this post was submitted on 06 Feb 2025
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True security/privacy is impossible.
It is a compromise, and it all depends on your threat model; everything is probably "backdoored" some way or another.
However the productive thing isn't 100% blocking these risks, it's mitigating it. It's not feasible to build your own processor, so for example, choose the least worse between Intel ME and AMD PSP. It's sad that we have to live in a world where surveillance is everywhere, but this is how it is for now.
tl;dr: don't worry too much about these, you'll still be backdoored one way or another, what is important is making it harder for them
This. You can't have perfect privacy/security without going hermit living in the woods off grid. You have to make your compromises and do what is best for you to protect yourself and your data as much as you're comfortable and willing to do.
Satellites. Nowhere is safe 😞
Fair point. Even hermiting in the woods isn't perfect.