submitted 3 days ago by boredsquirrel@slrpnk.net to c/linux@lemmy.ml

The Flatpak is already packaged and works well. It just needs to be maintained from a person that joins the Inkscape community.

This would allow further improvements like Portal support and making the app official on Flathub.

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[-] boredsquirrel@slrpnk.net 5 points 2 days ago

Thats how packaging works.

On Android I use Obtainium, as the package manager deals with signature verification. On Linux, Flatpak is the only equivalent to Android apps.

RustDesk is the only Flatpak not from Flathub I use, because they have messed up permissions.

There's also Pied, which hasn't gotten around to submitting to Flathub.

[-] boredsquirrel@slrpnk.net 2 points 2 days ago

That was my first thought upon finding it. It's really hard to find though, even if you know the name of it.

[-] possiblylinux127@lemmy.zip 1 points 2 days ago

Keep in mind the Rustdesk flatpak has full access to your machine and isn't sandboxed

[-] boredsquirrel@slrpnk.net 1 points 2 days ago

Yes true, thats why it is not published on Flathub.

I will add an override to it that makes sense.

[-] possiblylinux127@lemmy.zip 1 points 2 days ago

Yeah I don't trust it. Chinese made potential spyware

this post was submitted on 25 Jun 2024
172 points (95.7% liked)


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