Hey folks,
My partner and I took our first couple of handgun classes and went to the range a couple more times to try different handguns and practice. We are now at the stage where we are considering buying our first guns.
We want Toyota corolla type guns, highly available parts, large user base and reliable. We hope this will translate to a large knowledge base on potential issues and solutions, ease of maintenance and well suited for beginners.
They landed on the G19 and I on the G45. We have $1k to spend on each gun + potential upgrades. The main areas of focus are increased accuracy and ease of handling. There is a common advice to buy your gun stock and wait before making any changes. I find, when it comes to muscle memory, that the earlier you have your final setup ready, the better it is.
We would need your help and knowledge to make these 2 guns reliable tools with that price constraint. Every gun video out there wants you to upgrade every single part, we rather focus on the essentials that will make us more effective.
If these Glocks are going to be your first guns, don't change a damn thing. Maybe get the MOS versions to add a red dot in the future. I get what you're saying about muscle memory and what not, but you really don't want to fuck with the mechanisms of a gun you rely on for self defense. You further increase the possibility of malfunctions. Fine on a range, not so fine when bullets are flying.
Like others have said, spend that money on ammo. I promise you, getting really good at accurately firing and drawing a bonestock Glock will absolutely prepare your muscle memory for a "tricked out" gun. All you should buy is your guns, ammo, holsters, and if you have kids a safe storage container of some kind.