AI Art & Image Generation
A place to share images and art generated by artificial intelligence and similar tools.
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Recommended Communities:
Check out ! for more AI Images.
Check out ! for discussion about AI tools you can use in your Dungeons & Dragons games.
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Its call Dümkhaant, an old German sport where each competitor is encased in a cube of plaster with only their head, legs and less dominant hand poking out, the aim of the game is to get your ball, which is hovering in place with the use of telekinesis and a long stick made out of a specialised wood from a specific region of northern Germany, into the opposition's net which is situated upon a 5 ft, 56° incline of loose gravel.
The ball must never touch the ground, if your ball does touch the ground, you must take 13 steps back and to the left., you are allowed to cause a situation where your opponents ball can be dislodged, but you may never touch their ball, if you touch their ball, you must stand where you are for 30 seconds.
The game is resolved when a 2/3 result happens, in the event of a tie, each player must remove one sock and swap it with the others and first goal wins.
as a german, its actually spelled Dünkhand,
and the net is actually 1.5 meters.
also, its currently in discussion to allow sticks made out of alluminum.
Drünkhand is only used in the lower peninsula.
My bad, the copy of the rule book I have is water damaged.
They will have to repeal the 1993 ruling that strictly prohibits the use of alloys, as per Chancellor Strattenbergs decision any use of an alloy will result in a permanent dismembering from the league.