Hexbear Proposals chapo.chat matrix room.
This will be a place for site proposals and discussion before implementation on the site.
Every proposal will also be mirrored into a pinned post on the hexbear community.
Any other ideas for helping to integrate the two spaces are welcome to be commented here or messaged to me directly.
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All top level messages within the channel must be a Proposals (idea for changing the site), Feedback (regarding non-technical aspects of the site, for technical please use https://hexbear.net/c/feedback), or Appeals (regarding admin/moderator actions).
Discussion regarding these will be within nested threads under the post.
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I had a very strong impression many of the complaints came from concern trolling cis people and they weren't very convincing in hiding their transphobia. They particularly did not complain about a lack of neopronouns, although some complained about opsec reasons - which can be easily adressed by picking none / use name or another neutral option, or just lying - if you value opsec over validation of your gender identity, why would you need a site culture where he / him is the implied default?
If people weren't happy with the lack of neopronouns (which was, ofc, a legitimate concern), why would they oppose pronoun tags on principle instead of demanding them, but with more inclusive options? The majority of the criticism back then was thinly veiled transphobia, please don't try to legitimize that.
as a cis guy who was there, I agree. I remember being against mandatory pronoun selections just from my own perspective (I'd rather people just hit me with the they/them or implied neutral he/him or random she/her or whatever else they feel like than feel the need to check what I set it to) but I have come to understand the other perspectives. And, when I was against it, it was in the mildest "this isn't really a big deal" kind of way, I remember scrolling through the thread(s?) and just being like "what the fuck is wrong with these losers" lmao, the struggle session really baffled me at the time. it's a pronoun box, it isn't the end of the world
In hindsight, I understand that we had a pretty big core userbase of reactionary internet troll / bully types who liked dunking on liberals way more than they were interested in any kind of solidarity with their comrades. they understood enough about communism to know why the end goal is correct, but didn't really care about how a communist movement could or should be built. surface-level communists, i guess
and to conclude this ramble with some kind of point: I think that this struggle session and a couple others were necessary for the identity of the site and for its long-term health. it's good that a bunch of dumb nerds went full
over a lil fuckin ui element and got banned and we built a pretty strong community of people who were, for one reason or another, in agreement about the fact that those guys sucked and it's good they're gone
ofc that should be an option, i'm friends with trans people irl that need this option because these people want to be adressed without third person pronouns, but to say that lack of options was the actual main concern in these struggle sessions is denying that we had a substantial number of transphobes from r/stupidpol in the community when we originally got kicked out of reddit, that they vocally opposed the trans inclusivity of this site, that we successfully purged them and that this was a good and important part of building the site culture.