this post was submitted on 05 Jul 2024
49 points (85.5% liked)

Off My Chest

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1. The "good" part of our community means we are pro-empathy and anti-harassment. However, we don't intend to make this a "safe space" where everyone has to be a saint. Sh*t happens, and life is messy. That's why we get things off our chests.

2. Bigotry is not allowed. That includes racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, and religiophobia. (If you want to vent about religion, that's fine; but religion is not inherently evil.)

3. Frustrated, venting, or angry posts are still welcome.

4. Posts and comments that bait, threaten, or incite harassment are not allowed.

5. If anyone offers mental, medical, or professional advice here, please remember to take it with a grain of salt. Seek out real professionals if needed.

6. Please put NSFW behind NSFW tags.

founded 1 year ago

We had an adult male cat coming into our house who looked rather injured, so we started feeding him and mending his wounds when he got into a fight. It became such a regular thing that he soon brought another cat for feeding. It turns out that this new cat was female and pregnant but we treated her the same. Fast forward to a couple of weeks when we notice she's not pregnant anymore but we could tell she was breastfeeding.

She decided to bring her little kitten along two days ago and we've been trying to get the baby acquainted with us and our cats and everything looked fine and dandy. We even set out a box with a cozy blanket outside for them. We can't take them in so that's the best we could do. They quickly started using it as a shelter.

Well, they came in this morning looking for food as usual. But just a few moments ago in the afternoon, my family member got home and found the little kitten maimed and unresponsive in the box. It had signs of injuries but worse of all his little leg had been amputated by something sharp. We think the neighbor's dog got to him and killed him.

It's so heartbreaking. Why would anyone do this to a baby kitten? I can't even imagine how the momma cat feels because I'm sure she saw it. I don't even think she'll stop by anymore. I'm so angry and upset and I'm crying. Life is so fucking unfair.

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[–] 27 points 3 months ago

Sounds dumb but I watch my backyard ecosystem a lot. Like a LOT. I smoke on the back porch so like I say. A lot. I’ve carefully cultivated this nice little nature preserve and have watched the birds raise families. All families that return year after year and grow their own families. I recognize them and know their patterns and that’s helped me to feed them and their young at the times needed and in a way that minimizes their vulnerabilities. Same with squirrels, possums, etc.

It hurts when you see one of your babies fall prey to something bad. Hawk, neighborhood cats, nature, and worse, humans.

But I began to recognize that’s the price I have to pay to be involved. Realistically I shouldn’t be involved and in an ideal world humans would leave all animals be, but I live in suburbia and animals are sometimes dependent on us here.

But being involved is a precious thing and sometimes it just hurts. Remember that you’re likely right about the kitty falling prey to another animal. But don’t fault that animal as they are simply doing what they know. Just be ultimately grateful that nature recognized you as a safe person/safe place and that’s a pretty awesome thing. Let that thought lift you up when the dark underbelly of nature shows itself.