this post was submitted on 14 Jun 2024
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[–] 15 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

Nah I'm convinced that he's a Destiny-style chud that simply knows he needs to be measured with how he expresses himself so as not to hurt his wallet. His entire worldview expresses a perfectly patriarchal expression. When it comes to genders, romance and sexuality he hard-codes patriarchy and biological determination into it and seemingly has no understanding of how societal suppression and culture factor into people burying or hiding their sexuality that would harm the statistics he uses for claiming biological determination of behaviour.

Contrast this with how the rest of the game simulates a diversity of culture. Like tribal religion and beliefs. It is specifically in the gender, sexuality and romance aspects that he hardcodes patriarchy to occur. Can a matriarchal society occur where women dominate the men who are forced into more submissive roles? No. Because the women are hardcoded to be the recipients of romance rather than the advancers of it. Nevermind how hardcoding a reduction in women performing advances affects lesbian behaviour (by making it not exist at all).

Guy's a chud who has effectively made lgbt behaviour in his game not-exist but claims he's just following statistics, which is a convenient way to include it while also burying it entirely and making it feel barely existent.

If you compare how Dwarf Fortress does it, you can see that Tarn and his brother are not chuds while this dude absolutely is.

[–] 6 points 3 months ago

There really isn't any native power structures exhibited between pawns. Aside from the obnoxious, slutty, sexually aggressive man behavior(which you're right is stupid and a problem for a lot of reasons) and default marriage names going in favor of the man, gender doesn't actually mean much. The tribal monocultures of each village honestly affects more than any individual pawns traits does.

You make good points regarding the use of unsupported statistics to push a specific LGBT+ worldview, but some of this criticism is a bit unfair because the player ultimately has full agency of it. If you want a matriarchal tribe of Amazonian goddesses that subjugate all men, you can absolutely do that as a player without any alterations or mods to the game. You would need to use the slavery mechanics which is a whole different can of worms to discuss though.