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[-] baatliwala@lemmy.world 39 points 7 months ago

This is potentially misleading as we're not sure what it means. MS did something similar but it was to break up a centralised team and bring the AI ethics experts inside various teams. So rather than them coordinate with another team the AI ethics researchers are part of the same team.

[-] vxx@lemmy.world 30 points 7 months ago

Meta disbanded responsible AI team

Meta formed irresponsible AI team

[-] Potatos_are_not_friends@lemmy.world 12 points 7 months ago

This actually makes sense.

My company started with a security team with about 15 people. Honestly all they did was write up security reports and then tell someone else to do it. Fucking useless.

When they disbanded the team, they did integrate them into other teams. So now they're actually part of the solution.

And I can totally see the news twisting that story and making it look like "[company] removes entire security team".

[-] ejmin@lemmy.ml 9 points 7 months ago

Microsoft and Ethics in the same sentence.

[-] bane_killgrind@lemmy.ml 8 points 7 months ago

Flip side, if these researchers are not comparing notes, they have less ability to push back on irresponsible products

this post was submitted on 19 Nov 2023
378 points (97.0% liked)


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