more scientific than that of his predecessors. He wrote several books on anarchism such as ‘The Place of Anarchy in Socialist Evolution (1886), The Conquest of Bread (1888), Its Philosophy and Ideal (1896)’, ‘The State – Its Part in History (1898)’ and ‘Modern Science and Anarchism (1903)’. His deep interest in science, particularly biology and anthropology, opened before him new and enchanting vistas of knowledge and all these inspired him to study biological science with added interest.
The Funeral of Peter Kropotkin :anarchists:
A meeting between V.I. Lenin and P. A. Kropotkin :lenin-shining: :kropotkin-shining:
Words of a Rebel :anarchy:
Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution :AC-AnarKitty:
Syndicalism and Anarchism :ancom:
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Experiencing my college friend group fall apart over the past year has been interesting.
this is just gossip about my life
Ok, so I live in a house with three other people. Last year, one was an Italian girl (M) , one was my best friend (L), and one was his girlfriend (A). L and M had a big falling out, M was basically forced out of the house. I still got along fine with M but since L's grandad owns the place, he wasn't gonna move out, and so neither was A. So then A's best friend, J, moved in. I have nothing against J, but despite knowing her for years we never really became friends. There is also E, who we were all very good friends with. If I had been asked, I would have liked E to move in. I was not asked. A decided to invite J to live with us without asking me, and then told me after the arrangements had been made.
So me and L were best friends. Not anymore. He's become a lot meaner, he's obviously not happy and taking it out on others, and he spends a lot of time outside of the house. He is also absolutely incapable of opening up about his feelings no matter who talks to him. I don't spend much time with him anymore, and I don't really know how to have a conversation with him anymore. A and L are obviously going to break up, but can't because they live together and share a bed. That's what happens when you move in with your partner at the age of 20. They argue all the time over things that aren't important. They haven't had sex all semester. I know because the walls are incredibly thin.
Me and A used to argue a lot, but now I don't bother. She's a terrible friend and sometimes I question if she ever liked me at all. She's generally mean to people behind their backs, and I am no exception, except she also just insults me to my face and expects me to take it as a joke. I usually do because its not worth starting an argument with someone you live with every five minutes. She has called me a school shooter, and, once in a conversation about what I should do in my future, told me to kill myself. I had to take that one as a joke because I guess the alternative was telling her to fuck off.
E is clearly bitter about not getting offered to live in the house, so she doesn't spend much time with us anymore. I see her once a week at most. We used to be very close friends, but then she said that she wanted to stop being so close to me because of something vague with her girlfriend, who I have met twice. They've been going out for two years and her girlfriend either doesn't like any of us or doesn't want to know us, despite us inviting her to everything.
So yeah, as soon as college ends and we move out of our house we are not going to remain close. It sucks I guess, and I'm sure I'll miss the good times eventually, but right now I'm just looking forward to not having to live with people who don't like me.
My college friend group just slowly stopped writing in the group chat once lockdowns stopped