Late Stage Capitalism
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"The Holodmor wasn't all that bad and Stalin wasn't either" is not an "anyone left of center" position.
No one is saying that. The meme states that they got to learn about the famine - blamed on communism - but never do the atrocities that happen under capitalism and it’s prototypes get painted as such. They’re never blamed on capitalism.
If a famine happened under capitalism there would be all sorts of excuses for it instead of blaming the economic system like we do with communism.
Chances are we're awash with victims of the United States education system. Not suggesting that other countries don't have anti-communist propaganda, but Americans have this tendency to interpret anything that reminds them of the propaganda they were taught as either having precisely the same meaning as that propaganda or being subversive due to it not reinforcing the propaganda. I lived there for ages and I'd watch otherwise intelligent, well spoken individuals go barmy over it, regurgitating primary school level talking points that weren't even relevant.
It can be vexxing. Like here, where simply mentioning the Holodormr as a famine has somehow been interpreted as "downplaying its impact and claiming Stalin was an upstanding gent", heavily paraphrased because I can't be arsed to read through again.
I actually think it’s the Europeans that are butthurt about this. The Americans can’t spell holodormr or place it’s location let’s be real. And I say that as an American….
What’s crazy is I’m not even denying what happened. All I’m saying is nobody talks about capitalism like that despite having millions more deaths that can be attributed to it. And downvote city!