this post was submitted on 12 Jan 2025
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I'll bring in cookies and other baked goods to people and they're sometimes life, "Wow! How are these so good?" And I'm baffled cause I just followed the recipe then I remember oh. Some people really do not.
Cooking is more of an art then a science, it is fine to have "Happy little accidents" as it can still turn out fine.
Baking on the other hand is a science forged in the flames of hundreds of ruined experiments. Deviation from the ironclad formulas of old requires extensive knowledge of how each change will effect the overall product.
I have to agree with you because what you said is true yet it is not an absolute truth.
Baking requires a lot more commitement and precision but with enough experience you can salvage most recipes and even make a few by eye measurements.
And after a while, again, given enough experience, you can develop an intuitive grasp of which ingredients and what quantities combined achieve such texture or flavour and you can experiment with a good degree of confidence you will no be binning the end results.
Almost like I was using hyperbole for comedic effect...
If I was to strike out my first sentence, would that spare me the sarcastic remark?