Led by RFK Jr., Conservatives Embrace Raw Milk. Regulators Say It’s Dangerous.
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That doesn’t clean out the pus and the blood.
And you do understand the long and careful process of declaring a milk lot as safe for processing, yes?
Not mention the filthy pipes they feed the cows with and how dairy farming is largely responsible for next potential pandemic the bird flu spreading disease to our animal companions and farmers. It’s certainly not as magical of a technique you believe it be. You were clearly not aware of these issues.
Bad practices exist. But good practices do too.
I've visited dairy farms and the animals were well taken care of, fed, and with clean and proper housing conditions.
The regulations are also very hard for keeping dairy cows, too the point many producers have shut down (hopefully, the bad ones). Instalations have to follow strict cleaning and sanitation requirements, pest control protocols, etc. And animals have to be regularly checked by veterinarians, along with surprise visits/inspections from the local municipal veterinarian and national food and animal safety agencies.
And the milk is checked for safety.
Is the current technology in need of an advance? Perhaps. But come on...
The way it works in Canada is they take a sample from each farm, but only test the van that collects the milk from an area's farms.
If the van fails test then they test individual samples and then they fine you the cost of the van, which is steep.
Works pretty well and the vast majority of farms I've visited were clean af.
Source: grew up on a farm.
Then again I barely drink any milk anyway, anything store bought just tastes like water and the family farm burned down a few years ago.
Well, at least compared to 4+% Ayrshire milk.
I question your ability to actually understand the sources that you have quoted here. They don't support your arguments. Just because scientists frequently investigate potential negative externalities of milk consumption doesn't imply that it's unhealthy to consume.
That first article is actually extremely interesting, but the authors overstate the significance of their findings by quite a distance.
See this quote
UHT milk is already widely available and is simply a form of pasteurization that utilizes a higher temperature to kill bacterial endospores and apparently, milk exosomes. So the existence of that form of pasteurization, which the authors apparently prefer to distinguish from more conventional pasteurization for no apparent reason, largely invalidates the litany of potential concerns that they laid out.
Furthermore, their health concerns are largely speculative and based on limited evidence. The main focus of the research seems to be caused by the fact that milk exosomes are currently being considered for use as vessels for the delivery of medicinal drugs.
The authors seem to be arguing against the use of this technique, and possibly for good reason. But that is an entirely separate argument from the one that you are trying to construct.