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You're a genocide denier, the difference between that and genocide support is just the difference between an honest man and a lying shit stain like you.
And guess what, Israel is just like the Nazis.
In trying to point out an error, you make a far larger one: by failing to account for the very real quantitative and qualitative differences, you equate the two, and erase the real fact that Israel is commiting genocide in much the same way as the US does with indigenous Americans, to fuel settler-colonialism. The violence reflected by Palestinians towards Israelis has origin in the genocide perpetuated by the state of Israel. Regardless of the pain some settlers may be feeling for having this violence returned, the origin is from the settlers and the only way out for Palestinians has proven to be violence against their oppressors.
Likely never, instead I will continue to side with and advocate for decolonization and land-back.
Blah blah, more lazy genocide apologia.
Not necessarily, as Fanon puts it "The first will be last, and the last will be first." This doesn't mean every white person must be exterminated or sent back to Europe, it means Indigenous Peoples must be at the forefront and allowed to redraw national lines as they see fit. The same is advocated for by Palestinian groups seeking the One State Solution.
I think you'd do well to read decolonial theory like The Wretched of the Earth, especially as a European.
Lol. "I will advocate for decolonization! ~(just not for me)~"
Wow, who would have guessed that a "peace deal" solidifying an alliance between pro-genocide states to cement the status quo of settler-colonialism would be opposed by the subjects of genocide for a century? Peace was already tried and yet it doesn't work, Israel cannot continue its existence as a state without genocide and settler-colonialism of Palestine.
So, if peace is not an option. What kind of resolution are you looking for then?
Victory to the National Liberation movements within Palestine and the dissolution of the fascist Israeli settler-colony, replaced by a single secular Palestinian State, the solution most recommended by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.