this post was submitted on 26 Jan 2025
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"For the fur in u"
Welcome to Furry_irl, a community for furry memes, shitposts, and other relatable images or comics.
Community rules:
- Code of Conduct — Follow our instance rules.
- Post formatting — All titles should be a single word, followed by _irl. An emoji may substitute the underscore.
- Credit artists — If it's not your art, include who made it in the title or the post body. Links are appreciated, except to X/Twitter.
- Stay on topic — Images should contain or be related to furries. Images should be relatable or a meme. This isn't the place for general art posts.
- Avoid AI images — Our fandom has countless artists, please share their (or your own) labors of love instead.
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And then they come to you complaining about how slow their computer is. I cannot magically make the 11 year old workstation that they insist on abusing with 200+ chrome tabs magically go as fast as their neighbor's who is using it as a glorified email machine.
Yep, has happened in the past. But nowadays browsers are pretty good at minimizing the cpu usage of background tabs. Also, most of our developers' workstations are configured with 64 GB ram, which, come to think of it, might be enabling the addiction in the first place...